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Thyroid Cancer From the “Cancer” Group Scott “Superstar” Lydon Jenny “Jackhammer” Boirgas Kristine “Kryptonite” Sexton.

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Presentation on theme: "Thyroid Cancer From the “Cancer” Group Scott “Superstar” Lydon Jenny “Jackhammer” Boirgas Kristine “Kryptonite” Sexton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thyroid Cancer From the “Cancer” Group Scott “Superstar” Lydon Jenny “Jackhammer” Boirgas Kristine “Kryptonite” Sexton

2 Introduction The Thyroid – One of the largest endocrine glands – Controls how the body uses energy – Makes proteins – Controls body’s sensitivity to hormones

3 Causes There is no clear consensus on the cause Mutations occur in thyroid cells – Cells grow and multiply rapidly These cells lose the ability to die – Form into a tumor

4 Environmental Factors Known environmental factors related to thyroid cancer – Radioactive fallout from power plant accidents – Radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons plants – Radioactive fallout from weapons testing – High dose medical x- rays

5 The Data CountyFIPS88_Pop_Risk88_Cases_Tot88_Male88_Fem Alameda County60011251091481038 Alpine County600318856*0* Amador County600518856*0* Butte County6007171938*** Calaveras County600918856*0* Colusa County601128830*0* Contra Costa County601375923537829 Del Norte County601567553*** El Dorado County6017112714*0* Fresno County601962766830921 Glenn County602128830*0* Humboldt County602367552*** Imperial County6025101903*** Inyo County602713512000 Kern County602951094220** Kings County603194505*0* Lake County603347923000 Lassen County603518467*0* Los Angeles County6037866769137697279 Madera County603981782*** Marin County6041225999*** Mariposa County604358544*** Mendocino County604576491**0 Merced County6047167736*** Modoc County604918467*0* Mono County605113511000 Monterey County605334595115** Napa County6055106144*** Nevada County605773374***

6 Findings So Far Thyroid Cancer is on the rise in California Women consistently present more cases of thyroid cancer then men San Bernardino County60711271173581741 San Diego County60732364298973166 San Francisco County6075730471521735 San Joaquin County607745715020** San Luis Obispo County6079204262*** San Mateo County6081636599411328 Santa Barbara County608335580419316 Santa Clara County608514722451022973 201767318948141 305379333383250 815358882563 674860671651 26697123518 718989802258 407057511635 178464221450164 19882009 1352905671552 24443831133479 72587742931 46686124519 213309*** 64605923** 36571018** 1498134752548 MenWomen 1549427762452 25997761283395 740277511437 506385*** 223371*** 669581331320 38006423** 1549785752154 1989 MenWomen 1993

7 Moving On Will complete the data concerning four ethnicities – Non-Hispanic White – Non-Hispanic Black – Hispanic – Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Figure out ratios of population to cases

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