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A Broken World (Europe: 1920s & 30s) I.Intro II.Italy A.Mussolini III.Germany A.Weimar Republic 1.Inflation 2.Hitler’s Rise B.Dawes Plan C.Nazis in Power.

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Presentation on theme: "A Broken World (Europe: 1920s & 30s) I.Intro II.Italy A.Mussolini III.Germany A.Weimar Republic 1.Inflation 2.Hitler’s Rise B.Dawes Plan C.Nazis in Power."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Broken World (Europe: 1920s & 30s) I.Intro II.Italy A.Mussolini III.Germany A.Weimar Republic 1.Inflation 2.Hitler’s Rise B.Dawes Plan C.Nazis in Power 1.Economics 2.Anti-Semitism Key Terms Fascist Reforms Beer Hall Putsch Mein Kampf New Economic Policy Nuremberg Laws Final Solution

3 Italy Journalist & reformer: Fascist Leader Chaos in Italy after WWI; he came to power Following a military coup, became Italy’s leader: 1922-43 Benito Mussolini (1883-1945)

4 Black Shirts (Mussolini’s Personal Military Squad)

5 Fascist Propaganda Mussolini’s headquarters in Rome; his face is larger than life (si = Italian for “yes”)

6 Once In Office… (“Buy Italian Campaign” shows Nationalism)

7 Fascist Reforms (1920s) 1.Lateran Pact-(between Pope & Mussolini) made Catholicism the state religion. 2.Broad system of public works projects (jobs). 3.All opposition was crushed. 4.Women were encouraged to have large families & discouraged from work outside the home.

8 Germany (1920-33) Weimar Republic Name of Germany’s government after WWI. It was a republic (people could elect representatives) but allowed for a Dictatorship in a crisis. It was very unstable & unpopular (Versailles Treaty).

9 Germany’s Great Inflation (1920s) 1914: 4 Marks = $1 US 1921: 65 Marks = $1 US 9/1923: 9 million Marks = $1 US 11/1923: 4 trillion Marks = $1 US Germany had to pay the cost of WWI.

10 The children show how it took 100,000 Marks to make $1 US when the picture was taken

11 Germany’s Great Inflation (1920s) Germany had to pay the cost of WWI. 1914: 4 Marks = $1 US 1921: 65 Marks = $1 US 9/1923: 9 million Marks = $1 US 11/1923: 4 trillion Marks = $1 US

12 Cycle: Reparations & Loans Germans struggled to make reparations payments British & French struggled to repay loans to US Solution: Dawes Plan

13 Dawes Plan (1924) US Plan US loaned about $2.6 billion to Germany Germany paid about $2.4 billion in reparations to the British & French French & British repaid $2.4 billion in loans to US from WWI US Stock Market Crash (1929) influences worldwide economic depression

14 Adolf Hitler’s Rise Born in Austria Struggled as an artist WWI gave him focus; he was injured (1889-1945)

15 Nazi Party While working for army he was hired to investigate radical groups Ended up joining Nazi Party Party membership grew TEMENDOUSLY

16 Beer Hall Putsch (1923) Hitler attempted to seize power He failed & spent one year in prison

17 Mein Kampf (My Struggle) 1.Re-build German army 2.Re-unification of all German-speaking people 3.Living-space: Expand German territory in (eastern Europe) 4.Teutonic Race was master race

18 Hitler Assumes Power As economy worsened, Nazi party gained support In 1933 Hitler was named Chancellor Nazi Election Poster An attack in February allowed Hitler to suspend civil liberties

19 Reichstag Fire, February 1933 (Following this, Hitler was given dictatorial powers)

20 New Economic Policy (1930s) 1.MASSIVE Public Works programs; highway system, etc. –1932-6 million unemployed –1934-2.7 million unemployed 2.Social welfare programs provided aid to families 3.Massive build-up of German military Hitler Opening Volkswagen Factory

21 Nuremberg Laws (1930s) 1.German-Jews were robbed of citizenship & were fired from government jobs. 2.Sex & marriage between Jews & non-Jews was outlawed. Goal : Pass (Nuremburg) laws so Jews leave the country. Sign: Do Not Buy From Jews

22 Anti-Semitism (A Jewish-owned business was bombed: 1938)

23 Hitler’s Final Solution Developed 12/7/41- extermination of all Jews

24 WWII & Holocaust (Links To Maus) Maus Vol. I, page 82 The “Noose Tightens” 1939: Concentrate Jews Ghettos of Poland 12/41: Final Solution is developed = extermination of all Jews

25 Holocaust & Hitler’s “Final Solution” 6 million Jews; worldwide Jewish population of 15 million Other victims included: 3.7 million Soviets POWs; homosexuals, disabled, gypsies, & others 12,000/day at Auschwitz Maus Vol. II, page 41

26 A Broken World (Europe: 1920s & 30s) I.Intro II.Italy A.Mussolini III.Germany A.Weimar Republic 1.Inflation 2.Hitler’s Rise B.Dawes Plan C.Nazis in Power 1.Economics 2.Anti-Semitism Key Terms Fascist Reforms Beer Hall Putsch Mein Kampf New Economic Policy Nuremberg Laws Final Solution

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