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Distributed simulation of realistic unmanned systems at FFI

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1 Distributed simulation of realistic unmanned systems at FFI
Lars S. Løvlie

2 Outline Motivation / Applications System architecture Current status
Feature wishlist / future work

3 Introduction 7 people doing full time research specifically on unmanned systems Project management: Halvor Bjordal, Lorns Bakstad Involved in other Nato STO groups SCI-186 (finished), «Architectures for ops. with manned/unmanned systems» SCI-ET-004 (just starting), «Simulation and analysis of future ops. with manned/unmanned air and ground vehicles» Both chaired by Morten Hansbø (FFI) Disclaimer: Started at FFI in March this year Background in materials science / semiconductors Materials for high temperature / high power electronics Solar cells

4 Motivation Theoretical analysis Field tests Simulation Visualization
Support analysis and synthesis of concepts and solutions for manned-unmanned combined operations Theoretical analysis Modelling Architectures, solutions, functionality Concepts of operation (CONOPS) Operational activities (TTP-tactics, techniques and procedures) Capabilities & goals: Measures of Merit Theoretical evaluation and validation Field tests Field lab RAVEN FACNAV C2ISR Simulation Visualization Increase understanding Evaluation Measurements Qualitative evaluations Simulation a natural part of research workflow Start with hypothesis based only on theory/intuition, test with simulations and validate in the field

5 Goals for the simulator
Provide effective visualization and scientific inspiration Both aircraft (UAS) and ground (UGS) systems Evaluation of concepts and solutions both quantitative (logging) and qualitative analysis Support research on complex issues From BIG (organisational, concepts) to small (tactical, technical and human issues) Distributed, modular and flexible Functionality located at several locations/workstations (e.g. navigation and payload op.) Currently uses DIS, will use HLA Use existing components as much as possible Little custom development, mostly integration of existing systems Use NATO standards (STANAG) for communication (control + data) Allows HW-in-the-loop with existing ground station, autopilot, platforms, etc.

6 Applications

7 Example applications Challenges which can be studied in simulations
Environmental Snow cover, precipitation, cloud coverage, wind Topographical Link coverage in mountainous terrain (radio shadows) Technical Ground station usability, endurance, navigation, automation/autonomous operation, usefulness of particular technical solutions prior to practical implementation Organizational optimal geographical distribution of UAS, operator/platform ratio, integration with C2-systems & CSD

8 higher altitude aircraft relay aircraft
Raven B useful altitude (AGL) Radio shadow, need higher altitude aircraft relay aircraft Shameless plug of Norwegian nature

9 Example applications (cont’d)
Norway currently operates low-altitude UAV’s Communication relay operation will be advantageous Currently a bit «exotic» for practical use => simulations Must be studied in field tests Low temperature operation Salt and fresh water operations Icing conditions Long term reliability and lifetime ... Crucially: Field testing always required to validate simulation results

10 Simulator Ground control station Vehicle simulator Sensor simulator
Develop plugins for Ground control station (currently Maria, planning purchase of COTS) Vehicle simulator (X-Plane, a serious game flight simulator) Sensor simulator (VBS2, video transmission + sensor control) Ground control station Vehicle simulator Sensor simulator

11 Com-sim. (link quality)
UAS simulator Ground station BMS / CSD Cursor-on-target STANAG 4586 Com-sim. (link quality) Platforms VSM Vehicle sim. Sensor sim. Synchronization (HLA) Other sim.

12 Synchronization (HLA) Other sim.
UAS simulator «Ground station» BMS / CSD Cursor-on-target «STANAG 4586» 1:1 Platforms Vehicle sim. «Sensor» sim. Synchronization (HLA) Other sim.

13 Feature wishlist / todo-list
Realism: Challenges with using e.g. VBS2 as image generator Sensor has advanced features (e.g. much more advanced than Raven B) Extremely good contrast images High resolution (can be changed somewhat) Noiseless sensors and radio reception => crystal clear images All of the above will be changed for the worse Need a communication simulator for generating link-issues Long distance, loss of line-of-sight, weather, etc. Will start with very simple simulator (link / no link), expand with time

14 Feature wishlist / todo-list (cont’d)
Implement much better autopilot for vehicle simulator Have successfully used hw-in-the-loop (ArduPilot) in related activity Fully STANAG compatible communication Considering COTS software library (Instrument Control AB) Image analysis station Already have an in-house prototype analysis station in our field lab Will create a set up for analysis of simulated data with COTS software Use generated real time video in various image analysis techniques (detection, classification, scene reconstruction, ++) Generate simulated data for input to a coalition shared database (CSD)

15 Raven UAV in VBS2 (640x480). Questions?

16 Backup slides

17 System architecture Communications will follow UAV-related STANAG’s
4609 & 4545 for video/images, 4586 for control signals Ground control station

18 Raven UAV in VBS2 (640x480).


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