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Building a Regional Housing First Network Geoff Nelson, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Julian Hasford, Wilfrid Laurier University Catharine Vandelinde,

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Regional Housing First Network Geoff Nelson, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Julian Hasford, Wilfrid Laurier University Catharine Vandelinde,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Regional Housing First Network Geoff Nelson, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Julian Hasford, Wilfrid Laurier University Catharine Vandelinde, Mental Health Commission of Canada MHCC Training & Technical Assistance Program, Atlantic Regional Training Event, St. John, NB March 13, 2015

2 Building a Regional Housing First Network 9:30 – Presentation on Housing First Networks 10:00 – Break 10:30 – Small Group Discussions 11:30 – Report Back; Next Steps 12:00 – Lunch

3 Context Findings of At Home/Chez Soi and other recent demonstration projects (Chez Soi D’abord in France) Housing First is being promoted through HPS in its change in funding requirements for Big 10 communities Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) providing training and technical assistance to 17 communities across Canada MHCC development of a Canadian Housing First toolkit Requests for Housing First training and technical assistance in the U.S. and abroad MHCC role in providing training and technical assistance will end in March, 2016

4 What is a Regional Housing First Network? A learning community a network sharing a similar interest: implementing Housing First A regional resource for leaders, agencies and stakeholders Includes stakeholders who have implemented as well as partners who are planning to implement HF Several regional networks envisioned across Canada

5 What Might be the Purpose of Regional Housing First Networks? Share and learn about planning, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability Implementation focus and practice focus jurisdictional sub-networks (i.e. provincial) might play P.R., advocacy, and policy/planning role with provincial ministries

6 How Would the Networks Function? Activities could include: workshops, trainings, webinars, evaluation and networking Develop and maintain a roster of consultant experts Identify themes for Communities of Practice where members can come together in person or virtually to share and learn Example: MHCC Communities of Practice

7 What Mechanisms Are Needed to Support the Development and Functioning of the Networks? Host agency to sponsor A convenor/champion to provide leadership Devise an infrastructure development plan for facilitating networking, knowledge brokering and capacity development

8 Example of Regional Housing First Network: Alberta’s 7 Cities Network

9 Example of Regional Housing First Network: Alberta’s 7 Cities Network The 7 cities are the Community Entities in Alberta – Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Calgary, Edmonton, Grande Prairie and Fort McMurray (a community within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo) Includes both municipal and community-based organizations Focus is on ending chronic homelessness through Housing First Made a business case to provincial government, which provided $16 million in funding towards this goal and $285 million in funding for new affordable housing, under Premier Stelmach Secretariat on Action to End Homelessness was created with one member from each of the 7 cities appointed

10 Example of Regional Housing First Network: Alberta’s 7 Cities Network Provincial and municipal plans to end homelessness in 10 years Reductions in homelessness across the cities Organizes workshops and conferences to build capacity of Alberta communities to end homelessness Website with resources Roles taken by each of the cities System planning and integration Funding and performance management Knowledge, leadership and innovation

11 Planning: Small Group Discussions (10:45 – 11:30) Who should lead and/or host such a network? What types of assistance can the PHSI project and the MHCC provide to help get such a network started? What would the next steps be in creating a Regional Housing First Network?

12 Discussion (11:30 – 12:00) Reporting Back from Small Groups Next Steps

13 Thank You for Your Participation! Contact Information: Geoff Nelson: or phone, 519-884-0710, ext. Julian Hasford: Catharine Vandeline:

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