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The Daily 5 is a series of literacy tasks that develop the daily habits of reading, writing and working with peers that will lead to a lifetime.

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5 The Daily 5 is a series of literacy tasks that develop the daily habits of reading, writing and working with peers that will lead to a lifetime of independent literacy. During Daily 5 the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals.

6 Read To Self Read To Someone Word Work Work On Writing Listen To Reading

7 Exploring Matter and Energy The Natural World Living Systems

8 Second Step › Students learn and practice vital social skills such as empathy, emotion management, problem solving and cooperation Community Helpers Mapping Skills Customs and Traditions Rules and Procedures

9 Math is taught through the state adopted series Investigations, supplement materials and hands on learning. Recognizing, counting and writing numbers to 20. Positional words-above, below, over, under Counting to 100 Patterns Measurement-weight, capacity, length area Graphing Geometric figures

10 Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) The TPRI tests the student’s knowledge on skills we have been covering in class. These skills include: rhyming, blending, deleting initial and final sounds, letter identification and listening comprehension. Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) The DRA is a leveled reading program which goes from level A and then from 1-40. The leveling system will take them through the third grade. Our goal is to have students reading at a level 4 at the end of Kindergarten. Report Cards and Data Folders These will be coming home every nine weeks. M-class Math Tests the student knowledge on counting, number identification, quantity discrimination and missing numbers

11 Newsletter and notes will keep you informed about what is happening in Kindergarten Weekly newsletter will come home every week. Check and clean out folders every night

12 Help prepare teaching materials Volunteer in a classroom Field Trip Chaperones Guest Speakers

13 Please read with your child for 20 minutes each night. Check folder for additional homework to come home occasionally.

14 If your child is contagious or has a fever please keep them at home.

15 Children unload from the car and follow the boots into the school. Please watch for teachers and safety patrol All students should report to the cafeteria. Teachers will pick up students in the cafeteria In an effort for our students to gain independence we encourage you to say your goodbyes in the main hallway. If it is 8, you’re late! Being on time starts the day off right !

16 Dismissal is at 3:00 Students who are not picked up by 3:10 will be escorted to the office. A consistent routine ensures safety. For the safety of our students pets are not allowed on campus. Please notify us of any changes in your child’s established routine with a note or a message by 2:00.

17 Discuss your child’s lunch choices before coming to school. Send all lunch money in a marked envelope. Include first and last name, amount and teachers name. Pre-pay lunch accounts online. A new menu will come home each month.

18 We will go on two field trips this year. A background check is required for all chaperones. This process takes about two weeks. We ask that arrangements are made for all younger siblings if you would like to help chaperone. We will be ordering class shirts to wear on field trips and at other class events.


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