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Tuesday  Martin Luther vs. Voltaire  13.1 Notes  Unit 12 Test  Tonight, Wednesday, Thursday  Review Session: Wed, Thurs  Random Fact of the Day 

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1 Tuesday  Martin Luther vs. Voltaire  13.1 Notes  Unit 12 Test  Tonight, Wednesday, Thursday  Review Session: Wed, Thurs  Random Fact of the Day  Cardinals smell weird.




5  Lost—but not forgotten country.  Into the heart You are to dig yourself these words as into stone: Which we have lost may not be truly lost!

6 Germany post WW1  Vast fears of communism spreading through Europe after WWI – Red Scare Weimar Republic  New German gov’t – Weimar Republic  Controlled by the SPD  Must rely on military to root out possible communist/conservative threats  Threats Freikorps – Conservative paramilitary thugs Spartacists – Communist group which takes over Berlin for a week

7 Root of Hatred  Most Germans despised the Weimar Republic because it signed the Treaty of Versailles  Diktat – “ stab in the back”  New Constitution  Bicameral legislature  President (7 yr term)

8 The Threats

9 Kapp Putsch, 1920  Conservatives and army officers take control of Berlin, declare new gov’t  Chancellor calls for general strike, people respond to hurt economy  Ends the Putsch

10 Ruhr Crisis Ruhr Crisis, 1923  Germany failed to pay its reparations on time  France invaded the Ruhr region  Gov’t responds by ordering residents to stop working

11 Runaway Inflation, 1920s  Germany printed more money to pay reparations  Value of German mark COLLAPSES






17 Beer Hall Putsch Beer Hall Putsch, 1923  Adolf Hitler fails to lead takeover of state of Bavaria  Receives light jail sentence and writes Mein Kampf while in jail  Hitler’s realization  To gain power he will have to do so by legal means

18 Wednesday.  Henry VIII vs. John Locke  Finish 13.1 Notes  13.2 Notes Sheet Overview  Video  Test: thru Thursday night  Review sessions: today/tomorrow  Random Fact of the Day  Cardinals are a picture of sweetness especially when mate feeding. During this time, the male looks for food and feeds the female by putting the food into its mate’s bill as if kissing each other.

19 Light at End of Tunnel  Dawes Plan (1924)  German debt payments restructured…US loans Germany money, money comes back to US  Locarno Pact  Locarno Pact (1925)  Germany/European nations agree to settle disagreements peacefully…Germany to L of N  Kellogg-Briand Pact  Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)  War is “illegal” except for self- defense

20 Allies Post-WW1  France  Political unrest due to rebuilding from WW1…conservatives have the most control  Popular Front  Popular Front (1930s) – all sides come together to confront fascism…led by Leon Blum  Britain  Social equality continued Women’s suffrage, less social privileges to rich but their massive wealth remains  Social welfare expanded Liberals/conservatives both push forward social welfare

21 Allies Post-WW1  HUGE unemployment  1926 General Strike Other industries support miners in their struggles Government will outlaw sympathy strikes  End of Empire?  End of protectorate in Egypt (except the Canal)

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