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WOMEN FORGET THAT MEN ARE THE MASTERS Fertility, Identity & Social Value Presentation based on the work of Margrethe Silberschmidt Kisii District, Kenya.

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2 WOMEN FORGET THAT MEN ARE THE MASTERS Fertility, Identity & Social Value Presentation based on the work of Margrethe Silberschmidt Kisii District, Kenya Internet – Greatland Gusii Pictures

3 Traditional Fertility Beliefs & Values 3 Basic Principles of Traditional Fertility –a woman should begin to bear children almost as soon as she was able and continue as long as she was able –Every man (even if old, married and father many times over) should invest almost all available wealth (cattle, goats, surplus grains, etc,) to procure childbearing wives for himself and his sons by way of bridewealth payment –Children born ‘irregularly’ or ‘out of wedlock’ would always find a man willing to claim them as legal father

4 Traditional Fertility Beliefs & Values Men were commemorated by their sons in the ancestor cult – thus sons may fulfill the desire to leave a certain influence after death. Fertility was associated with innocence, infertility with misfortune and guilt. Men want daughters to bring in bridewealth and sons in order to carry on the family name thus men wanted an equal number of each sex. The childbearing capacity of a woman was the main value transferred in exchange for bridewealth. Widows, Co-wife competition & ‘Women Marriages’

5 ‘Traditional’ Family Planning Abstinence Natural Contraceptives for women Diet (for men) Polygyny

6 Fertility Patterns in Present Day Kisii While at a national level birth rates are declining, the rate among the Kisii have barely decreased and are still the highest in the country. Ideally women want 2-3 children of each sex. Marital insecurity and competition among co-wives prompts women to have many children. Peoples views towards fertility are not static – they change according to circumstances. Spouses often miscommunicate or fail to communicate their desires about children.

7 Number of Children Desired by Surveyed Kisii Women 4 Children21% 5 Children11.9% 6 Children20.2% More than 622.4% Number of Children Desired by Kisii Husbands According to Surveyed Wives 4 Children11.6% 5 Children6.7% 6 Children10.2% More than 6>40%

8 Fertility in Kissi Today The circumcision rituals put strong emphasis on both male and female fertility. Motherhood and Fatherhood is prestigious. A man with no children ‘has no say’; a woman without children has no status. Infertility is considered a disaster, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. It is acceptable for men to have extramarital affairs, but not for women to.

9 The value of Children Children have become economic burdens –Scarcity of Land –Expense of Education –Can no longer be counted on for labor

10 Modern Family Planning in Kissi - Knowledge, Attitude & Practice In the 1960s family planning was introduced through mother and child care The traditional knowledge of Natural herbal contraception is dying out The choice of contraceptive methods is very limited Today Family planning is only for ‘married’ women The women are subjected to punishment for illegal pregnancy

11 Women’s Reasons For Contraceptive Use Economic burden of children Enough children of the ‘right sex’ Pregnancies are a burden The need for long interval between children

12 Women’s reason for not using contraceptives Because of side effects and rumors about side effects Limited service of the family planning clinics Social repercussions “children are not enough” “husband against” Bridewealth

13 Male Attitudes Contraceptives are not for them (but their ok for their neighbor). Uninterested in family planning because their parental responsibilities are light. Side effects of contraceptive are not good. It undermines ‘man’s authority in his own house’ ‘the wife gets the upper hand, and the husband has no say’, ‘women go looking for other men’

14 Male Attitudes Contraception is a woman’s problem – control of men’s fertility and sexuality is not a man’s concern. Why large number of children Sons to remember their fathers Daughters to pay for the wives of the sons “If all eggs in the womb of my wife are not used how would I know if I have prevented the birth of a son who would become president of Kenya”

15 Men and Women’s Attitudes to Male contraception (condoms) It is not accepted and popular “men do not like such things” “they make a man not function” “It is only for extra-marital sex, not for home use” These beliefs contribute to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, especially aids.

16 Identity Social Value & Fertility Obscure Reasons for Conflicting Fertility Interests –Male authority is increasingly being challenged –Male identity is deeply rooted in his ability to control his wife’s fertility, and thus the number of children he has –Women’s expanding social & economic roles within the household do not put them in the same position as men.

17 Control Over Fertility Who is in Control? Men –It is through a woman’s fertility that she gets access to land –Their signatures are needed in order for the wife to be sterilized –Their control has been modified and threatened by the introduction of modern contraceptives Women –Use contraceptives without their husbands knowledge –They use their fertility strategically –Many men feel ‘It is women’s decision in the end’.

18 Conflicting Fertility Interests It is an inherent feature in the existential identities of both women and men to have children. For the Kisii the childbearing role is an inherent role for women; it is difficult to negotiate. For a man is a ‘natural’ role to provide his wife with children. The immanence of these roles explains the paradoxical attitudes of both men and women towards contraceptives and childbearing. The ‘natural’ role of childbearing may be changing slowly as new female social roles emerge.

19 fin By: Asmeret & Michelle Internet – Greatland Gusii Pictures

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