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Foundation Degree IT Project Milestone 2: Design and Project Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundation Degree IT Project Milestone 2: Design and Project Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundation Degree IT Project Milestone 2: Design and Project Planning

2 Objectives Richard Hancock2  Describe what the design stage is  List various design techniques  Describe project planning  Describe the use of the log book *** 15/08/2015

3 Design specification Richard Hancock3  Map the logical models and produce a design specification  The design specification will be different for everyone but should reflect your project and the project area  Refer to your functional and non-functional requirements  This is basically the blueprint for implementing your system/solution and how to do it  Design techniques are used as part of this process 15/08/2015

4 Design techniques Richard Hancock4  Look at your methodology to see what advice it gives you about design techniques  Dependent upon the project  Could be:  Algorithms  State transition diagrams  Data dictionaries  Query design  Storyboards  Interface designs  Hierarchical sitemaps  Network diagrams  Floor plans/layout  Flow charts 15/08/2015

5 Project planning Richard Hancock5  Production of some sort of project plan  Can be done using:  Microsoft Project  Open Workbench Open Workbench  Excel spreadsheet  Be realistic with your time planning!  You will need to revise your original project plan (baseline) as the project develops therefore you should end up with several plans over the course of the project  You will refer to your time plans in the evaluation (Milestone 3) in order to reflect upon your time management skills 15/08/2015

6 Project log book Richard Hancock6  Use the project log book to summarise your email communication/progress/issues etc and include in the report for the submission *** 15/08/2015

7 Summary Richard Hancock7  Design specification  The blueprints from which a solution/system can be consistently developed  Project design techniques will vary considerably  The techniques are dependent upon what your project is about  If you gave your design to someone else, could they implement it?  Project planning  Make use of Gantt charts  Keep them up to date with changes to your plans  You should end up with a series of them as the project matures over time 15/08/2015

8 Questions... 15/08/2015Richard Hancock8 ...are there any?

9 Richard Hancock9 End! 15/08/2015

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