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How to help deep energy conservation take flight?.

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Presentation on theme: "How to help deep energy conservation take flight?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to help deep energy conservation take flight?

2 Solar Panels Tied to energy conservation

3 The Grant Basics $24,000 for each congregation For solar installations – only and all Matching funds not required Tied to energy conservation… And promotion

4 Benefits Savings from solar panels. Last 25 - 40 years. Savings from energy conservation. Savings in members’ homes Pride and profile – media, highly visible Community-building – engaging youth

5 Congregation’s Commitment Energy conservation in congregation - 25% Energy conservation in homes – 14% in 1/3 rd Host two workshops, help organize third Permanent sign, help with media, publicize Simple quarterly reports

6 Is this level of energy conservation realistic? Very. Houses of WorshipCBSECCSTLCTECUUBUUIAvg. Electricity27%32%54%23%32%47%33% Natural Gas61%47%7%13%26%42%36% Members’ HomesCBSECCSTLCTECUUBUUIAvg. Energy Reduction 22%28%22%29%30% 27% Results to Date: First Six Congregations

7 How to reduce energy use by 25% to 40%? Cut out waste. Heat, cool, & light people - not empty spaces Plug cracks in building Invest in technologies that use less energy: – Automatic controls: turn items off when not in use – Cost-effective lighting – When replacing HVAC units, boilers, & fridges

8 Achieving the Household Goal is Easy Household energy conservation pledge Posters & brochure provides guidance Youth can help – builds good will & community Simple survey to show you did it Youth weatherizing a home

9 What’s needed to apply? Securing governing body approval Energy conservation plan for congregation Energy conservation plan for members Monthly energy data – “base year”, 2014 List of members who pledge

10 Energy Conservation Solar Panels bring the congregation on board… while does the heavy lifting.

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