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Vladimir Lenin. About Lenin Born in April, 22 1824 Died in January, 1970 His full name was Vladimir Llyrich Lenin Lenin was not his real last name it.

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Presentation on theme: "Vladimir Lenin. About Lenin Born in April, 22 1824 Died in January, 1970 His full name was Vladimir Llyrich Lenin Lenin was not his real last name it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vladimir Lenin

2 About Lenin Born in April, 22 1824 Died in January, 1970 His full name was Vladimir Llyrich Lenin Lenin was not his real last name it was Ulyanovsk

3 Vladimir Two situations in particular shaped his life. The first came when Lenin was a boy and his father, an inspector of schools, was threatened with early retirement by a suspicious government nervous about the influence public school had on Russian society. The more significant and more tragic situation came in 1887, when Lenin’s older brother, Aleksandr, a university student at the time, was arrested and executed for being a part of a group planning to assassinate Emperor Alexander III. With his father already dead, Lenin now became the man of the family. Lenin founded the Russian communist party (“Vladimir”) He was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and was the architect of the soviet state. (“Vladimir”)

4 Vladimir Lenin quotes "A lie told often enough becomes the truth.“ (Vladimir).

5 Education Lenin received his law degree, finishing his schoolwork in 1892. He moved to the city of Samara, where his client base was largely composed of Russian peasants. (“Vladimir”)

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