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P. Anandan Managing Director Microsoft Research India

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Presentation on theme: "P. Anandan Managing Director Microsoft Research India"— Presentation transcript:

1 P. Anandan Managing Director Microsoft Research India
From 0 to 50 in Two Years P. Anandan Managing Director Microsoft Research India

2 Our Mission Still the same! World-class academic research
Impact on Microsoft products and business groups Collaborations with external institutions to further technology research in India Microsoft Research India In Sadashivnagar, Bangalore

3 Highlights People Research Publications Technology Transfer
50 full-time staff (+64%); 81 interns in 2006 Research Consolidated six research areas + Advanced Development & Prototyping team Publications Published over 60 papers; award-winning papers at FSE 2006 and ICTD 2006 Technology Transfer Major tech transfers: Virtual India, MultiPoint, Elliptic Curve Crypto, Netra External Research & Programs Co-organized ICTD2006 w/UC Berkeley, Crypto Summer School w/IISc


5 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
External Research & Programs Miscellaneous Highlights

6 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
External Research & Programs Miscellaneous Highlights

7 96% job-offer acceptance rate! (We missed two in 2005.)
People Full-time staff total: 46 12 women, 38 men Technical staff total: 40 17 with PhD (42.5%) 5 PhD from India 12 PhD from abroad Location before joining: India: 23 (57.5%) Abroad: 17 (42.5%) 7 women, 36 men Lab growth 96% job-offer acceptance rate! (We missed two in 2005.)

8 People “Dress-up Day,” August 2006
Joined in 2006 (leadership team in yellow): Vidya Natampally Srivatsan Laxman Sridhar Vedantham Satya Lokam Vijay Patankar Krishna K. Mehra Randy Wang Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi Debapratim De Gopal Srinivasa Kalika Bali Lenin Ravindranath Sivalingam Raghavendra Udupa Ganesan Ramalingam Anuradha Padmanabha Vibhuti Sengar Raghav Bhaskar Abishek Kumarasubramanian Lakshmisubrahmanyam Velaga Just in… Ram Ramjee Ranjita Bhagwan Venkat Padmanabhan Ashwini Sharma “Dress-up Day,” August 2006

9 Internships Total internships in 2006: 81
To date: 122 Institutions represented (40+ total): India BITS Pilani IIIT-Bangalore IIIT-Hyderabad IISc IITs (Delhi, Madras, Bombay) ISI Calcutta MIT Chennai Abroad Carnegie Mellon Georgia Tech London School of Economics New York University UC Berkeley University College London University of Washington Yale Lab size over two years


11 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

12 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

13 Cryptography, Security, and Algorithms
Goals Mathematical and practical aspects of… Cryptographic primitives New paradigms for cryptanalysis protocols System and code security Algorithms Error-correction problems in machine learning Group born May 2006

14 Cryptography, Security, and Algorithms
People Interns Abishek Kumarasubramanian, IITM Anand Kumar Narayanan, MIT Chennai Avinash Varadarajan, IITM Debapratim De, BITS Krishna Bhat, IISc Kunal Rajvanshi, IITD Prasad Raghavendra, IIT M Rajasekar Manokaran, IIT M Ramesh Raju, IIT M Seetharam S. T. , ANR College Subrahmanyam K., Georgia Tech. Sundeep B., IIT M Tamoghna Ghosh, ISI C Rishiraj Bhattacharya, ISI C Arnab Roy, ISI C Vaibhav Singh, IIT M Staff Raghav Bhaskar, Postdoc, PhD, INRIA Debapratim De, Assistant Researcher, MSc, BITS Abishek Kumarasubramanian, Assistant Researcher, BTech, IIT Chennai Srivatsan Laxman, Postdoc, PhD, IISc Satya Lokam, Researcher, PhD, Chicago Vijay Patankar, Associate Researcher PhD, Toronto Ramarathnam Venkatesan, Head of the group Principal Researcher (Redmond) PhD, Boston Everyone joined in 2006

15 Cryptography, Security, and Algorithms
Traitor Tracing Anonymous Credentials Cryptography, Security, and Algorithms Users wish to prove credentials (e.g. age) without revealing their identity Credentials issued by a Certification Authority (CA) Transactions must be nonlinkable and untraceable even by a collusion of CA and verifiers. Identify private keys illegally held by a pirate decoder in broadcast encryption New and efficient protocols for small number of traitors Use bilinear pairings and set-covering partitions Sample Projects ML for Prioritization of Attack Scenarios: access control Relaxation Methods for SAT In Cryptanalysis Error Correction Problem in Machine Learning Used to attack specific ciphers and hash function Unique in using only one or two encryptions; usually >240 Cope with deliberate or unintentional attacks on training set of SVM Can be of wide use in cleaning training sets of anti-spam, search, etc. Transfer knowledge from security experts / compliance users to 1000s devs; New formulation of problems Inversion Attacks on Hash functions Yellow: crypto, green: security, red: algorithms Mutated Virus Detection by GraffDiff and Randomized Environment Tests Polynomial Ideals for Integrity verification of Programs Elliptic Curves and Number Theory Randomized Representation Of integers EC crypto Primality tests, Pairing Based crypto, Higher Genus curves, algebraic geometry Concrete Box—software protection tools Code 4 Bill:project 15 15

16 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

17 Auto-generated panoramic map
Digital Geographics Goals Invent new technologies to support digital mapping and location-based services Conduct research in… Graphics User interfaces Spatial databases Image processing Visualization Etc. Auto-generated panoramic map (Neeharika Adabala)

18 Digital Geographics Research staff Neeharika Adabala Soumyajit Deb
People Research staff Neeharika Adabala Researcher, IISc Soumyajit Deb Assistant Researcher, IIIT-Hyd Kentaro Toyama (Acting Head) Principal Researcher, Yale Manik Varma Researcher, Oxford Interns Shiben Bhattacharjee (IIIT-Hyd) Debajyoti Ray (U College London) Rahul Garg (IIT-Delhi) Ankit Gupta (IIT-Delhi)

19 Dynamic occlusion culling
Digital Geographics Sample Projects Auto-generated panoramic maps Handling occlusion in cityscapes Functional animation in maps Dynamic occlusion-culling in 3D scenes 3D geometry streaming Texture classification w/ fractal features Reading text in imagery Baseline L=0 L=1 L=2 Rejected Tile l Projection of View Frustum dt Baseline L=0 L=1 L=2 Rejected Tile l Projection of View Frustum dt Dynamic occlusion culling (Soumyajit Deb)

20 3D Geometry Streaming Soumyajit Deb
Complete end-to-end streaming system Seamless integration of existing techniques such as LOD, Pre-fetching, local caching and geometry compression Continuous connection monitoring and detail adjustment Fast, incremental visibility culling Dynamic object handling Top-to-bottom scalability – can handle PDAs to workstations Realistic Rendering Dynamic Objects Tile based LOD Visibility Culling

21 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

22 Mobility, Networks & Systems
Goals To conduct research in networked systems: Internet-scale systems Distributed systems Network protocols Wireless networking Mobile computing Sensor systems (Evolved from the HCS group managed by Chandu Thekkath) COMBINE: collaborative downloading

23 Mobility, Networks & Systems
People Research Staff Ganesh Ananthanarayanan Assistant Researcher (BITS Pilani) Ranjita Bhagwan Researcher (IITKGP UCSD  IBM Research) Venkat Padmanabhan (Research Manager) Senior Researcher (IITD Berkeley  MSR-Redmond) Ram Ramjee Senior Researcher (IITM UMass  Bell Labs) Lenin Sivalingam Assistant Researcher (Anna University) Interns Anmol Sheth (Colorado) Thanks to…! Prof. Uday Desai (IIT-Bombay) For consulting in 2005 Chandu Thekkath (MSR SVC) For providing leadership throughout Sean Blagsvedt For conceptual and technical contributions to projects so far

24 Mobility, Networks & Systems
Sample Projects Proximity Networking SPACE: Lightweight Peer-to-Peer Trust ACM HotNets 2006 COMBINE: Collaborative Downloading IEEE HotMobile 2007 (to appear) WiFiAds: Location-sensitive Advertising Sensor Networking SenSlide: Sensor System for Landslide Prediction ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 2007 (to appear) SPACE: establishing peer-to-peer trust

25 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

26 Multilingual Systems Goals To develop seamless natural-language-neutral approaches in all aspects of linguistic computing To help create an Indic-language research ecosystem wikiBABEL project

27 Multilingual Systems Research staff Interns/Developers People
Kumaran A (Group Head) Corpora Tools, CLIR, Multilingual Database Systems Baskaran S Machine Translation, Linguistic Tools Raghavendra Udupa Machine Translation, Comparable Corpora Kalika Bali Phonetics, Speech Processing, Linguistic Tools Jagadeesh J Document Understanding Interns/Developers Saravanan K (Developer) Srinivasan, IIIT-B Sonali, IIIT-B Tejaswi, IIIT-A Sandeep, BITS Lucia, Sao Paulo (to join)

28 Multilingual Systems Glyphic Phonemic Text Project Overview
Transliteration Ontologies Machine Translation Summarization Intonation Studies Language Research SQL Operators wikiBabel Comp. Corpus Corpora Collection & Management POS Tags TTP Language Tools Char-set Conversion

29 Project Focus Areas Machine Translation & Transliteration
Machine Learning-based Frameworks Primarily, between English and Indian Languages Linguistic Tools & Ontologies Basic Tool-set in Indian languages Automatic “inference” of Linguistic Ontologies from corpora Corpora Collection for Research Various Linguistic Corpora in Indian Languages Cross-lingual Search

30 Corpora Collection: Goals
To collect Indian languages corpora to support our internal research To create a collaborative eco-system for standardization, creation/collection & sharing TAB 2007 Kumaran

31 Corpora Collection: Methodology
1. Acquisition of Corpora 2. Standards Definitions & Creation 3. Community Contributed Collaborative Efforts 4. Mine “rich” data from large volumes of “plain-vanilla” data TAB 2007 Kumaran

32 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

33 Rigorous Software Engineering
Vision Improve productivity by bringing rigor to “software development in the large” Look at Microsoft platform from the point of view of partners and customers, and conduct research to improve their productivity RSE team, summer 2006

34 Rigorous Software Engineering
People Staff Krishna Mehra B Tech, IIT Kharagpur Prasad Naldurg PhD, U. Illinois at Urbana Champaign Aditya Nori PhD, Indian Institute of Science Sriram Rajamani PhD, UC Berkeley Ganesan Ramalingam PhD, U of Wisconsin Subbu Velaga Interns Chris Conway, NYU Sumit Jha, CMU Avik Choudhury, UC Santa Cruz Prakash Chandrasekharan, CMI Madhu Gopinathan, IISc Kapil Vaswani, IISc Bhargav Gulavani, IIT-Bombay Visiting Researchers Stefan Schwoon, Stuttgart Prasad Sistla, U Chicago

35 Rigorous Software Engineering
Projects Code Analysis Yogi: Combining testing and verification for analyzing binaries PPP: Preferential Path Profiling Shape analysis Analysis of binaries Configuration Analysis Netra: Seeing through access control Design Clarity: Programming asynchronous layers Roundtrip: Validating O/R maps Design Rules: Verifying and enforcing rules that involve multiple inter-related objects

36 ACM/SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award!
Synergy Aditya Nori Bhargav Gulavani Thomas Henzinger Yamini Kannan Sriram Rajamani Interleave testing and verification to identify bugs in code or to provide correctness proofs. Group: Rigorous Software Engineering Title: “Synergy: A new algorithm for property checking” Authors: Bhargav S. Gulavani, Thomas A. Henzinger, Yamini Kannan, Aditya V. Nori and Sriram K. Rajamani Venue: 14th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), November 2006. One step of Synergy on sample code ACM/SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award!

37 Papers Kapil Vaswani, Aditya V. Nori and Trishul M. Chilimbi. Preferential Path Profiling: Compactly Numbering Interesting Paths. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), ACM Press,  January 2007. Bhargav S. Gulavani, Thomas A. Henzinger, Yamini Kannan, Aditya V. Nori and Sriram K. Rajamani. Synergy: A new algorithm for property checking. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), ACM Press, November WINNER OF ACM SIGSOFT DISTINGUISHED PAPER AWARD Prasad Naldurg, Stefan Schwoon, Sriram Rajamani and John Lambert. NETRA: Seeing Through Access Control. 4th ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering: From Specifications to Code (FMSE), November 2006. Bhargav  S. Gulavani and Sriram K. Rajamani. Counterexample driven Refinement for Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), March 2006.

38 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

39 Technology for Emerging Markets
Goals Social: Understand (potential) technology users in emerging-market countries E.g., urban middle-class E.g., rural entrepreneurs Technical: Identify applications of computing that support socio-economic development of poor communities worldwide Sugarcane co-op member using a mobile phone to check on details of his harvest in Warana, Maharashtra

40 Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan
Interdisciplinary Research Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan Public Administration and International Development Society Society Jonathan Donner Communications Nimmi Rangaswamy Social Anthropology Group Group Impact Impact Understanding Understanding Rajesh Veeraraghavan Computer Science and Economics Indrani Medhi Individual Individual Design Kentaro Toyama Computer Science Technology Technology Innovation Innovation Randy Wang Computer Science Udai Singh Pawar Physics

41 Areas of Work Education Agriculture Computer-Illiterates Healthcare
Rural PC Kiosks Microentrepreneurs Urban Consumers Credit and Microfinance Development

42 Technology for Emerging Markets
People Research Staff Jonathan Donner Researcher, PhD, Stanford Indrani Medhi Asst. Researcher, MDes, Ill. Inst. Tech. Udai Singh Pawar Asst. Researcher, MSc, IIT-Kanpur Nimmi Rangaswamy Assoc. Researcher, PhD, Mumbai Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan Assoc. Researcher, MPA, Harvard Kentaro Toyama (Group Head) Principal Researcher, PhD, Yale Rajesh Veeraraghavan Assoc. Researcher, MS, Clemson Randy Wang Researcher, PhD, UC Berkeley Interns Shabnam Aggarwal [CMU] Savita Bailur [London School of Econ] Divya Balachandran [BITS Pilani] Rahul Gupta [BITS Pilani] Shanks Krishnan [GA Tech] Renee Kuriyan [UC Berkeley] Joyojeet Pal [UC Berkeley] Bharathi Pitti [BITS Pilani] Sireesh Sriramula [BITS Pilani] Molly Steenson [Yale] Carolyn Wei [U Washington] Naga Yasodhar [BITS Pilani] Joined in 2006

43 Technology for Emerging Markets
Rural Microfinance and IT Peri-Urban Internet Cafes Technology for Emerging Markets Can computers help existing structures for rural microfinance? Study of Internet cafes in areas between urban and rural Sample Projects Aishwarya Lakshmi Ratan MPA, International Development Nimmi Rangaswamy PhD, Sociology Computers in Agriculture MultiPoint for Education Digital Study Hall Experiments with computing and communication systems in agriculture DVD exchange over postal service and TVs as display for rural education Multiple mice to multiply the value of PCs in schools. Rajesh Veeraraghavan MS, Economics and CS Udai Singh Pawar MSc, Physics Randy Wang PhD, Computer Science After only one year of operation, MSR India has firmly established its place in research in “technology for development”. We’re able to attract the best people in this area – Indian and otherwise. Students from the best US schools are willing to come to MSR India for internships, even on India-scale stipends, because… We’re in India and close to the communities where the research needs to take place. We’re one of the few industry labs with an active research program in this area. Our approach is critical and analytical, but optimistic. We have a strong, interdisciplinary research team. Participatory Development Preventative Healthcare IT and Microentrepreneurs UIs without text for users who are illliterate and may never have seen a computer before An analysis of ICT in development projects using the lens of post-colonial theory. Information ecology of small businesses in developing markets Savita Bailur PhD cand., Information Sys. Indrani Medhi MDes, Design Jonathan Donner PhD, Communications 43

44 Multi-Mouse for Education
Problem: PCs in emerging-market schools are used in a one-to-many fashion. Solution: Multiply the value of PCs by allowing multiple USB mice to be plugged into a PC, with each mouse having a cursor on-screen with a different color. Children grasp the concept immediately and show greater engagement. Papers presented at WWW2006 & ICTD2006. Currently working on software SDK to be distributed online, as well as studies to test educational value of multi-mouse paradigm. Before Preliminary user tests included three groups of children. Each group was first asked to play a flash-card game for 20 minutes, single mouse; then, multiple mice were added, for at least another 20 minutes, longer if the children wanted. Single mouse scenario: Even with a dominant child, all children engage. Engagement decreases with time for students without a mouse. Sharing patterns differ between boys and girls (girls share more). Everyone wants to interact with the mouse. Multiple mouse scenario: Children immediately understand the idea of multiple mice and cursors. Children are not confused by multiple cursors on screen. Children with mice remain engaged throughout. Overall engagement increases, even for children without a mouse! (There is more opportunity to grab one.) Other observations: In interviews, student reactions were very much in favour of multiple mice. One child did not like multiple mice because of its competitiveness. There can be considerable difference in game-playing competence, especially with large variance in age. Children rapidly pick up finer points of UI and game control. After More info:

45 Text-Free User Interfaces
Problem: Can a UI be developed to allow an illiterate, first-time PC user to access information he/she needs without any assistance or prompting? Solution: Liberal use of semi-abstracted cartoons; voice feedback; introductory video for broad context Subjects who initially don’t want to touch the PC become engaged users; subjects who can read a little bit, still prefer text-free UI. Papers presented at AACC 2005 and ICTD 2006. Currently working on an authoring tool, and testing in different domains (e.g., healthcare). Job search for domestic laborers Some statistics on illiteracy: ~1 billion non-literate adults (25% of the world’s adult population). This is likely an optimistic estimate, due to liberal definitions of “literacy”. Women make up two-thirds of all non-literates. 98 percent of all non-literates live in developing countries. In the least developed countries, the overall illiteracy rate is 49 percent. 52 percent of all non-literates live in India and China. Africa has a literacy rate of less than 60 percent. (Source: UNESCO, 2001) More info:

46 Selected for special issue of ITID: ICTD2006 Best Papers!
Text-Free UI Indrani Medhi Aman Sagar Kentaro Toyama Identify design principles for designing UIs that allow non-literate, first-time computers user to gain value from their first interaction with a computer. Group: Tech for Emerging Markets Title: “Text-Free User Interfaces for Illiterate and Semi-Literate Users” Authors: Indrani Medhi, Aman Sagar, Kentaro Toyama Venue: IEEE/ACM First Int’l Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Develompent, UC Berkeley, May 2006. Text-free user interface? Selected for special issue of ITID: ICTD2006 Best Papers!

47 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

48 Publications Overview
Research papers 41 published to date 17 additional accepted 24 submitted, in review ~2.5 papers per technical staff, ~6.8 papers per PhD (per year) Major conferences and journals Software Engineering FSE, TACAS, POPL, FMSE Graphics and HCI CHI, SIGGRAPH (sketches) Databases: ICDE ICT for Development: ICTD, ITID, EPIC Mobility: HotMobile, SenSys Other: WWW, IJCAI Two Best Paper Awards in 2006!

49 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

50 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
ADP, CSA, DGR, MNS, MLS, RSE, TEM Publications Technology Transfer External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

51 Advanced Development + Prototyping
Goals Philosophy – “Code talks!” Prototype to drive product transfer and thought leadership Showcase individual ideas through demos Work across all research areas Maintain deep, long-term relationships with selected product groups Mobile SMS projects

52 Advanced Development + Prototyping
People – 9 FTEs Joseph Joy (MSFT 16 yrs, Windows Networking+Server) Co-Head, Dev Manager Sean Blagsvedt (Brown, MSFT 7.5 yrs, Office + Windows) Co-Head, PM Other Team Members Archana Prasad (NID, Designer) Gopal Srinivasa (UNC-R, RSDE) Nitin Vats (IISc, Assistant Researcher) Tanuja Joshi (UIUC, Consultant) Vibhore Goyal (IIT-B, RSDE) Vibhuti Sengar (IISc, RSDE) Yamini Kannan (BITS, RSDE) Interns Vikram Bodavula, Prerna Bhandari: text-free Vijay Pothi : Phone to TV Raj Kumar Parihar:  eBook  for EM Russell Kondaveti: Wireless Keyboard and Remote Adithya Hemakumar, Karthik Kambatla SPACE Richa Singh: Image tagging utility, Virtual India Mohit Gupta, Prateeksha Chandraghatgi : Virtual India Samarth Prakash, Geocoder

53 Tech Transfer Overview
Major technology transfers to product groups: Virtual India MultiPoint Elliptic curve cryptosystems Netra Other product-group collaborations ongoing

54 Technology transferred to Virtual Earth / Windows Live Local!
Virtual India Joseph Joy and Virtual India virtual team Multilingual online map of Indian cities generated from Survey of India data. History Jan 2005: MoU signed with Ministry of Science & Technology Jan 2006: Online prototype unveiled by Minister Kapil Sibal Summer 2006: Tech transfer Transferred: Tile generation pipeline Transliteration Person transferred, also  Udayan Khurana [Thapur Institute of Engineering and Technology] (MSR intern  IDC employee) Kannada and Hindi views of Bangalore in Virtual India Technology transferred to Virtual Earth / Windows Live Local!

55 SMS2Blog: mobile social networking
Advanced Development + Prototyping Major Initiatives Virtual India Global geo-coding Involving the community SMS Tidal Wave Consumer: Search, SMS2Blog (public release in Feb) Verticals: microfinance, agriculture, corporate Platform: SDK RSE Collaboration Clarity Yogi SMS2Blog: mobile social networking 55 55

56 Development + Prototyping
Verifiable Asynchronous Software Hole in the Office Advanced Development + Prototyping Study and publicize effect of computers for low-skill staff in enterprises Programming asynchronous layers with CLARITY Joseph Joy, Sriram Rajamani (RSE) Sample Projects Udai Pawar, Aishwarya Ratan Sean Blagsvedt Global Geocoding Text-Free RFID Track everyone and everything in Video, ink, photos sounds over for first time and non-literate users Textual queries over spatial databases, with applications to geocoding Find your phone &colleague. Combine IM, Calendar, Wifi/Bluetooth, etc Tanuja Joshi, Joseph Joy, Vibhuti Sengar + DMX tech. Archana Prasad MS, NID Design/Animation Vibhore Goyal, Srikrishna R (intern BITS) Other HTML caching: Mobile Banking Blue: Internet Scale Systems SMS SDK Assess impact and make MSFT + policy suggestions to accelerate mobile banking in India. Smartphone + PC = SMS Server. Simplify development (2 functions to use!!) Launch March 07 of O’reilly ETech Simulating load placement algorithms for the next generation MSN servers Jonathan Donner, SeanB PhD, Stanford Gopal Srinivasa, Joseph Joy, John MacCormick (MSR-SVC) Vibhore Goyal IIT-Bombay 56 56 56

57 Ongoing Interactions Tech-transfer discussions
SMS server Binary tools Online corpora collection Text-free UI Ontological query processing Transliteration Robust image feature detection 3D geometry streaming Occlusion handling Machine translation for IM WiFi ads SMS2Blog Offline caching for browsing MSR India “consulting” for… Education Mobile devices Mobile platforms Microsoft India sales & marketing Virtual Earth Tablet PC Healthcare Emerging market groups Windows Starter Edition Secure Windows Initiative Digital rights management Human resources

58 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
External Research & Programs Miscellaneous

59 Strategy: ERP and Communications
People Vidya Natampally Director Sridhar Vedantham Manager, Communications and PR Ashwini Sharma ERP Program Manager

60 Technical Advisory Board
Isher Judge Ahluwalia (PPC) VS Arunachalam (TNPC) Anupam Basu (IIT-KGP) N. Balakrishnan (IISc) U.B. Desai (IIT-B) B.N. Jain (IIT-D) Pankaj Jalote (IIT-K) Ashok Jhunjhunwala (IIT-M) Krithi Ramamritham (IIT-B) S. Sadagopan (IIIT-B) Rajeev Sangal (IIIT-H) Jitendra Malik (UCBerkeley) Maria Klawe (HarveyMudd) Ken Keniston (MIT) Eric Brewer (UCBerkeley)

61 ERP in India Three broad new programs: Existing programs:
Capacity Building Global Reach Program Managed Research Program Existing programs: Workshop and conference sponsorship Academic collaborations

62 Capacity Building Working with PhD-granting universities
PhD Fellowships, travel grants, internships, RFP, sponsorship, etc Summer school Workshops Sabbatical program, visiting researcher program Joint post doc programs TechVista – annual research symposium Work with non-PhD-granting universities

63 Global Reach Program Post doc program Visiting researcher program
Internships Research collaborations – specific areas Global collaborations initiative US universities UK Israel

64 Conferences, Etc. Conferences, workshops, and tutorials co-sponsored or co-organized by MSR India in 2006: Wireless Networking Summit (WiNS) [April 2006, Goa] 2 days, 80+ participants (Victor Bahl, Uday Desai, Mythreyee Ganapathy) ICASSP Tutorial on “Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition” [May 2006, Toulouse] 1 day (Amitav Das) IEEE/ACM Int’l Conf. on ICT and Development (ICTD) [May 2006, Berkeley] 2 days, 200+ participants (Raj Reddy, Anno Saxenian, Kentaro Toyama) Cryptography summer school [May-Jun 2006, Bangalore] 21 days, 80+ participants (Venkie, Vidya Natampally, Anandan) Afternoon with Design [Aug 2006, Bangalore] 1/2 day, 60+ participants (Archana Prasad) Virtual Earth Academic Summit [Nov-Dec 2006, Redmond] 2 days, 60+ participants (Gur Kimchi, Kentaro Toyama) IJCAI Workshop on AI for ICT and Development [Jan 2007, Hyderabad] 1 day, 20 participants (Kentaro Toyama, Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Krithi Ramamritham, Anupam Basu) IJCAI Tutorial on Design in ICT and Development [Jan 2007, Hyderabad] 1/2 day, 30 participants (Bernardine Dias, Rahul Tongia, Kentaro Toyama) Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagset Workshop [Jan 2007, Bangalore] 9 days, 20 participants (A Kumaran) Key: MSR sponsorship and co-organization MSR researcher led

65 ICTD 2006 Conference IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Information and Communication Technologies and Development May 25-26, 2006, Berkeley, CA Co-organized by MSR India, UC Berkeley, IIIT-Bangalore, MIT, CMU Focus on rigorous academic work, with all papers double-blind peer-reviewed Establishing a community of academic researchers in technology for development Next one likely in December 2007, location to be decided UC Berkeley, site of ICTD 2006

66 TechVista MSR India’s signature research symposium Annual event
World’s leading researchers and scientists invited to speak Forum for scientists, researchers, government reps and students to interact 2 Turing award winners in TechVista 2006, more than 400 people attended event 66 66

67 Techvista Our premier annual event
Promotion of research and careers in research in India “Gala” type event Top shelf speakers, high PR Combine with our TAB mtg Annual visit of Rick and Dan to India Has grown over time 150 people in 2005 500 in 2006 900 in 2007

68 Techvista 2007

69 Academic Collaborations
Ongoing research collaborations Prof. Uday Desai, IIT-B Prof. PJ Narayan, IIIT-Hyderabad Prof. Prasad Sistla, U Chicago Kapil Vaswani, IISc PhD student of Prof. Srikant Bhargav Gulavani, IIT-B PhD student of Prof. Supratik Chakroborty Renee Kuriyan, UC Berkeley PhD student of Prof. Isha Ray Ankit Gupta, Rahul Garg, Varun, IIT Delhi Undergraduates Shanks Krishnan, Georgia Tech PhD student of Prof. Michael Best Profs. Anupam Basu, Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur On named entity recognizer in Hindi Prof. TV Geetha, Anna University On named entity recognizer in Tamil Teaching activities Formal Methods in Software Engineering, by Sriram Rajamani IISc, Spring 2006 Lectures on Machine Learning, by Manik Varma IIT-Delhi, Spring 2006 Introduction to Signal Processing, by Amitav Das IIIT-Bangalore, Fall 2006 Computational Number Theory, by Vijay Patankar IISc, Winter 2007 Key: MSR sponsorship

70 Collaborations with NGOs
Azim Premji Foundation (KA) Computers in education Green (KA) Agriculture extension by DVD Stree Jagruti Samiti (KA) Job search for urban domestic workers Study Hall (UP) / CLT (KA) Digital Study Hall Pradan (WB) / Ujjivan (KA) Mobiles for microfinance Sankara Eye Hospital (TN) Eye care education Warana Sugar Cooperative (MH) SMS-based inventory checking “Computer munshi” working for Pradan, a microfinance institution in West Bengal

71 Outline People Research Publications Technology Transfer
External Research & Programs Miscellaneous Highlights

72 Lab Retreat Masinagudi, Tamil Nadu March 22-25, 2006

73 Building now fully restored!
Rajkumar Riots Kannada film actor, Rajkumar passed away on April 12, He lived within several blocks of MSR India. Fans and riff-raff rioted, imitating riots following his kidnapping in 2000. Lab forewarned by Vidya and Vinod; building evacuated. Most building windows were broken. No physical harm to lab members. Building now fully restored!

74 Abishek is the first (and the last?) Code4Bill intern!
Code4Bill Contest The Prize: Write code for Bill Gates, reporting to his technical assistant for one year Seven-month contest run by MS India DPE Three rounds of puzzles and coding challenges online Two rounds of interviews Final round of presentations, winner selected by jury 24,000 contestants 19 in last round, all offered (and took) internships with Microsoft. Four interned at MSR India. And, the winner is… Abishek Kumarasubramanian IIT-Madras Earlier worked with Venkie as an intern Currently working as an assistant researcher in lab until visa issues clear Abishek with Bill Gates’s then technical assistant, Alex Gounares (now Corp VP) Abishek is the first (and the last?) Code4Bill intern!

75 October 2004 (Diwali Festival)


77 Thank you!

78 Thank you!

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