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Welcome to the Computer!

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1 Welcome to the Computer!
DIRECTIONS: The notes underneath the slide are meant to be used to further explain the information on the slides themselves. Write on the board: Rules for class:  No food or drink  Carry carefully  Don’t touch the screen Every day in class you will: 1. Pick up computer from bin 2. Get corresponding headphones and mouse 3. Turn computer on 4. Practice typing on Mavis Beacon until lesson begins Open Door Learning Center Computers and Literacy Class

2 Why are computers important?
Ask students why they think computers are important? What do they use them for? Ask each student why they are taking the class. Write their answers on the whiteboard, on the slide Work Getting around- public transportation Looking up information- movie times, maps, forms, codes, facts Communication

3 Types of Computers Laptop Desktop
There are two different basic types of computers. Laptop and desktop. Each type has many different models: Apple, Dell, Lenovo, IBM and so on… We will go over the hardware differences of these in a couple minutes. First, we are going to explain what hardware is and what it consists of… Laptop Desktop

4 Laptop Computer Small, portable computer
Uses a rechargeable battery for power Monitor, keyboard and mouse are combined As you probably guessed, we will be using laptops in class . Laptops are a more compact form of a desktop computer. Can anyone tell me what compact means? Help them get there, using context. How its different from a desktop. All of the parts are on a much smaller form. Use of the sides for headphone jacks, usb ports and cd drives. Mouse is smaller.

5 Parts of a Laptop Computer
Mouse Power Button Computer Case Keyboard Monitor (or Screen) Mouse Pad

6 USB Port Headphone Jack

7 Desktop Computer Stationary computer that sits on a desk or table
Must be plugged in for power Monitor, keyboard and mouse are separate parts Now we will discuss the differences between a desktop computer and a laptop. First, the desktop. These are stationary computers that must be plugged in. Different pieces of hardware are separate from each other and it is not meant to be moved around. Often if you go to public computer labs, you will see desktops. They have all of the same parts of a laptop, which you will get practice with here in class, but the parts might be in in different places so it just takes a bit of searching.

8 Parts of a Desktop Computer
System Unit or CPU Mouse Monitor (or Screen) Keyboard Power Buttons

9 Monitor Modem Displays information
The monitor is what displays information. It is the screen of your computer. Click and Modem will appear The modem allows computers to transmit data. They can be found both inside the computer and externally. Ask students if anyone can name a type of modem or what kind of data it transmits. Internet Cable A device that enables  computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines. Internet modems are most visible Displays information Desktops- power button is on monitor

10 System Unit Box that contains the computer’s processor and memory
Brain of the computer Most other computer parts are plugged into the system unit Contains CD drive Laptops- CD drive, headphones plug-in and USB drive are on the side of the keyboard

11 How to Hold a Mouse This is the proper positioning of the hand on the mouse. The buttons should face forward, with the pointer finger on the left button and the middle finger on the right button. Be sure to note that a mouse can be adjusted to better suite left-handed users.

12 Mouse Used to point at and select items on the screen
Your tool to move around the information displayed on the monitor Shows up on screen as a cursor Click, right-click, scroll What does the mouse do? It navigates you around the computer. You can have either and external mouse like the one pictured here, or a touchpad. A touchpad is what you see below the keyboard in your laptops. Instead of moving your whole hand around with an external mouse, you use your finger with the touchpad. What action does a mouse do? It clicks. There is a left button to click and a right button. You click on a program to open it up, sometime you have to quickly double click. We will practice this later. What does the mouse move around on the computer? The cursor. Next slide

13 Parts of The Mouse Left-Click button Scroll Wheel (optional)
3. Right-Click button 4. Hand Rest 3 2 1 4

14 Left - Click The most commonly used button on the mouse is the left click button, with it you can: Select to perform an action {“click on….”} Position Cursor Click and Drag (move items) We say “click” instead of “left-click” because it is implied and understood that they mean the same thing.

15 Double - Click A Double-click also uses the left button, though you need to click it twice in rapid succession while holding the mouse still. We would do this to open a file or folder by clicking on it’s name or it’s icon.

16 Right- Click The Right –Click button is used to open a menu.
A Menu is a list of items to choose from. To select an item from the Menu, you would click. Right click on this slide to show students what a menu is.

17 Cursor is over a hyperlink
Cursors The mouse moves the cursor around on the screen. I am going to introduce you to different forms of the cursor, though their use and shape will become more clear once you practice on the computer a bit more. 1. Basic arrow, this is what you will see as you move around the computer. It opens and closes programs as well as other things. 2. If you see a cursor like this hourglass shaped one, it means that a program or website you clicked on is opening. Currently, the loading cursor tends to look different. Now, you might see an arrow like the search cursor with a circle next to it. The edit cursor informs you when you can type in a space and informs whatever program you are in that you are editing text. The final cursor will take you to a new page on the internet. It informs you when there is a hyperlink. This will come in handy during out internet day. Cursor is over a hyperlink Search Loading Edit

18 USB Flash Drive External device that stores information
Easy to transport Plugs into “USB Port” Flash Drive USB Port can connect the computer to many different things Printer Phone charger When you need to store a document you can save it to an external device that can be carried with you and loaded to different computers. One of the most common storage devices, which we will use in class, is the USB drive, also known as a flash drive. We will use USB drives in class to store our files. When you want to use a USB drive, you have to plug it in to the USB port. Click Does anyone know where the USB port is on your computer? There are actually a few sports where USB ports can be plugged in. What other electronics plug into USB ports? Chargers Printers USB Port

19 Software Instructions that tell the computer what to do Many types:
Microsoft Creating documents in Word Presentations in Playing music- ITunes Drawing pictures- Paint Games Browsing the internet Some software is free, other software is available to buy Software can be upgraded What exactly is a program? Basically the same as software, and for the purposes of this class the terms will be sued synomymously. Software- written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation that operate a computer system. Microsoft Word is an example of software. Software are the programs that tell computers what to do. Oftentimes students are confused by the term upgraded, be sure to explain what it means to “upgrade” something.

20 Turning Computer On Power button
If anyone’s computer is not already on, they should now turn it on. Once everyone’s computer is on, students should go ahead and Power button

21 Desktop First screen you see when you log in
Contains folders, icons, and shortcuts that will open programs and files Double click an icon on the desktop to open up a program

22 Use this bar to adjust the volume
Task Bar Volume Provides another shortcut to open programs. Only requires one click to open program. Shows what programs are currently running. Shows the time and date on the right side. Start What are programs? Use this bar to adjust the volume

23 Start Menu Turn computer off or log out.
Start Button Turn computer off or log out. Open programs that aren’t on the desktop or taskbar. Search for programs, settings, or files

24 Any questions? This is the last slide in the page.
You should now review the answers to the Follow and Fill worksheet.

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