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 Please read the board carefully!.  Ecosystem services are ways that a wild area helps people.  This prairie absorbs rainwater during storms which.

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Presentation on theme: " Please read the board carefully!.  Ecosystem services are ways that a wild area helps people.  This prairie absorbs rainwater during storms which."— Presentation transcript:

1  Please read the board carefully!

2  Ecosystem services are ways that a wild area helps people.  This prairie absorbs rainwater during storms which protects our houses from flooding.

3  MAJOR GRADE!  Due this Wed/Thursday  DO NOT email it to Ms. Klein (points will be taken off)  Turn in to this computer: Thumb drive Download from YOUR email

4  Monarchs are not endangered, but they are in danger.  Why?  What would YOU recommend be done to protect them?



7 Success Strategies And Wildlife Management

8  Wildlife managers need to identify population size and carrying capacity critical habitat food requirements Nesting/breeding requirements Symbiotic relationships Special species needs



11  Habitat management and improvement Setting aside reserves, coordinating with private landowners

12  Connecting fragmented habitat allows animals from each smaller area to safely get to other areas.

13  Habitat management and improvement Creating artificial nesting sites (Red cockaded woodpecker in Eastern Texas) saves the bird time so they can reproduce more frequently

14  Federal program  Pays land owners to put marginal lands back into native vegetation to provide wildlife habitat  31.4 million acres currently

15  Removal of invasive species, replanting native species, using prescribed burns

16  Individuals are captured in well- populated areas and moved to less- populaed areas  Increases genetic biodiversity  1996 wolves reintroduced in Yellowstone

17  Usually with egg- layers – birds/amphibians  Young are raised until they can survive on their own in the wild and then released

18  Genetic index of endangered species  Cross breeding of distantly-related individuals to improve the population

19  Radio collars can be put on birds/mammals to keep track of what habitat they use and whether they are alive or dead.

20  Which would you recommend for the Monarch?  Which would you NOT recommend for the Monarch?

21  Monarch migration video Monarch migration video  Monarchs in Mexico Monarchs in Mexico

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