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6/27/20111 Emergency Evacuation Plans And Exit Routes Training Program NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE Environmental Health and Safety Department.

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2 6/27/20111 Emergency Evacuation Plans And Exit Routes Training Program NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE Environmental Health and Safety Department

3 6/27/20112 Applicable Standards and Regulations Regulatory –OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry, Subpart E –NFPA 101-1970, Life Safety Code

4 6/27/20113 Objectives To become familiar with applicable standards and NYMC practices. To understand the potential hazards and the appropriate responses To understand the NYMC specific procedures

5 6/27/20114 Exit Access Way by which someone reaches the exit Exit routes should be kept free and unobstructed. This includes aisles, corridors, service halls, stairwells, offices, labs, etc. Do not block doors!

6 6/27/20115 Exit Discharge When exiting the building, be sure not to encounter further hazards Exit discharge areas must be kept clear Proceed to Designated Assembly Area.

7 6/27/20116 Designated Assembly Areas Every department has a designated assembly area Exit building through nearest exit (closed door) and make your way to your assembly area Accountability

8 6/27/20117 Fire Prevention and Evacuation Control the accumulation of flammable and combustible materials Eliminate or control sources of ignition Report all fire/emergency incidents Only use fire extinguisher if trained to Remove tripping hazards Space heaters MUST have tip protection NEVER IGNORE A FIRE ALARM…!!!

9 Fire Extinguisher use The use of fire extinguisher is limited to employees that have been trained To participate in fire extinguisher training call EHS @ 594-4078 6/27/20118

10 Fire Prevention 6/27/20119 Frayed cordsDamaged power strip Power strips are permitted only for electronics and cannot be used inside a cold room, there are special dedicated power strips to be use in cold rooms. Extension cords can be used temporarily. Frayed cords need to be replaced In case of fire/ smoke pull the nearest fire alarm

11 6/27/201110 AED Program At least one AED is located in every building (and Security jeep) Only trained personnel can operate AED List of trained personnel is located next to AED. Contact EHS @ 594-4078 for CPR-AED training

12 6/27/201111 What kind of emergencies can occur in campus??

13 6/27/201112 Weather related emergencies…………. In an emergency NYMC may contact you via –Telephone, E-mail and –SendWordNow (SWN) - the college Emergency Alert System New employees will be sent a link to sign up for SWN. Be sure to register your contact information. Contact Security for more info

14 6/27/201113 There are 16 blue phone towers on the NYMC campus. These phones connect directly to security. and can be used to summon help in an emergency.

15 6/27/201114 In Case of Campus Emergency In case of fire pull the nearest fire alarm. For all other emergencies call campus Security at 914 594-4226. Security will contact police, fire or EMS and direct them to the emergency.

16 6/27/201115 Summary Call security (@ 594-4226) in case of emergency Know the potential hazards and appropriate emergency procedures Adhere to procedures and instructions Report all unsafe conditions/incidents and immediately correct if allowed

17 You just finished the presentation, perfect! Let’s see how much you learned, please click on the link and follow the instructions: action-plan_3 action-plan_3 6/27/201116

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