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11 th Session of Petro India In collaboration with India Energy Forum 11 December 2012 New Delhi - India.

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1 11 th Session of Petro India In collaboration with India Energy Forum 11 December 2012 New Delhi - India

2  Population: 75 Millions  Friendly people and rich culture  Rich infrastructure: world class ports, airports and highways.  Access to huge easily expolitable oil and gas reserves in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.  Strategic location & strategic transit route.  Close to energy thirsty countries in Asia. 4-5 days shipping to Mumbai in India East Coats  Decades of credibility and sustainability in oil supply to the global markets

3  Iran ranks among the world's top four holders of both proven oil and natural gas reserves.  Oil:  12 percent (154.8 billion barrels) of global oil in the country,  The third biggest oil reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia and Iraq.  Production capacity around 4.2 million bpd.  Planning to raise its daily output to 5.1 million bpd by 2015.  Able to meet up to % 70 of its technological needs domestically.

4  Gas:  With the existence of 17 percent of global gas reserves in the country, Iran is considered as the second biggest gas reserves holder in the world (after Russian Federation).  As of January 2011, Iran's estimated proven natural gas reserves stood at 1,046 trillion cubic feet (Tcf).  The country's average daily gas production at this stage amounts to 650mln c/m per day.  In the next three years, gas production capacity is going to rise to 1.4 billion cubic meters per day.  At this stage only South Pars Gas Field which is shared with Qatar is the main source of gas production and Iran has not tapped its other gas field, yet.

5  At present, 929 cities of the Islamic Republic of Iran are enjoying gas services which make up 97 percent of all cities population.  Gas is used for cooking and heating, feeding Petrochemical units and power plants and as CNG fuel in cars.  Part of Iran gas production is also used for re-injection in the oil wells to increase the output.

6  Countries like Turkey, Armenia and Nakhchivan are currently the customers of Iran’s natural gas.  Iran is considering an Iraqi request to import Iranian natural gas and a general agreement has been reached on that.  Having in mind its vast efforts to explore and extract those reserves, Iran has the capacity to export natural gas to other neighboring countries and regions in particular Pakistan, India and China through various pipelines.  Only in the first 10 months of the current Iranian year (started on March 21), Iran has exported 7.6 bln c/m of natural gas to iys neighbors.

7  Pipeline: Iran - Pakistan (IP) & SAGE deep sea pipeline.  LNG, The Iran LNG project includes two liquefaction trains with an expected capacity of 10.8 million tons of LNG. So far, Iran LNG %70 Progress.  GTL (Gas to Liquid), 2 small unit has been successfully set up in the country.  GTW (Gas to Wire). Iran is the main exporter of electricity to the region and plans to increase export of power supplies to the neighboring and regional states.  Last year, Iran exported a total of 7.8 billion gigawatts per hour and this year it is expected to exceed 10 billion GW/h.  Iran has also power swap deals with Armenia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Afghanistan and the autonomous region of Nakhchivan

8  Tehran is determined to complete Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project and It has made progress with Islamabad in implementation of this 1,100 km project.  Iran and Pakistan are to accomplish this project by 2014.  The gas will be supplied from the South Pars field.  The initial capacity of the pipeline will be 22 billion cubic meters of natural gas per annum, which is expected to be later raised to 55 billion cubic meters.  So far, Iran has completed 900 km out of 1100 km of its part in the country.

9  For IP gas pipeline, iran has offered a USD 500 Million loan to Pakistan recently and the relevant finance agreement is to be singed soon.  On SAGE project and bringing Iran’s natural gas to India through a 1400 km deep sea pipeline, the new innovations and cost effective technology could make this project a reality and bring Iran gas to India without any security concern and with a less cost and technical complexities than LNG.  The Feasibility study of this project has been done and Iran welcomes the negotiations with SAGE, Indian gas buyers and the government of India, in case if there is a strong political will in this respect.

10 Company Name 20112012201320142015 Total NIOC 36.742.5433.619.83.13145.9 NIGC 4.24.5 4.32.421.6 NIPC NIORDC Total48.854.144.53022.7200

11  Development of shared (with neighboring countries) oil and gas fields.  Development of small size reservoirs and fields.  Investment in early production from mid size reservoirs and fields.  Exploration blocks.  Gathering, pressure maintenance and gas injection stations.  AMAK projects.  Construction of new and renovating of existing dehydration units.  Building gas production and refineries.

12  Optimization of oil fields surface facilities.  Seismic acquisition projects.  Optimization of gas unit performance.  Renovation of fields production facilities.  Crude oil export pipelines and pumps.  Building crude oil storage tanks.  LNG and gas sweetening projects.  Renovation of North storage terminal facilities.

13  Creating a competitive atmosphere for domestic and foreign investors and partnership.  Fund management.  Encouraging domestic private banks for playing an active role in investments and mobilizing the necessary finances through collaboration with foreign banks across the world.  Attracting foreign financial resources through more flexibility in the national laws and regulations.  Expediting the process of privatization in oil industry.  Expanding bilateral cooperation with oil and gas companies at the regional and international levels.

14  Utilizing additional foreign revenues of the Government available in the national development Fund for financing such projects.  Using the capacity of domestic financial institutions such as pension funds.  Taking use of the guarantee letters of Iran’s Central Bank as well NIOC for better encouraging the investors.  Establishing a specialized bank for financing oil industry.  Selling government bonds for financing oil industry projects.

15  Pre-payment though advance selling of crude oil and oil products.  Credit purchases using Screw Accounts.  Making Tri-Party Agreements (TPA).  Utilizing foreign currency deposits of Iran’s Central Bank with credible foreign banks which are ready to provide loans and other creditlines in return for the said deposits.  Using the bonds obtained by Iran’s Central Bank which have been deposited with foreign banks.  Use of crude oil as deposit with other countries.

16  Possibility of assigning a project to approved applicant without participating in project`s tender  Providing feedstock for refineries (inside country border) with price of 95% of Persian Gulf FOB  Possibility of assigning the 100% of refineries share and ownership to private investors  Assuring the purchase of refining products from investor by petroleum ministry on Persian Gulf FOB price  Possibility of exporting refining products by investor.

17  Establishment of a investment committee by Petroleum ministry since March 2010, as the exclusive reference for admission and approval of investment and finance proposals and assessment of their financial competency and potency.  The Investment committee welcomes any kind of investment/finance including investing funds, financial tools, buying/selling bonds and ….  Different Kinds of Contracts are applicable in the projects such as Buy Back, Finance Agreement, EPCF, EPC, BOO, BOT, and PSA.


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