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Taking Supplements for Nutrition VS. Eating Whole Foods to Obtain Nutrients “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”-Hippocrates.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Supplements for Nutrition VS. Eating Whole Foods to Obtain Nutrients “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”-Hippocrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Supplements for Nutrition VS. Eating Whole Foods to Obtain Nutrients “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”-Hippocrates

2 Importance of Vitamins Not a carbohydrate, protein, or fat Body can not produce vitamins Needed by the body in small amounts to perform a specific function Considered Fat-Soluble or Water- Soluble

3 Importance of Minerals Simple elements having an important role in structure and function, for example, Calcium gives strength to the bones Required amounts vary from person to person Not easily absorbed as vitamins Two types, Major Minerals and Trace Elements The same as vitamins, one mineral can not replace the lack of another

4 Phytonutrients Macronutrient that is present in fruits and vegetables Helps to protect the body and fight illness Reduces pain and inflammation There are a variety of phytonutrients that can help to promote health and slow aging Can not be isolated into one nutrient and created into a pill

5 Supplements are not a Supplement When researchers noted the benefits of beta-carotene in foods and attempted to isolate the supplement, an increase of cancer risk occurred An over abundance of certain vitamins can be harmful to the body Eating whole foods with phytonutrients is associated with reduced cancer risk, better health, and slow aging

6 Eating Whole Foods Whole foods contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that is important to proper health Eating a wide range of different whole foods helps to work together to aid in cancer prevention and control

7 Eat MORE Whole Foods The USDA recommends for adults to consume 45-65% of calories from healthy carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) Recommendations are for nutrient-dense food choices, no added sugar and limit amounts of unhealthy oils The USDA suggests half your plate be fruits and vegetables in order to meet your recommended daily goal The CDC reported that in 2009 only 33% of adults were eating the recommended amount of servings of fruits and 27% were eating the recommendation for vegetables

8 Replacing Whole Foods for Supplements More fruits and vegetables you consume the more nutrients you obtain for very limited calories More variety of colored fruits and vegetables provides more variety of protection for the body Consuming a variety of phytonutrients helps assist in reducing inflammation, slows aging, repair damaged cells, and helps to prevent degenerative disease. Research has also shown populations that consume over 75% of their calories from phytonutrient-rich foods have lower death rates from disease and reduced obesity rates

9 Benefits of Whole Foods over Supplements Taking one pill, for example Vitamin C, supplies one vitamin where eating an orange supplies vitamin c and beta carotene Whole foods also supply dietary fiber and essential nutrients that is needed by the body to help with disease prevention and constipation Whole foods contain phytochemicals that help prevent cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease and also contains antioxidants Dietary guidelines only recommend those who do not consume a healthy diet with a wide variety to take supplements

10 Conclusion Whole foods supplies the body with greater nutrition, essential fiber, and protective phytochemicals, all which can not be obtained in pill form. Whole foods aid in disease and illness prevention, cell repair, reduction in pain and inflammation and natural antiaging antioxidants where isolating some of these benefits in a pill form can essentially be harmful to the body. Clinical trials have noted some nutritional supplements did not have the beneficial results as did the phytonutrients in whole foods and the results went on to state that “cancer protection must come from a combination of phytonutrients in whole foods that are not in isolated supplements” (Cohen, 2012) As most Americans are not meeting the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diet, simply by adding more whole foods in this group can help with improving overall health and supplement needs

11 Reference Brown, J. E., & Isaacs, J. S. (2014). Nutrition through the life cycle. Stamford, CT: CENGAGE Learning. CDC Newsroom Press Release. (2009, September 29). Retrieved from Cohen, L. (2012, March 26). Whole Foods or Supplements? Retrieved from Larson, I. I., & Larson, A. (2013). Clean cuisine: An 8-week anti-inflammatory nutrition program that will change the way you age, look, & feel. Schlenker, E. D., Roth, S. L., Williams, S. R., & Schlenker, E. D. (2011). Williams' essentials of nutrition and diet therapy. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Mosby. Supplements: Nutrition in a pill? (2014, October 18). Retrieved from living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/supplements/art-20044894 living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/supplements/art-20044894

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