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Commonspot Installation at Cornell University Library Paul Houle Library Systems Thanks: James Reidy, Surinder Ghangas, Ken Friedman, Chris Manly, David.

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Presentation on theme: "Commonspot Installation at Cornell University Library Paul Houle Library Systems Thanks: James Reidy, Surinder Ghangas, Ken Friedman, Chris Manly, David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonspot Installation at Cornell University Library Paul Houle Library Systems Thanks: James Reidy, Surinder Ghangas, Ken Friedman, Chris Manly, David DeMello and Oya Reiger

2 The Big Picture HW Oracle Solaris ApacheCFMX Commonspot DesignersDevelopers Contributors TrainingStrategy

3 Context Support 21 unit libraries and many projects Current web server, copia, has > 40 virtual hosts > 170 toplevel directories 500,000+ hits/day Availability, Maintainability Separate production and test Isolate essential from inessential Tight control

4 Hardware Sun Fire V440 Solaris 9 StorEdge 6130 Array fibre channel

5 Software Solaris 9 Oracle Cold Fusion MX 6.1 Enterprise Edition (Jrun 4) 2x license for 4 CPU machine install service pack 1 upgrade Oracle drivers from Macromedia Apache 2.0.54 mod_cuwebauth mod_jrun20 CommonSpot 4.5sp1 CornellCustomAuthZ

6 Two Instances SPOT http port 80 /spot/ apache spot jrun SPOT oracle SPOTTEST http port X /spottest/ apache spottest jrun SPOTTEST oracle

7 CFMX Installation Multiple instances of Coldfusion: Used J2EE installation mode w/ Jrun 4 (/opt/coldfusion/jrun4) Install CFMX twice (/opt/coldfusion2/jrun4) mv /opt/coldfusion2/jrun4/servers/cfusion -> /opt/coldfusion/jrun4/servers/spottest JRUN Management console is nice, but.. all servers must run as same UNIX user no per-server jvm.config /etc/init.d/{spot,spottest}-jrun Use –config option to specify correct jvm.config

8 Namespace Two to four letter code per site: -> cs -> dl -> ins Commonspot gets own root directory can install other apps good for migration: add redirects to new site Avoids namespace collisions inside Cold Fusion Short names can be used to compose Solaris usernames: cs -> smb_cs

9 Apache Directory Layout /spot/ apache2/ bin/ conf/ httpd.conf vhosts.conf … commonspot/ commonspot-data/ sites/

10 httpd.conf and vhost.conf httpd.conf: … Include conf/vhosts.conf vhosts.conf: … Include/spot/sites/ conf …

11 Virtual host directory /spottest/sites/ conf/ host.conf designer/ … htdocs/ cs/ logs/ access_log error_log

12 host.conf ServerAdmin ServerName DocumentRoot /spottest/sites/ ErrorLog /spottest/sites/ g CustomLog /spottest/sites/ og combined RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/$ /cs/ [R] Alias /commonspot/ /spottest/commonspot/ Alias /CFIDE/ /opt/coldfusion/jrun4/servers/spottest/cfusion-ear/cfusion- war/CFIDE/

13 Remote Access Designers and programmers use SAMBA to access selected files in test instance. Files belong to smb_{site name} Symbolic links provide controlled view: \\\{site_name} /spottest/sites/ customcf ->../htdocs/cs/customcf renderhandlers ->../htdocs/cs/renderhandlers style ->../htdocs/cs/style templates ->../htdocs/cs/templates

14 Backups System Backup Weekly backup with mksysdb – keep 3 weeks back Filesystem backup ASDM incremental backup nightly – keep 3 version Oracle Backup incremental backup – every 8 hours flush redo logs to archive backup archive with ASDM full backup – weekly, 5 am Saturday shutdown oracle, take snapshot, restart oracle mount snapshot, backup with ASDM -- Surinder Ghangas

15 CUWebAuth authentication Developed by David Demello ( Installation on server: Install CornellCustomAuthZ in Commonspot Directory Edit config.xml (optional) put hooks in commonspot/newsite Installation per site: Hook files: login.cfm, after—login.cfm, custom-authentication.cfm, force-login.cfm Edit config.xml Key icon is glitchy, go to login.cfm instead - David DeMello

16 Creating a new site New Database, UNIX and SAMBA users Surinder Ghangas Create Directories and Virtual Host, configure CUWebAuth Paul Houle Create Site in Commonspot James Reidy

17 Copy Test to Production User db must be synchronized Export site db from Test Oracle Create Production Site in Commonspot Import site db into Production Oracle Copy site directory Check site ids in Application.cfm Run migration tool

18 Gotchas Oracle User Permissions (see sg14) Be careful about installing at server root WebDAV and ColdFusion don’t mix Windows -> UNIX: Case sensitivity Verity indexing of PDF files doesn’t work yet

19 Commonspot Software Configuration: James Reidy ( Apache, Jrun, CFMX, SAMBA: Paul Houle ( Oracle, Backups, Unix admin: Surinder Ghangas ( Authentication: David DeMello ( General Questions: Oya Rieger (

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