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Published byNorman Peters Modified over 9 years ago
Falah-ud-Din Butt, Dr. Niaz Ahmed Bhutto & Ghulam Abbas
Introduction & Literature
Organization development (OD) is a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, structure of organization. In this era of intense competition and globalization very few people will disagree that the success of any organization is a direct reflection of its managerial effectiveness and efficiency. Even though organizational development depends upon number of factors but to understand needs, concerns, and perceptions of employees the organizational climate needs to be assessed.
Cont--- Organizational Climate
“Organizational climate is defined as people’s perception and attitude about the organization - whether it is good or bad place to work, friendly or unfriendly, hardworking or easy- going, and so forth.” Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell, Jr.[2004] Sought to define organizational environments in terms of nine climate dimensions: structure, responsibility, reward, risk, warmth, support, standards, conflict, and identity. Stringer & Litwin. G. [1968]
Cont---- Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is often thought to be the gratification of strong needs in the workplace or the degree of discrepancy between what a person expect to receive from work and what that person perceives is actually received. John b. Miner [2002] Employees with high job satisfaction do exhibit higher organizational citizenship behavior, which ultimately does have positive effects on the productivity of the entire organization. Catt and Miller [1994]
Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction.
Rice has investigated the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate and asserted that people were the heart of any enterprise because their ideas, attitudes, and efforts were key causes of organizational success. Rice. C. [1982] Individuals in the organization have certain expectations, and fulfillment of these, depends upon their perception whether organizational climate suits according to their needs or not. Ritu Lehal [2004]
Variables of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction.
Organizational Structure Rewards Support Standard Conflict Resolution Identity Leadership Empowerment Human relations Communication Decision making Equity Responsibility Initiative Job satisfaction Work itself (4 questions) Supervision (4 questions) Colleagues (2 questions) Miscellaneous (4 questions)
Objectives of the Study.
To compare the three banks; NBP, MCB, & SCB with reference to their organizational climate and job satisfaction To study the inter-relationship of the two variables; organizational climate and job satisfaction To analyze the perceptions of employees of each bank for organizational climate and job satisfaction. To find out the effect of organizational climate’s sub-factors on job satisfaction.
Hypothesis Formulation
H0: For organizational climate the mean value of 90 executives of the three banks is the same. H1: For organizational climate the mean value of 90 executives of the three banks is not the same. Hypothesis-2 H0: With respect to job satisfaction, the mean value of 90 executives of the three banks is the same. HI: With respect to job satisfaction, the mean value of 90 executives of the three banks is not the same.
Research Methodology This research is based on descriptive cum analytical quantitative method Data has been described through Box plotting Data analysis has been done through Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient Kruskal Wallis test Multiple Regression analysis
Research Methodology Data Collection Personally administrated questionnaire based on 14 sub factors for each of both the organizational climate and job satisfaction. Secondary data has been collected through literature search, by consulting research journals, organization reports, books, newspapers, and internet surfing. Sampling Based on convenience sampling method, researcher has visited four (04) branches for each of the three banks and able to survey 90 executives.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Organizational Climate & Box Plots NBP MCB SCB
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Job Satisfaction & Box Plots MCB SCB
Inter-relationship of Organizational Climate & Job Satisfaction
Spearman’s Correlation Coefficients NBP Job Satisfaction Org. Climate Correlation Coefficient .685* Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 35 *Sig. .05 Spearman’s Correlation Coefficients MCB Job Satisfaction Org. Climate Correlation coefficient .406* Sig. (2-tailed) .023 N 31 *Sig. .05 Spearman’s Correlation Coefficients SCB Job Satisfaction Org. Climate Correlation Coefficient .429* Sig. (2-tailed) .036 N 24 *Sig. .05
Difference in Perception of Executives Across the Banks.
Kruskal Wallis Test (Ranks) GROUPS N Mean Rank Org. Climate NBP 35 27.33 MCB 31 48.58 SCB 24 68.02 Total 90 Job Satisfaction 26.69 48.97 68.46 On the basis of Kruskal Wallis Test Results, Our 1st Null Hypothesis is rejected. It means that mean values for Organizational Climate of 90 executives are not same. Similarly, Our 2nd Null Hypothesis is also rejected. It means that mean values for Job Satisfaction of 90 executives are not same. Test Statistics Org. Climate Job Satisfaction Chi-Square 35.227 37.322 df 2 Asymp. Sig. .000 Sig. 5%, Table Value: 5.991
Effect of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction
Multiple Regression Analysis for Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction Model Summary R Sq. F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change .785 .616 7.920 15 74 .000 Table Value: 1.81
Effect of Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction
COEFFICIENTS VARIABLIS Coefficients t Sig. STRUCTUR 3.399 2.478 .015 RESPONSIBILITY .559 .402 .689 REWARDS 1.417 1.378 .172 INITIATIVE 2.174 1.887 .063 SUPPORT .188 .170 .866 STANDARD -1.071 -.835 .407 CONFLICT -.895 -.577 .566 IDENTITY 2.419 2.287 .025 LEADERSHIP -.582 -.420 .676 EMPOWERMENT -3.051 -2.095 .040 HUMAN RELATIONS 2.542 2.057 .043 COMMUNICATION -1.828 -1.077 .285 DECISION MAKING 3.869E-02 .980 EQUITY -3.104 -2.856 .006
Conclusion The best employees perception is in SCB which indicates the best organizational climate prevails. Accordingly, the job satisfaction is also the highest amongst the three banks Out of 14 sub factors of organizational climate three, organizational structure, identity, and human relations, are positively related to the job satisfaction. However, the two factors, equity and empowerment, are negatively related to the job satisfaction.
Recommendations Structure, Identity and Human Relations are positively related to the job satisfaction, for all the three banks. Therefore , banks are required to focus more on the above mentioned factor to have more satisfied employees with them: ii) Equity and Empowerment are negatively related to job satisfaction, for all the three banks. Therefore there is a need to: Promote the advantages of equitable treatment of executive in their banks and Promote the practice of delegation of power, greater involvement in decision making, capacity building and proper Rewards for their good performance
ii) Equity and Empowerment are negatively related to job satisfaction, for all the three banks.
Therefore there is a need to: Promote the advantages of equitable treatment of executive in their banks and Promote the practice of delegation of power, greater involvement in decision making, capacity building and proper Rewards for their good performance
Research Methodology Research Limitations:
Researcher has selected executives of only OG I, II, and III of the NBP, MCB and SCB, so the, results can not be generalized to employees at all level in banks There was time limitation for this research which was a big challenge for the researcher
Future Areas of Research
If people are satisfied from their jobs, and if there exist the right type of climate, effectiveness can certainly be brought in the functioning of the organization. Therefore this specific aspect of effectiveness should be studied along with organizational climate and job satisfaction.
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