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Presentationon Hybrid Rice Technology in India : Promotion of Seed Production & Prospects.

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1 Presentationon Hybrid Rice Technology in India : Promotion of Seed Production & Prospects

2 2  Staple food for two thirds of Indians, holds key for food security (43%)  Occupies 44 m.ha (22% of cropped area)  Annual production : 99.0 m.t.  Contributes 25% to Agril. GDP  Earns a foreign exchange of Rs. 7000 crore  Rice is ‘LIFE’ to Indians India Vision 2020 Vision envisages the target for 2020 as163 Mio Mt ( Milled Rice ) At the existing growth rate of 1.34% pa, India can achieve rice production of 106 Mio Mt by 2020 Additional yield of hybrid rice at 1.5 Mt/ ha can help to bridge the gap

3 Buffer Stock

4 4 Rapidly increasing population Plateuing yield trend of HYV’s Requirement of 122.1 m.t. rice by 2020 At existing growth rate (1.34% pa), we can achieve only 106 m.t. 1.Declining resources (Land, water) 2.Unavailability of Labor * At additional yield of hybrid rice at 1.5 t/ha can bridge the gap.

5 Hybrid have higher yield potential/day/ha (Fig.) It is easier to deploy resistance genes It offers greater job opportunities for rural poor (60-80 persons /ha) Hybrids give better tolerance to abiotic stresses specially to drought at early veg. Stage, submergence and cold. Greater profitability of hybrid seed production (Rs.35,000-50,000 net return/ha) HYBRID TECHNOLOGY IS MORE SUSTAINABLE a) Magnitude of heterosis: One line > two line > three line (based on male sterility system) b) Efficiency of seed production: One line > two line > three line Hybrid have higher yield potential/day/ha (Fig.) It is easier to deploy resistance genes It offers greater job opportunities for rural poor (60-80 persons /ha) Hybrids give better tolerance to abiotic stresses specially to drought at early veg. Stage, submergence and cold. Greater profitability of hybrid seed production (Rs.35,000-50,000 net return/ha) HYBRID TECHNOLOGY IS MORE SUSTAINABLE a) Magnitude of heterosis: One line > two line > three line (based on male sterility system) b) Efficiency of seed production: One line > two line > three line

6 6 Area of Hybrid Rice in India

7 7 Number of Hybrids Released = 43 irrigated Rainfed - uplands low lands Stress No. of central releases = 20 No. of state releases = 23 No. of hybrids released by Public sector = 28 No. of hybrids released by Private sector = 15

8 8 Abiotic StressPromising Hybrids Rainfed uplandDRRH-2, Pant Sanker Dhan-3, Pant Sanker Dhan-1, KJTRH-4 SalinityDRRH 28, Pant Sanker Dhan-3, KRH-2, JRH-8, PHB-71 AlkalinitySuruchi, PHB-71, JKRH-2000, CRHR-5, DRRH-2, DRRH-44, BoroRajLaxmi, CRHR-4, CRHR-32 Grain Quality a.Medium slender Grain b.Long slender Grain 27P11, DRRH 44, Pusa Rice Hybrid 10

9 Cultivar typeIrrigatedDrought + 0 N Delayed planting (60 days) Water stagnation (40-60 cm) Hybrids5. Inbreds3. Hybrid Advantage(%)47348092 Source: G. Atlin, IRRI Yield (t/ha-1) of 115 elite irrigated lowland lines and 10hybrids under lowland drought + 0 N, delayed transplanting, and water stagnation: IRRI, wet season 2005


11 11 HybridGrain yieldGrain quality traits t/haAdv (%) HRR (%) AC (%) DRRH-446.1336723.8 27P115.8267022.9 BPT 5204 (Check) 4.6-6823.4 Indira Sona

12 12

13 13 15kg/ha 5kg/ha

14 14 Identification and introgression of gens for fertility restoration, biotic stress resistance and yield QTLs. Assessment of purity of seeds of hybrids and parental lines Deployment of wc genes for developing intersubspecific indica / tropical japonica hybrids.

15 15 A WA-CMS specific PCR based marker to distinguish between CMS (A-line) and maintainer lines (B-line)

16 Testing genetic purity of hybrid seed lots with molecular markers Grow out test is the standard method to know the genetic purity of hybrid seed lots before its sale. It takes one season after harvest and thus holds up the seed lot/ capital. Molecular markers have been developed to hasten the testing process. DNA isolated from individual seedlings (400 plants) are analysed with individual markers. The presence of two bands shows the hybrid nature of seedlings (Figure)

17 Anther and Ovary culture to p urify parental lines and hasten breeding process In vitro-culture techniques used to produce double haploid plants- complete by homozygous uniform-purify parental lines. Ovary culture is only option for male sterile lines( CMS lines) and its protocol is developed( Rongbai and Pandey,1998). Technique was used to obtain improved TGMS UPRI 95- 167 from F1 plants in single year as compared to 6-7 generations needed generally. Line is registered with NBPGR,N. Delhi for the trait.

18 18

19 19 Future prospects

20 20 Hybrid Rice : New opportunities 1.High price of rice. 2.Expansion of boro rice area due to shallow tubewll development 3.Continued technological progress 4.Expanded possibilities for public-private partnerships 5.Rising demand for rice from Africa

21 21 Hybrid rice suitability in Asia Low to medium High High India (Bihar, Bangladesh Chhattisgarh, Orissa) China Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Population density Low Medium to high Low Cambodia Malaysia Laos India (Andhra Pradesh Myanmar Tamilnadu ) Thailand Low High Rice irrigated area (%)

22 22 A. Enhance yield heterosis level 1.Exploiting sub-species heterosis : Indica /NPT In indica growing regions: Exploit Indica/ NPT hybrids with use of WC & TGMS traits, 20-30 % yield advantage over best three lines hybrid Apply biotechnology for parent selection (heterosis groups/ gene pools) In indica growing regions: Exploit Indica/ NPT hybrids with use of WC & TGMS traits, 20-30 % yield advantage over best three lines hybrid Apply biotechnology for parent selection (heterosis groups/ gene pools)

23 23 Eui gene for panicle exsertion Biotic stress resistance BLB, Blast, BPH etc. Stigma exsertion Exploit gene for wide compatibility and TGMS traits. Introgress yields QTL’s for high yeilds.

24 24 Introgress trait with high grain number per panicle. (270) Exploit yield QTL’s – from wild species, O.rufipogon, yld 1 & 2, single QTL’s has increased yield by 18%

25 25 B. Improve yields of hybrid rice seed production Yield (kg/ha) CountryMeanRange India1,6001,000 – 4,500 Vietnam2,0001,500 – 3,500 Philippines810 (04DS)600 – 2,000 Bangladesh800600 – 2,000 Indonesia500300 – 1,600 China2,7501,500 – 6,000

26 26 Hybrid Rice Seed Production Issues & Strategies

27 Hi gher hybrid seed cost - Lower hybrid seed yield Synchronization problem Ideal location / season not identified Higher production input cost Parental line susceptibility to biotic stress. Genetic Purity of Hybrid seed bred hybrids by State/Central Government departments. Inadequate training and technology transferProblem of non-availability of N/s and B/s of parental lines on sustainable basis. Purity of foundation seed stock of parental lines Lack of rolling plan for five years for multiplication of public Poor integration of research, seed production and technology transfer- poor technical dissemination. Inadequate sensitization of administrators / policy makers Issues with Public Bred Hybrid Seed Production

28 28 Proposed plan for hybrid rice seed production of India for next five years 1.Total area under rice (wet and dry seasons) – 44 m.ha. 2.Present area under hybrid rice ( 2009 ) – 3.0% ( 1.32 m.ha.) 3.Additional rice production due to hybrid area – 2.0 - 2.5 4.Now with 20 % national target for five years – 8.8 m.ha. 5.To achieve this gigantic task we require following I.Hybrid seed ( C/S ) required – 1,32,000 tons (@ 15kgs/ha.) II.Area requirement for its production - 1.05 m.ha. (@ 1.25 tonn/ha) III.It would produce significantly towards the food security of the country in five years

29 29 ParentSeed RequirementArea Female parent1575 tons @ 15 kg/ha787.5 ha @2 t/ha Male parent528 tons @ 05 kg/ha141.8 ha @3.7 t/ha Certified seed production ParentSeed RequirementArea Female parent A-Line 1182 kg @ 15 kg/ha5.95 ha @2 t/ha Male parent B-Line 3937.5 kg @ 05 kg/ha1.07 ha @3.7 t/ha Male parent R-Line 2127 kg @ 15 kg/ha1.06 ha @3.7 t/ha Breeder seed foundation

30 30 HybridDeveloped byMOU with no. of companies DRRH-2DRR, Hyderabad04 Pusa RH-10IARI, New Delhi10 Pant Shanker Dhan-1 & 3 GBPUAT, Pantnagar01 CORH-3TNAU, Coimbatore01 Ajay & RajalakshmiCRRI, Cuttack03 KRH-2UAS, Mandya01 Sahyadri-1BSKKV, Karjat01 JRH-4, JRH-5JNKV, Jabalpur01 Exploit Public-Private Partnership MOUs with Private Seed Companies Exploit Public-Private Partnership MOUs with Private Seed Companies

31 31 In Asia In United Sates Better management can improve yields of hybrid seed production

32 In the nursery and field ensured higher number of panicles/hill and hybrid seed yield of A / R / production of PSD-3 (Pooled mean) No. of panicles m -2 Seed yield m -2 V10V11V8V2V1 NurserySeed rate (g/m 2 ) 1525152550 Kg N/ha with splits150 100 basal FieldsKg N/ha (Splits)210(4)180(4) 150(4)120(3) F1 seed yield tons/ha4.344.184.083.731.64 Restorer yield(t/ha) 7.827.247.657.305.92 Management Treatments Pandey et-al (2008)

33 33 SNCentreTGMS LineSpecial Features 1.CoimbatoreCBTS-0248 CBTS-0252 Mid-Early duration Good stigma exsertion Medium, good stigma exsertion 2HydrabadDRR-SS DRR-135 Medium duration, Mid-Early duration, good quality Medium duration, Good grain quality, good stigma exsertion 3.MaruteruMTUS-22 MTUS-27 Long duration, good quality Medium duration, good stigma exsertion 4.PantnagarUPRI-97-58 UPRI-97-59 * UPRI 95-140 * UPRI 95-167 Early duration, good stigma exsertion Early duration, good quality Early, good plant type, possess WC gene Early duration, good plant type, LS grain, possess WC gene Apomictic rice : It would lead to large scale adoption of hybrid rice and real social revolution. TGMS lines developed in India

34 - Yield gain was 12.7 to 30.4% higher than Jaya Progress in development of Two-line hybrids - China - 1991 - 20,000 ha - 2002 - 2.6 m ha (18% of area under hybrid rice) - 5-10% higher yield advantage (Yuan, 2004) - India - In AICRIP trials, hybrid UPRTGH 332 yielded 14.6% higher over best three line hybrid, Pant Sankar Dhan 1 (30 loc mean) - 18.8% higher than best inbred check

35 35 Out of 44 M Hect. Area of Rice in India, 9 states occupy 83.2% of total acreage (37.44 M.Hect.) and remaining states do not have sizeable acreage. StateArea in M. Hectares West Bengal6.15 Utter Pradesh5.93 Madhya Pradesh / Chhattisgarh 5.35 Bihar / Jharkhand5.30 Andhra Pradesh4.13 Punjab / Haryana2.60 Tamil Nadu2.16 Karnataka1.44 TOTAL37.66 M.Hect

36 36 1.Tap the potential of North Indian states.  Yield level of local varieties – 2.5 tons/ha.  Hybrid average yields – 6.25 – 7.5 tons/ha  Every year, area under local varieties is getting converted into hybrid rice area. 2.Concentrate West Bengal adjoining to Bangladesh. It has an area of 6.15 M.ha. ( the highest in country ) but unfortunately hybrids have not made any dent yet. 3.Target Southern states of India (viz Orissa, A.P., Karnataka & Tamil Nadu) : Area of 12.33 M. ha..  Coverage of area under hybrid is negligible.  Long duration hybrids with higher yield & non-aromatic type will be desired. Identified new hybrid 27P11 in ACRIP workshop at Anand in April,2010 for states of A.P. & Tamilnadu.

37 37 Most seed growers demand advances against growing, which range from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 50,000 per hectare (555 $ to 1111 $) There is urgent need to minimize time for processing, packing, and testing after harvest and its dispatches to long destinations across the country. Dormancy also is a big hurdle in making seed availability in time. Financial support is therefore, very crucial for processing plants. A very exorbitant cost of GA-3 (Rs. 13250 per Kg) (295 $) in hybrid seed production is another bottle neck to growers. Government should come to the rescue of seed industry by making it available at cheaper price.

38 38 Many companies would like to have buffer stocking as planned carry over in the previous seasons, so that early markets can be fed with such seeds, otherwise fresh production can never be made available in time. This require lot of funds for creating such facilities.

39 Hybrid rice has great prospects for promotion in years ahead. It has been expanding @ 20% pa for the last three years. Present market size is 18,500 m.t. In next five years ( 2014-15, ) 3 million ha. area could be covered It would need 46,000 tons hybrid seed @ 15 kg/ha seed rate 500 crore value of F 1 seed Tremendous challenge to rice researchers/planners /farmers and seed growers Advances in conventional breeding and biotechnology are to be merged to get super hybrids and super seed production yield technology. Hybrid rice has great prospects for promotion in years ahead. It has been expanding @ 20% pa for the last three years. Present market size is 18,500 m.t. In next five years ( 2014-15, ) 3 million ha. area could be covered It would need 46,000 tons hybrid seed @ 15 kg/ha seed rate 500 crore value of F 1 seed Tremendous challenge to rice researchers/planners /farmers and seed growers Advances in conventional breeding and biotechnology are to be merged to get super hybrids and super seed production yield technology.

40 Thank you Presented by Prof. M.P. Pandey, Vice Chancellor 40 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur INDIA

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