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Bishops’ Mission Orders Enabling the mixed economy church.

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Presentation on theme: "Bishops’ Mission Orders Enabling the mixed economy church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bishops’ Mission Orders Enabling the mixed economy church

2 The mixed economy church





7 Bishops’ Mission Orders Fresh Expressions within the mixed economy church

8 Minding the Gap ChurchCulture

9 the mixed economy church a midweek all-age after school service Parish Communion a Sunday Evening Deanery Youth congregation A network of midweek cells assembling monthly A small community in a new housing area

10 The Spectrum Large Projects Funded Posts “BMO” Locally based Lay led Shift to “church” New Communities Wider than parish Some funding Reimagining for mission

11 What is a fresh expression? A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church. It will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples. It will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context.

12 Bishops’ Mission Orders Stories of fresh expressions of church



















31 Bishops’ Mission Orders The process and the resources available

32 Bishops’ Mission Orders Purpose and scope The three-stage process: – Exploration – Consultation – Action Accompaniment and review

33 The Key Documents The DPM Measure 2007 The House of Bishops’ Code of Practice Advisory Material – Beginners Guide – Share ( – Skeleton orders

34 “To affirm, enable, encourage and support a new mission initiative within the overall ordering of the life of the church.” Relational and Synodical involvement, recognition, clear oversight and integration in diocesan life Purpose and scope

35 When a mission initiative aims to establish a new community (a fresh expression of church) When a number of parishes or ecumenical partners are involved Code of Practice a helpful & good guide for local situations When are they needed?

36 A network congregation for young adults in a deanery A collaboration between two parishes and a circuit in a new housing area A language-based congregation serving a large town For example:

37 A Three Stage Process Stage 1 Making the Proposal and Initial Explorations Stage 2 Consultation and Drafting the Order Stage 3 Making the Order and Review

38 Bishops’ Mission Orders are made by bishops. The Bishop can initiate explorations, and/or local leaders can request an exploration. The Bishop normally appoints an “officer” to do this work Stage 1 Making the Proposal and Initial Explorations

39 Initial Questions 1.What is the nature and scope of the proposal? 2.Who are the originating parties? 3.How will the proposal further the mission of the Church? 4.Are ecumenical partners involved at this stage or envisaged? 5.Why is a Bishop’s Mission Order required?

40 Further Questions 6.How will it fit with everything else? 7.Resources and partnerships 8.Who needs to be formally consulted? 9.Mission accompaniment? 10.Provision of ministry 11.Sustainability 12.Special circumstances

41 Other churches/religious organisations “as [the Bishop] thinks fit” Those with “significant interest” The diocesan mission & pastoral committee The leaders of the planned initiative Stage 2 Consultation and Drafting the Order

42 “Ministry without consent” Why is this needed? 1.To provide continuity into the future (change of incumbent) 2.To cover a large geographical area and prevent unreasonable veto 3.Where present incumbent is unwilling to consent and the bishop is satisfied it is appropriate to override this.

43 “Ministry without consent” What consultation? 1.For a small number of parishes: the incumbent(s) concerned 2.For a deanery: the House of Clergy of the Deanery Synod 3.For a diocese: the House of Clergy of the Diocesan Synod

44 Decision: making clear… 1.…the objectives and the areas of work. 2.…the leaders and their role, and provision for sacramental worship. 3.…the time-scale of the order. An order will be issued for a limited term (up to 5 years) in the first instance.

45 The Bishop appoints a Visitor to the initiative. The Visitor: – Oversees the initiative on the Bishop’s behalf. – Reports to the Bishop and ensures that lines of communication are open. – Reviews the initiative regularly and conducts a full review near the end of the order. Stage 3 Making the Order and Review

46 Accompaniment The Visitor ensures that there is suitable mission accompaniment* for the initiative. * A person or people “who will walk with them as supportive and critical friends, both encouraging and challenging their development”.

47 Review - scope Should the initiative continue? Should the BMO be renewed, or replaced by other legal provision? Should there be formal changes to the BMO? Are there particular aspects of the work that need to be addressed?

48 Review - outcome Renewal for a further finite period Renewal, pending an alternative future Termination of the Order Replacement by another legal basis Renewal for an indefinite period

49 Is it worth the effort? Testing a call Owning the vision Securing continuity Providing accountability Patience needed!









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