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Assessment Report Department of Environmental Science and Biology School of Sciences and Mathematics Chair: Christopher Norment Assessment Coordinator:

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Report Department of Environmental Science and Biology School of Sciences and Mathematics Chair: Christopher Norment Assessment Coordinator:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Report Department of Environmental Science and Biology School of Sciences and Mathematics Chair: Christopher Norment Assessment Coordinator: Jacques Rinchard

2 What was Assessed Student Learning Outcomes Undergraduate students (part 1) 1.The student will be able to explain basic topics in environmental science, such as air and water pollution, population growth, energy and sustainability. 2.The student will be able to explain basic biological processes, such as cell structure and function, cellular respiration and photosynthesis, DNA replication and protein synthesis, mitosis and meiosis, evolution, and the classification of life. 3.The student will be able to explain basic topics in ecology, such as energy flow, materials cycling, community structure and function, species interactions, population dynamics, and biodiversity. 4.The student will be able to explain basic aspects of federal and state environmental law, such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Air and Water Acts, the Endangered Species Act, and the NY State Environmental Quality Review Act. 5.The student will be able to summarize, analyze and interpret scientific data, using relevant mathematical skills and applying major environmental concepts. Spring 2013

3 What was Assessed Student Learning Outcomes Undergraduate students (part 2) 6.The student will be able to quantify and characterize natural phenomena using laboratory and field equipment. 7.The student will be able to employ decision-making and problem-solving skills, such as evaluating competing explanations, designing scientific studies, or applying scientific knowledge to societal problems. 8.The student will be able to summarize, organize and communicate scientific data and analyses in oral and written formats. 9.The student will be able to design a professional development plan, and produce a well-crafted job application letter and resume.

4 Assessment Methodology – SLO #2 (How was the assessment done) ENV204 – Final exam and lab practical ENV486 – Exam 1 and 8 questions of lab practical ENV400 – 2 questions of exam 1 and 3 questions of exam 3 ENV440 – Eight classification quizzes ENV483 – Final Lab Practical All eligible students

5 Assessment Methodology (How was the assessment done) Criteria for Assessment % exceeding >80% % meeting70 to 79% % approaching60-69% % not meeting <60% Criterion of success: 70% of students exceeding 70%

6 Assessment Results ENV204 (n=27) ENV486 (n=7) ENV400 (n=27) ENV440 (n=17) ENV483 (n=25) Percent 0 20 40 60 80 100 >80% 70-79% 60-69% <60% 81%85%41%89%96% Minimum goal: 70% of students exceeding 70%

7 Lessons Learned ENV204, 440, 483, 486 81-96% of students met or exceeded our benchmark => our curriculum and pedagogies are producing the desired results. ENV400 (Plant Diversity) Only 41% met our benchmark => only 5 related questions across 2 exams, suggesting low emphasis on course content associated with SLO2. Also, instructor was denied tenure and may have been distracted by his job search.

8 Action Plan/Data Driven Decision: How the department will “close the loop”: A new plant ecologist joined the ESB faculty in the fall of 2013. We have made her aware of the AY 2012-2013 assessment results. Suggestion: when the Plant Diversity course is next taught (Fall 2014), include greater emphasis on topics related to our learning objectives, especially related to basic plant biology. At this time, ESB has no budget request for help with assessment.

9 What resources were applied or are needed to close the loop None; see previous slide for actions taken.

10 Spring 2013 What was Assessed Student Learning Outcomes Graduate students (part 1) 1.The student will develop an appreciation of their field of study, identify gaps in their knowledge base by reviewing past course work, and develop with their Thesis Advisory Committee a program of study that fills in knowledge gaps and develops their technical skills and competencies, to support their thesis research. 2.In consultation with their major advisor, the student will develop a thesis question/hypothesis, and write a thesis proposal describing their research project. 3.During an Oral Comprehensive Examination the student will demonstrate competency across environmental science and biology disciplines, including earth sciences and chemistry where appropriate, by using basic concepts to analyze and evaluate problems. 4.The student will carry out a coherent research project which includes (1) understanding and evaluating scientific works of others; (2) mastering appropriate techniques; and (3) collecting, organizing, analyzing and synthesizing data and information.

11 What was Assessed Student Learning Outcomes Graduate students (part 2) 5.The student will defend the results of his/her thesis research during a formal Thesis Defense with their Thesis Advisory Committee. 6.The student will develop oral communication skills and experience in public speaking by presenting results of their research at local, regional or national scientific forums, and a departmental Thesis Seminar. 7.By obtaining an admission to a Ph.D. program or a job in the general field of environmental science, the student will demonstrate sufficient technical and scholarly ability as a scientist.

12 Assessment Methodology – SLO #1 (How was the assessment done) Results of Assessment % exceeding NA % meeting100% % approachingNA % not meeting <100% Criterion of success: 100% of students meet 100%

13 Assessment Results and Action Plan n = 5 100% of students meet requirement No action taken as benchmark met 100% goal.

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