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The Congress of Vienna.

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1 The Congress of Vienna

2 Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859)
Ambassador to France from Arranged the marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise. During the Congress of Vienna he argued for the re-establishment of legitimate rulers and a balance of power among the nations of Europe. Largely dominated diplomacy for the next 30 years.

3 Ideas of the Congress Based upon the arguments of Edmund Burke’s 1790 work Reflections on the Revolution in France. No generation had the right to destroy what other generations had built. Change should be a slow and gradual movement as opposed to sudden and rapid change.

4 Ideas of the Congress Religion was crucial to maintaining order.
Obedience to political authority. Rejection of liberal ideas such as representative government and nationalism. End to revolutions. Agreed to periodic meetings. Russia, Austria, Prussia, and later France agreed to send troops to stop rebellions in European nations. Britain refused to recognize the intervention idea.

5 Greek Revolt 1821-1832 1821 Greeks revolted against Ottoman rule.
Europeans favored Greek independence. April 19, 1824 Death of Lord Byron. Oct. 20, 1827 Battle of Navarino, British and French fleet destroyed an Ottoman fleet. 1829 Russia declared war on the Ottomans by invading Moldavia and Wallachia.

6 1829 Treaty of Adrianople Russia was given a protectorate over Moldavia and Wallachia. Russia, Britain, and France were given the right to decide the fate of Greece. 1830 Greece was made an independent nation. Greek Rebellion was the first great test of the Congress of Vienna. Great powers of Europe had supported a rebellion against the agreed upon ideals of the Congress of Vienna.

7 France Louis XVIII (1755-1824) Accepted Napoleonic codes as the law.
Upheld the property rights of those who had bought confiscated land during the revolution. Died Sept. 16, 1824.

8 France Charles X (1757-1836) Unpopular king.
Tried to restore the old regime to France. Abdicated the throne during the Revolution of 1830.

9 Italy, Austria, and Prussia
Italy was divided into 9 Italian states by the Congress of Vienna. Largely dominated by Austria. Austria and Prussia became the two main German states. The Congress grouped the remaining states into 38 Germanic states under the control of the Austrians. Politically and culturally Austria was a divided nation with various nationalities.

10 Russia Russia remained a rural and agricultural society.
Czar Alexander I ( ) became an ultra conservative after the defeat of Napoleon. Alexander enacted few reforms during his reign. Czar Nicolas I ( ) was little better.

11 Popular ideals Liberalism- belief that people should be as free from restraint as possible. Economic liberalism- laissez-faire economics Political liberalism- protection of civil liberties and basic human rights Nationalism- belief that all peoples of racial, ethnic, and cultural similarities should live under one state, that state being superior to all other nation states.

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