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Human Herpesviruses.

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1 Human Herpesviruses

2 Human herpesviruses Three subfamilies (genome structure, tissue tropism, cytopathologic effect, site of latent infection) Alphaherpesvirinae: Human herpesvirus 1 Herpes simplex type 1 HSV-1 Human herpesvirus 2 Herpes simplex type 2 HSV-2 Human herpesvirus 3 Varicella-zoster virus VZV Gammaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 4 Epstein-Barr virus EBV Human herpesvirus 8 Kaposi’s sarcoma related virus HHV-8 Betaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 5 Cytomegalovirus CMV Human herpesvirus 6Herpes lymphotropic virus HHV-6 Human herpesvirus 7 Human herpesvirus 7 HHV-7

3 Herpesviruses Unique Features of Herpesviruses
Herpesviruses have large, enveloped icosadeltahedral capsids containing double-stranded DNA genomes. Herpesviruses encode many proteins that manipulate the host cell and immune response. Herpesviruses encode enzymes (DNA polymerase) that promote viral DNA replication and that are good targets for antiviral drugs. DNA replication and capsid assembly occurs in the nucleus. Virus is released by exocytosis, cell lysis, and through cell-cell bridges. Herpesviruses can cause lytic, persistent, latent, and, for Epstein-Barr virus, immortalizing infections. Herpesviruses are ubiquitous. Cell-mediated immunity is required for control.

4 Human herpesviruses They have common: Virion morphology
Basic mode of replication Capacity to establish latent and recurrent infections, in case of EBV immortalizing infections Ubiquitous Usually cause benign disease especially in children In immunosuppressed people they cause significant morbidity and mortality

5 Table 54-1. Properties Distinguishing the Herpesviruses
Body_ID: T054001 Table Properties Distinguishing the Herpesviruses Subfamily Virus Primary Target Cell Site of Latency Means of Spread Alphaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 1 Herpes simplex type 1 Mucoepithelial cells Neuron Close contact Human herpesvirus 2 Herpes simplex type 2 Close contact (sexually transmitted disease) Human herpesvirus 3 Varicella-zoster virus Respiratory and close contact Gammaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 4 Epstein-Barr virus B cells and epithelial cells B cell Saliva (kissing disease) Human herpesvirus 8 Kaposi's sarcoma-related virus Lymphocyte and other cells Close contact (sexual), saliva? Betaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 5 Cytomegalovirus Monocyte, lymphocyte, and epithelial cells Monocyte, lymphocyte, and ? Close contact, transfusions, tissue transplant, and congenital Human herpesvirus 6 Herpes lymphotropic virus T cells and ? Respiratory and close contact? Human herpesvirus 7 ? ? indicates that other cells may also be the primary target or site of latency.

6                                                                                                                          icosadeltahedral capsid and an envelope

7 Human herpesviruses -DNA polymerase: -viral DNA replication -good target for antiviral drugs. -DNA replication and assembly:nucleus -buds from nuclear membrane, released by exocytosis and cell lysis. -lytic,persistant, latent, for EBV immortalizing infections


9 Disease Mechanisms for Herpes Simplex Viruses
Disease is initiated by direct contact and depends on infected tissue (e.g., oral, genital, brain). Virus causes direct cytopathologic effects. Virus avoids antibody by cell-to-cell spread (syncytia). Virus establishes latency in neurons (hides from immune response). Virus is reactivated from latency by stress or immune suppression. Cell-mediated immunity is required for resolution with limited role for antibody. Cell-mediated immunopathologic effects contribute to symptoms. page 544 page 544

10 Herpes simplex virus Two types: HSV-1 and HSV-2
HSV can infect most types of human cells and even cells of other species. Lytic infection of fibroblasts and epitelial cells but latent infection of neurons The primary target cell: mucoepitelial cells Site of latency: neurons

11 Herpes simplex virus Means of spread: HSV-1 close contact, HSV-2 close contact+sexual transmission! Generally cause infection at the site of infection HSV-1: infections above the waist HSV-2: infections below the waist Growth characteristics are different HSV-2 :more potential for viremia




15 Herpes simplex virus Initiates infection through mucosal membranes or breaks in the skin Virus replicates in the cells at the base of the lession and infects the innervating neurons Travels by retrograde transport to the ganglion( trigeminal ganglion for oral HSV, sacral ganglia for genital HSV)

16 Herpes simplex virus Then turns to initial site of infection
May be inapparent or vesicular( vesicle fluid contains infectious virons) Tissue damage: viral pathology+immunopathology Heals without a scar Latent infection occurs in neurons

17 Herpes simplex virus Infects most types of human cells, even cells of other species. Lytic infection of fibroblasts and epitelial cells and latent infection of neurons HSV-1 binds to heparan sulfate , a proteoglycan found on the outside of many cell types

18 Herpes simplex virus Interacts HveC (herpes virus entry mediator C) : a member of immunoglobulin protein family similar to polio virus receptor, found on most cells and neurons Penetrates by fusion During latent infection: the only region of genome to be trancribed generates latency associated transcripts(LATs) and these RNAs are not translated in protein

19 Epidemiology Virus causes lifelong infection
Recurrent diseases is source of contagion Asymtomatic shedding Saliva, vaginal secretion, lesion fluid Transmitted orally, sexually, into eye, breaks in skin HSV-1 usually orally HSV-2 usually sexually

20 Herpes simplex virus Recurrence: stress, trauma, fever, sunlight)
The virus travels back down the nerve causing lessions at the dermatome Recurrences are less severe and more localized

21 HSV-1 is common 90% have antibody by 2 years of age HSV-2 occurs later in life with sexual activity Physicians,nurses,dentists at risk for infection of fingers (herpetic whitlow) Immunocompromised people and neonates at risk of disseminated, life-threateneing disease.

22 Clinical Syndromes HSV-1 and HSV-2 are common human pathogens
Painful but benign manifestations and recurrent disease A clear vesicle on an erythematous base Pustular lesion, ulcer, crusted lesion Sinificant morbidity and mortality on infection of eye,brain or on disseminated infection in immunosuppressed person or neonate.

23 Clinical Syndromes Primary herpetic gingivostomatitits
Recurrent mucocutaneous HSV(cold sores, fever blister) Herpes pharyngitis Herpetic keratitis: corneal damage leading to blindness Herpetic whitlow Eczema herpeticum Genital herpes mostly by HSV-2


25 Clinical Syndromes -Herpes encephalitis: usually by HSV-1,the most common viral cause of sporodic encephalitis.Mortality is high. At all age, at any time of year -HSV meningitis: complication of genital HSV-2 -Neonatal infection: HSV-2, usually fatal


27 Neonatal HSV HSV-2 Either during passage through genital tract
Or rarely in utero Postnatally from family or hospital personel Immune system weak Disseminates to organs Baby is septic and vesicular lesions Death,or mental retardation or neurological disability

28 Laboratory diagnosis Cytology and histology: Tzanck smear(scraping of the base of a lesion), Papanicolaou smear or biopsy specimen Cytopathic effects: syncytia, ballooning of cytoplasm, Cowdry A intranuclear inclusions Direct antigen detection: immunofluorescence method or immunoperoxidase method DNA :in situ hybridization or PCR in tissue or vesicle fluid

29 Laboratory diagnosis Virus isolation: CPE in 1-3 days in HeLa, Hep-2 cells, human embryonic fibroblasts and rabbit kidney cells. Isolates are identified by immunologic methods by antigen detection by IFA. Serology:primary infection, type specific antibody by ELISA (differentiates HSV-1 and HSV-2)

30 Direct microscopic examination of cells from base of lesion
Body_ID: T054002 Body_ID: None Table Laboratory Diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Infections Approach Test/Comment Direct microscopic examination of cells from base of lesion Tzanck smear shows multinucleated giant cells and Cowdry type A inclusion bodies. Cell culture HSV replicates and causes identifiable cytopathologic effect in most cell cultures. Assay of tissue biopsy, smear, cerebrospinal fluid, or vesicular fluid for HSV antigen or genome Enzyme immunoassay, immunofluorescent stain, in situ DNA probe analysis, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). HSV type distinction (HSV-1 vs. HSV-2) Type-specific antibody, DNA maps of restriction enzyme fragments, sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel protein patterns, DNA probe analysis, and PCR. Serology Serology is not useful except for epidemiology. page 548

31 Treatment Nucleotide analogues, viral DNA polymerase inhibitors
Prevents or shortens the course of primary or recurrent disease Can not eliminate latent infection

32 Treatment Acyclovir Penciclovir Valacyclovir Famciclovir
Adenosine arabinoside Iododeoxyuridine Trifluridine

33 FDA-Approved Antiviral Treatments for Herpesvirus Infections
Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 Acyclovir Penciclovir Valacyclovir Famciclovir Adenosine arabinoside Iododeoxyuridine Trifluridine Varicella-Zoster Virus Varicella-zoster immune globulin Zoster immune plasma Live vaccine Epstein-Barr Virus None Cytomegalovirus Ganciclovir* Valganciclovir* Foscarnet* Cidofovir* The

34 Pregnant women Active genital HSV Asymtomatic shedding
Such transmission can be prevented by cesarean section No vaccine available yet.

35 Varicella-Zoster Chickenpox(varicella)
With recurrence :herpes zoster-shingles:zona Primary target cell: mucoepitelial cell Site of latency: neuron Means of spread: respiratory and close contact Viremia occurs after local replication :skin lessions over the entire body

36 Disease Mechanisms of Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV)
Initial replication is in the respiratory tract. VZV infects epithelial cells, fibroblasts, T cells, and neurons. VZV can form syncytia and spread directly from cell to cell. Virus is spread by viremia to skin and causes lesions in successive crops. VZV can escape antibody clearance, and cell-mediated immune response is essential to control infection. Disseminated, life-threatening disease can occur in immunocompromised people. Virus establishes latent infection of neurons, usually dorsal root and cranial nerve ganglia. Herpes zoster is a recurrent disease; it results from virus replication along the entire dermatome. Herpes zoster may result from depression of cell-mediated immunity and other mechanisms of viral activation. page 550

37 Varicella-Zoster Primary VZV infection: mucosa of respiratory tract
Viremia Reticuloendotelial system,liver,spleen 11-13 days later secondary viremia Virus is spread through the body and skin=rash+fever+systemic symptoms



40 Varicella-Zoster Latent in dorsal root or cranial nerve ganglia after primary infection Reactivates in older adults and in patients with impaired immunity. On reactivation : a vezicular rash along the entire dermatome Children and leukemia: VZV more serious and more disseminated disease

41 Varicella-Zoster Extremely communicable
Rates of infection exceeds 90% among household contact Contagious before and during symptoms. HZ develops in 10-20% of people infected with VZV and contains viable virus.

42 Varicella(Chickenpox)
Five classic childhood exanthems: chickenpox, measles, roseola, fifth disease,rubella Mild childhood disease Fever+maculopapular rash 14 days incubation All stages of skin lesion (vesicle, pustular, crust) More severe on trunk even on scalp Bacterial superinfection

43 Varicella(Chickenpox)
Severe in adults (interstitial pneumonia) Severe in neonates and immunocompromised.

44 Herpes-zoster Recurrence of latent varicella Severe pain
Rash limited to the dermatome


46 Varicella-Zoster Laboratory diagnosis: Cytology
Virus isolation: difficult Serology Treatment: ACV,famciclovir and valacyclovir Prophylaxis: VZIG:varicella-zoster immunoglobulin:immunosuppressed patients A live attenuated vaccine(Oka strain)

47 Epstein-Barr Virus Heterophile antibody-positive infectious mononucleosis Chronic disease Associated with endemic Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, B-cell lymphomas in patients with acquired or congenital immunodeficiencies. Hairy oral leukoplakia Mitogen for B cells and immortalizes them

48 Epstein-Barr Virus Gammaherpesvirinae: Primary target cell: B cells and epitelial cells Site of latency: B cell Means of spread: saliva (kissing disease) Limited host range and tissue tropism: receptor for C3d component of the complement system (CR2 or CD21) which is expressed on B cells of humans and some epitelial cells of oro- and nasopharynx.

49 Select viral genes are expressed, depending on the state of the B cell; they include Epstein-Barr nuclear antigens (EBNAs) 1, 2, 3A, 3B, and 3C; latent proteins (LPs); latent membrane proteins (LMPs) 1 and 2 The EBNAs and LPs are DNA-binding proteins that are essential for establishing and maintaining the infection (EBNA-1), immortalization (EBNA-2), and other purposes. The LMPs are membrane proteins with oncogene-like activity. These proteins stimulate the growth of and immortalize the B cell. EBV establishes latency in memory B cells in which only the EBNA-1 and LMP-2 are expressed, maintaining the genome in the cells but with minimal potential for immune recognition of the infected cell.

50 Disease Mechanisms of Epstein-Barr Virus
Virus in saliva initiates infection of oral epithelia and spreads to B cells in lymphatic tissue. There is productive infection of epithelial and B cells. Virus promotes growth of B cells (immortalizes). T cells kill and limit B-cell outgrowth. T cells are required for controlling infection. Antibody role is limited. EBV establishes latency in memory B cells and is reactivated when the B cell is activated. T-cell response (lymphocytosis) contributes to symptoms of infectious mononucleosis. There is causative association with lymphoma in immunosuppressed people and African children living in malarial regions (African Burkitt's lymphoma) and with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in China.

51 EBV The diseases of EBV result from either an overactive immune response (infectious mononucleosis) or the lack of effective immune control (lymphoma and hairy cell leukoplakia).



54 Epstein-Barr Virus EBV activate B-cell growth and prevents apoptosis(programmed cell death) T cell response (lymphocytosis) :atypical Lymphocytosis:Downey cells account for 10-80% of total white blood cells during the second week Lymph glands,spleen and liver swells Mild in children



57 Epstein-Barr Virus Virus causes lifelong infection May cause aymptomatic shedding Recurrent disease is a cause of contagion Children:mild or asmptomatic Teenagers and adults: infectious mononucleosis Immunocompromised people: at high risk of for life threatening neoplastic disease

58 Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr Virus
Symptoms Mild headache, fatigue, fever Triad: Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, exudative pharyngitis Other: Hepatitis, ampicillin-induced rash Complete blood cell count Hyperplasia Atypical lymphocytes (Downey cells) (T cells) Heterophile antibody (transient) EBV-antigen specific antibody

59 post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease
Many Hodgkin's lymphomas can also be attributed to EBV Hairy Oral Leukoplakia


61 EBV-associated neoplasms
Geographic distribution Co-factor? Endemic Burkett’s lymphoma: Africa:malaria Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: China


63 Laboratory diagnosis Heterophile antibody: results from nonspecific activation of B cells by EBV IgM antibody recognizes Paul-Bunnell antigen on sheep, horse and bovine erythrocytes not on guinea pig kidney cells Detected at the end of first week , lasts for several months Monotest, ELISA: specific antibodies VCA-IgM, antibody to early antigen (EA): recent infection VCA-IgG, EBNA: previous infection


65 Cytomegalovirus(CMV)
Betaherpesvirnae: lymphotropic Primary target cell: monocyte, lymphocte, epitelial cell Site of latency: monocyte, lymphocyte and? Means of spread: close contact, transfusions, tissue transplant and congenital

66 Sources of infection Neonate: transplacental transmission, intrauterine infection, cervical secretion Baby or child: body secretions, breast milk, saliva, tears, urine Adult: sexual transmission(semen), blood transfusion, organ graft

67 Clinical findings Predominant presentation: asymptomatic
Neonates: deafness, mental retardation Immunosuppressed patients: disseminated dissease, severe disease (pneumonia, retinitis, colitis, esophagitis)

68 CMV the most common viral cause of congenital defects
particularly important as an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients

69 Congenital infection An important cause of congenital disease
Serious birth defects is high if primary infection occurs during pregnancy Microcephaly, intracerebral calcification,hepatosplenomegaly,rash(cytomegalic inclusion disease), unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, mental retardation CMV in the urine in the first week (culture,PCR)

70 CMV immunsupressed patients
CMV disease of the lung (pneumonia and pneumonitis) is a common outcome in immunosuppressed patients Retinitis (%10-15 AIDS patients) Interstitial pneumonia and encephalitis colitis or esophagitis may develop in as many as 10% of patients with AIDS May be related with GVHR after bone marrow transplantation

71 Table 54-6. Cytomegalovirus Syndromes
Body_ID: T054006 Table Cytomegalovirus Syndromes Tissue Children/Adults Immunosuppressed Patients Predominant presentation Asymptomatic Disseminated disease, severe disease Eyes - Chorioretinitis Lungs Pneumonia, pneumonitis Gastrointestinal tract Esophagitis, colitis Nervous system Polyneuritis, myelitis Meningitis and encephalitis, myelitis Lymphoid system Mononucleosis syndrome, post-transfusion syndrome Leukopenia, lymphocytosis Major organs Carditis,* hepatitis* Hepatitis Neonates Deafness, intracerebral calcification, microcephaly, mental retardation *Complication of mononucleosis or postperfusion syndrome.

72 . Epidemiology of Cytomegalovirus Infection
Disease/Viral Factors Virus causes lifelong infection. Recurrent disease is source of contagion. Virus may cause asymptomatic shedding. Transmission Transmission occurs via blood, organ transplants, and all secretions (urine, saliva, semen, cervical secretions, breast milk, and tears). Virus is transmitted orally and sexually, in blood transfusions, in tissue transplants, in utero, at birth, and by nursing. Geography/Season Virus is found worldwide. There is no seasonal incidence. Who Is at Risk? Babies. Babies of mothers who experience seroconversion during term: At high risk for congenital defects. Sexually active people. Blood and organ recipients. Burn victims. Immunocompromised people: Symptomatic and recurrent disease. Modes of Control Antiviral drugs are available for patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Screening potential blood and organ donors for cytomegalovirus reduces transmission of virus. page

73 Laboratory tests Cytology and histology: ‘OWL’s eye’ inclusion body basophilic intranuclear:Urine not so sensitive Antigen in peripheral leucocytes DNA by PCR Cell culture: Human diploid fibroblasts Serology: primary infection


75 Treatment Ganciclovir Foscarnet Valganciclovir Cidofovir No vaccine

76 Other mononucleosis causes
EBV CMV HIV Toxoplasma gondii

77 Human herpesvirus 6 Betaherpesvirinae Lymphotropic , ubiquitous
Primary target cell: T cells and ? Site of latency: T cells and ? Means of spread: Respiratory, close contact Exanthema subitum: roseola A mononucleosis syndrome and lympadenopathy

78 Exanthema subitum High fever+rash for 24-48 hours Incubation 4-7 days
Recovery without complication

79 Human herpesvirus 8 HHV-8 DNA sequences were discovered by PCR in biopsy specimens of Kaposi’s sarcoma (characteristic opportunistic diseases associated with AIDS) Primary effusion lymphoma (rare type of B-cell lymphoma) Multicentric Castleman’s disease

80 Human herpesvirus 8 Kaposi’s sarcoma-related virus
Primary target cell: Lymphocyte and other cells Site of latency:? Means of spread: close contact, sexual, saliva? Limited to certain geographic areas (Italy, Greece, Africa) and AIDS

81 Human herpesvirus 8 Laboratory diagnosis:
Serology: specific antibodies:IFA IgG,IgM HHV-8DNA by PCR

82 Herpesvirus simiae(B virus)
Asian monkeys Bites, saliva Encephalopathy in humans fatal

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