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Rita Ambrose Joan Campbell Carol Ann Dunlap Nicole Franklin Vivian Lamb Jessica Scott Kristy Shepherd Kristen Watson Shari Cobb Joseph Brock Linda Duffey.

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Presentation on theme: "Rita Ambrose Joan Campbell Carol Ann Dunlap Nicole Franklin Vivian Lamb Jessica Scott Kristy Shepherd Kristen Watson Shari Cobb Joseph Brock Linda Duffey."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rita Ambrose Joan Campbell Carol Ann Dunlap Nicole Franklin Vivian Lamb Jessica Scott Kristy Shepherd Kristen Watson Shari Cobb Joseph Brock Linda Duffey Lindsey Richardson Vickie Sipsy Sandy Wells

3 Teacher Links Quarter Rubrics Newsletter Homework Activities and Games Strategies and Ideas SCES

4 Initial Behavior Log in Home Folder. Behavior Cards – Cannot change colors back. Please encourage Good Behavior! Positive rewards for good behavior. Individual Teams Whole Class

5 Harcourt Reading Series. Assessments are based on state standards. Assessments consist of reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and details.

6 Book should be read on students’ level. Pass at least 10 books per quarter. Passing score is 80%. Test can only be taken once. Books may be read at school and home. Books read and test scores kept in AR Folders. AR Book Finder SCESSCES

7 READING TIPS for HOME Have students read aloud for fluency. If students get hung up on a word have them look at the picture, reread it, stretch it out (phonics), chunk it, or skip it, and put in what makes sense. Ask about the details of the story, including setting, characters, sequencing, inferencing, predicting, determining outcomes, purpose, and genre.

8 Aligns with the standards-based report card. Homework (written) – one night each week. Homework turn in by the due date. PRACTICE MATH FACTS!

9 Astronomy Energy Life Cycles Pushes & Pulls Matter

10 Map Skills Civics and Government Georgia’s 1 st People Georgia Geography Founding Georgia Human and Civil Rights Economics

11 Homework Sent home weekly. Spelling Test on Friday. Practice Math Facts. Read 20 minutes a night. Initial the sheet and leave it in Home Folder. Extra Homework.

12 ASSESSMENTS STAR CRT CRCT AIMS WEB Quarter Assessments Unit Assessments Oral Assessments Teacher Observation

13 Grading Instruction is incremental in nature. Students are assessed at different levels throughout the year. 321X Consistent and independent achievement of the standard Ongoing progress toward achievement of the standards Limited or minimum progress toward achievement of the standard Not assessed at this time

14 Daily Behavior Daily Work Weekly Folders

15 REPORT CARDS Report Cards - end of every 9 weeks. October 28 January 11 March 18 May 28

16 COMMUNICATION Daily Folders Email Phone Web Page



19 Thank you for coming!

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