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Masters of the fairy tale

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1 Masters of the fairy tale
The Brothers Grimm Masters of the fairy tale

2 Once upon a time… there lived in Germany two brothers who loved a good story—one with magic and danger, royalty and rogues. As boys they played and studied together, tight as a knot, savoring their childhood in a small town. But their father died unexpectedly, and the family grew poor. One brother became sickly; the other, serious beyond his years. At school they met a wise man who led them to a treasure—a library of old books with tales more seductive than any they had ever heard. Inspired, the brothers began collecting their own stories, folktales told to them mostly by women, young and old. Soon the brothers brought forth their own treasure—a book of fairy tales that would enchant millions in faraway places for generations to come.

3 Children and Household Tales
Jacob and Wilhelm published their first Volume of fairy tales in Germany in 1812. There are 7 different editions The stories were passed down to them orally and had been around for generations before anyone ever wrote them down.

4 Grimm’s Fairy Tales The English translation is called Grimm’s
The stories have been translated into 160 languages The Japanese are the tales biggest fans, they have 2 theme parks based on the stories.

5 Initially… The stories were poorly received in the U.S.
This is because of the gruesome punishments that the villains often suffer

6 Later… Disney’s sweetened version of Snow White and later Cinderella brought the stories to popularity in the U.S. Parents enjoyed the moral aspects to the tales.

7 Grimm and the Nazis? In Germany during Hitler’s reign the Nazi’s
used the story of little red riding hood as Propaganda, portraying the Germans as little red riding hood and the Jewish people as the evil wolf.

8 Grimm in the 70’s University students scorned the stories for their sexist nature in the 1970’s, writing “Madness comes from Fairy Tales” across the walls.

9 Fairy Tale Road This road through Germany traces the tales and the Grimm brothers through the country. They were born in Hanau and spent many years in Kassel and Gottingen.

10 The final story The last story written by the Grimm Brothers…
The Golden Key Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled. After he had gathered it together and loaded it, he did not want to go straight home, because he was so frozen, but instead to make a fire and warm himself a little first. So he scraped the snow away, and while he was thus clearing the ground he found a small golden key. Now he believed that where there was a key, there must also be a lock, so he dug in the ground and found a little iron chest.

11 Cont. "If only the key fits!" he thought. "Certainly there are valuable things in the chest." He looked, but there was no keyhole. Finally he found one, but so small that it could scarcely be seen. He tried the key, and fortunately it fitted. Then he turned it once, and now we must wait until he has finished unlocking it and has opened the lid. Then we shall find out what kind of wonderful things there were in the little chest. Info from

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