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Presented By Muhammad Asif Nadeem (M.Phil) Lecturer Department of Education The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Bloom’s Taxonomy Illustrated.

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2 Presented By Muhammad Asif Nadeem (M.Phil) Lecturer Department of Education The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Bloom’s Taxonomy Illustrated

3  "Taxonomy” simply means “classification”  In 1956 Benjamin Bloom along with Educationists developed this Taxonomy  This Team divided taxonomy into three domains.  Goal of Bloom's Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on three domains, creating a more holistic form of education.holistic  These three domains are given as below.

4 Knowledge Cognitive Attitude Affective Skill Psychomotor

5 It contains 6 levels, Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation. It contains 5 levels, Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organizing, Characterizing. It consists of 7 levels, Perception, Set, Guided Response, Mechanism, Complex Response, Adaptation, Organization.

6 CognitiveAffectivePsychomotor knowledgeattitudeskills 1. Recall data 1. Receive (awareness) 1. Imitation (copy) 2. Understand 2. Respond (react) 2. Manipulation (follow instructions) 3. Apply (use) 3. Value (understand and act) 3. Develop Precision

7 4. Analyze (structure/elem ents) 4. Organize personal value system 4. Articulation (combine, integrate related skills) 5. Synthesize (create/build) 5. Internalize value system (adopt behavior) 5. Naturalization (automate, become expert) 6. Evaluate (assess, judge in relational terms)

8 Bloom’s Taxonomy is important as it focus on  Achievement of learners  LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills)  HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)  Playing role in the process of learning and instruction.  Distinguishing among different levels and outcomes of learning

9  Assess student’s understanding of content area learning objectives.  Guide instruction for students to prosper intellectually as a result.  Gauge student progress  Increase critical thinking and learning in students.  Explain information in their own words.  Memorize new information and replicate or understand it to practice remembering  Describe, organize and utilize the information to demonstrate understanding  Create something new with the information

10  What are the benefits of using Bloom’s Taxonomy  Using Bloom’s Taxonomy in Lesson Planning  Developing learning behavior applying Bloom’s Taxonomy  Designing Assessment through Bloom’s Taxonomy.  Using Bloom’s Taxonomy in the classroom  Apply Bloom’s Taxonomy on learners  Creating learning Activities through Bloom’s Taxonomy  Develop a Workshop through using Bloom’s Taxonomy  Incorporate Bloom’s Taxonomy in Lesson Plan


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