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Vladimir Lenin Presented by: Lorena Menera. Early life  Born April 22,1870 in Simbirsk.  Real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.  Became known as Lenin.

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Presentation on theme: "Vladimir Lenin Presented by: Lorena Menera. Early life  Born April 22,1870 in Simbirsk.  Real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.  Became known as Lenin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vladimir Lenin Presented by: Lorena Menera

2 Early life  Born April 22,1870 in Simbirsk.  Real name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.  Became known as Lenin in 1901(Lena river of Siberia)  Lenin had educated parents, and all his family became revolutionists.  Brother, Alexander was hung for being part on plot trying to kill Czar Alexander III.  Vladimir was deeply influenced by his brother Alexander's death in 1887.

3 School/ University  Vladimir ready at age 5; entered school at age 9.  Vladimir had always been a great student; he stood up for what he believed in.  Applied in Kazan University.  Expelled soon after for protesting against Kazan.  Entered St. Peterson University  1891 received a law degree and joined a law firm in Samara.

4 Rise to fame  Became leader of the Marxist organization. (Social Democratic labor party)  1895- Traveled to Germany, France, Switzerland; met other Marxist and became more known.  Author of The Development of Capitalism in Russia (1899). (Wrote while in Siberia with his wife)  Changed his name to Lenin in the illegal newspaper in Germany. (To confuse police)

5 Bolsheviks  Became leader of the Bolshinstvo (Majority)  Didn’t really agree with the Menshinstvo (He thought they weren’t true revolutionist)  Smuggled paper into Russia.  1906-1908 attended congress parties in several different places.  Started the Pravda newspaper (The truth) He was the chief contributor.

6 Death/Exile  Feared that Russian Nationalism would take over after his death.  Lenin was a bit iffy about Stalin to have control.  1922, Bolshevik made the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Lenin suffered from his first stroke May 1922.  1923 Lenin had his 2 nd stroke and he couldn’t appoint a new party secretary to replace Stalin.  1924 Lenin died of a brain hemorrhage.  Stalin ruled after his death.

7 Important Time Periods  1870- Born in Simbirsk  1887-Brother, Alexander was murdered; influenced Vladimir to stand up for what he believes in.  1891- Received his law degree from St. Petersburg University.  1897- Exiled to Siberia for making a revolutionary newspaper.  1900- Returned from exile, went to Germany.  1901- Began using the name Lenin to hide his identity in the Zarya newspaper.

8 Important Time Periods.  1903- Announced leader of the Bolsheviks.  1912- Became Pravda’s chief contributor.  1917- Lenin returned to Russia from Switzerland, but Russian Government arrested him.  1917-Leon Trotsky was the president of the Petrograd soviet union.  October 1917- Bolsheviks attacked, they later controlled the Russian government. “Bread, peace, land”

9 Important Time Periods  Dec 1917- Lenin passed the Cheka, got rid of anybody who got in the Bolsheviks way.  1918- Bolsheviks murdered Czar Nicholas II.  August 1918- Shot twice by Kaplan (Part of the Social Revolutionary Party) She was killed.  1921- After wining over Russia, began the New Economic Policy.  1924- Lenin died.

10 Leon Trotsky 1879-1940  November 1879-Trotsky is born.  1898- Arrested for revolutionary activity.  1905- Arrested again for leadership in St. Petersburg Soviet.  1917- Became the 1 st Soviet commissar of foreign affairs.  1918-1920- Organizer of the Red Army.  1924- People thought that he would take over after Lenin’s death, but Stalin took over.  1940- Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico city.

11 Stalin >.<  December 1879- Stalin was born in Russia.  1905- First confrontation with Lenin.  1912- Became part of the Bolshevik Party Central committee.  1922- Stalin was secretly plotting to gain power after Bolsheviks victory in the Civil war.  1924- Outsmarted Trotsky and became powerful.  1929- Dictator of the Soviet Union.  1953- Died in Moscow from brain hemorrhage.

12 Bibliography  Marrin, Albert. "Lenin, V. I." World Book Online Reference Center. 2008. [Place of access.] 17 Nov. 2008.  Marrin, Albert. "Trotsky, Leon." World Book Online Reference Center. 2008. [Place of access.] 20 Nov. 2008.  Marrin, Albert. "Stalin, Joseph." World Book Online Reference Center. 2008. [Place of access.] 20 Nov. 2008.

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