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Adaptation to climate change: NGOs perspective Ruta Bubniene Climate Action Network Europe

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptation to climate change: NGOs perspective Ruta Bubniene Climate Action Network Europe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptation to climate change: NGOs perspective Ruta Bubniene Climate Action Network Europe

2 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 2 Climate Action Network – Europe  Climate Action Network (CAN) is an international network of over 360 NGOs  CAN-Europe is the European node with more than 100 member organisations  The Brussels office focuses on EU level policies, observes UN negotiations

3 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 3 Who are green 10 Green 10

4 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 4 Who are green 10 NGOs networks working for environment  encourage the full implementation of EU environmental laws and policies in the Member States;  lobby for new environmental proposals, as appropriate;  work with the EU institutions to ensure that policies under consideration are as environmentally effective as possible;  promote EU environmental leadership in the global political arena. Joint Green 10 activities – briefings/position paper/publications  The Constitutional Treaty  The EU’s Sustainable Development Strategy:  European elections:  Greening the EU Budget (‘Briefing for the EP on the Financial Perspectives 2007-2013’, ‘Proposed ammendments for LIFE])  Aarhus conventions for EU institutions More info:

5 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 5 A Viable Global Framework : 3 Tracks Track One: Kyoto Track with legally binding emission reductions in subsequent commitment periods Track Two: Decarbonisation Track for the developing countries not in the Kyoto Track Track Three: Adaptation Track for the most vulnerable countries Source: WWF

6 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 6 Track I: Kyoto track  Legally binding, tradable emission limitations and reduction obligations  Deep cuts by industrialised countries through absolute mandatory caps  Initially small but increasing number of rapidly industrialising developing countries according to a set of criteria  Relative per capita emissions, per capita income, historical responsibility, capacity to change/invest  KT builds on the heart of the Kyoto Protocol, binding absolute caps on emissions from developed countries and is  Building experience through European system  Base for any serious approaches in the US  Precursor for any significant commitments by developing countries Source: WWF

7 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 7 EU Leadership in Track I EU Credibility at Home  Meet Kyoto Targets and lay the groundwork for deeper cuts (demonstrable progress)  ETS review and implementation  Energy Efficiency Directives  Renewables Directive  Build a EU/China Alliance  Build EU/Progressive Americans Alliance  2020 Targets Source: WWF

8 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 8 Tackling climate change later – more costly IPCC 2001: stabilising at 450ppm means cumulative costs between $2.5 trillion and $18 trillion (conservative assumption with $300/t C avoided)  Have to see in the context of 2%/yr economic growth predicted by economists in next 100 years  Without global warming action, the world as a whole will be 10 times as rich by 2100, and people on average will be five times as well off  Adding in highest costs of warming, would postpone this target by two years  Similarly, Kyoto compliance could cost 1% of Annex I GDP, hence meeting Kyoto would mean industrialised countries get 20% richer by June 2010 rather than January 2010. Source Azar & Schneider, 2002. Ecological Economics

9 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 9 Track II: Decarbonisation  Developing countries – to follow a low carbon path to development  Actions and policies should accelerate introduction of clean and sustainable technologies  Availability of resources and technologies from industrial countries  Guided by sustainable development policies and measures  Sectoral carbon intensity target

10 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 10 Track III: Adaptation  Meet the needs of key vulnerable regions to assist with adaptation measures  Funded by industrialised countries  Compensation for the unavoidable impacts  Current Kyoto elements as base  Adaptation Fund  Special Climate Change Fund  LDC Fund Source: CAN – International

11 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 11 Adaptation in the EU  Europe mountain regions, coastal zones, wetlands and the Mediterranean region are particularly vulnerable  Some positive effects, but many negative impacts  Existing adaptive measures are concentrated in flood defence  More adaptation measures in public health, water resources and management of ecosystems. Source: EEA, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe, Technical report No 7/2005

12 1st International ASTRA conference 'Are we aware to cope with climatic changes' 12 Thank you very much for your attention Climate Action Network – Europe Ruta Bubniene, Policy Officer CAN-Europe, Brussels

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