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Practice Using Imagery English II Mrs. Hoegh. 1) Choose one of these photos to describe creatively using imagery as a whole group. 2) Decide what mood.

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Presentation on theme: "Practice Using Imagery English II Mrs. Hoegh. 1) Choose one of these photos to describe creatively using imagery as a whole group. 2) Decide what mood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice Using Imagery English II Mrs. Hoegh

2 1) Choose one of these photos to describe creatively using imagery as a whole group. 2) Decide what mood you want to convey using your imagery (make sure all of your descriptions match this mood). 3)Try to incorporate as many of the senses as possible.

3 1) Choose one of these photos to describe creatively using imagery independently. 2) Decide what mood you want to convey using your imagery (make sure all of your descriptions match this mood). 3)Try to incorporate as many of the senses as possible.

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