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CAD in the “Real World” Experiences from Textile/Garment Industry Jimmy K.C. Lam The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ref: CAD in the real world. Using.

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Presentation on theme: "CAD in the “Real World” Experiences from Textile/Garment Industry Jimmy K.C. Lam The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ref: CAD in the real world. Using."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAD in the “Real World” Experiences from Textile/Garment Industry Jimmy K.C. Lam The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ref: CAD in the real world. Using CAD Clothing/Textile System in Industry by Roz Davies, Coutaulds Lesiurewear, U.K. by Roz Davies, Coutaulds Lesiurewear, U.K.

2 Agenda n Introduction nDesign, quality, delivery and price n Total CAD offers in Textile/Garment Industry n CAD Application in Garment business n Investment in CAD for garment business n Examples :Methods of working, evaluation and quick response to garment supply chain

3 Introduction CAD in real world n CAD in the “real world” emphasizes the day to day productivity requirements to cope with in an ever demanding industrial environment. n This is an excitement and frustration in taking theory into practice and continually improving processes of design and product development. n The CAD process is viewed from the mass production on a large retain chain store of garment business in terms of design, quality, delviery and price.


5 What CAD can offer? Product Design Activities in Garment n Activities in Garment Product Design Activities are: –1) Design –2) Illustration –3) Pattern Design –4) Product Cost –5) Sample Cutting –6) Sample Making –7) Product Specification –8) Marker Making

6 Product Design Activities in Garment (2) n Amongst all activities (eight) mentioned above, which one cannot be done by modern CAD technology? And why?

7 Activity One 2D Graphic Design n A computer tool with graphic capabilities allows user to scan in or create on screen many types of images and manipulate them. n The quality, capability and prices vary enormously in this technology. n Important issues are cost, colour, high image resolution, sensitivity to designer and links in the supply chain

8 Activity Two Pattern Design n A computer tool allows user to scan, digitise in or create pattern blocks on screen, apply grades and redesign pattern pieces where necessary. n Important issues are ease of use, speed of use and communication. n Examples on pattern design are :Prima Design System, Shima Design System (Industry-specified). n Examples on 2D Graphic design are: Illustrator, Coral Draw, Photoshop (General-purpose design system)

9 Activity Three Costing Systems n A computer tool allows quick and easy access to standard minute, trim and fabric databases for the calculation of a full product cost. n As business grows, the need for accurate product costing and the monitoring of cost fluctuations become paramount. n Important issues are accurate data collection, maintenance, ease of use and interpretation into the design environment. n Example: General Sewing Data (GSD), Activity Based Costing (ABC). n n How can you calculate product cost in sewing industry? n n Time measurement? Piece rate?


11 Activity Four Sample cutting n The process of cutting and making sample is very expensive. n n If so, why it is necessary? n A computer cutting system (eg Gerber System) which is driven by pattern design system, has the ability to cut sample faster with greater accuracy. n It can minimize the valuable man power time and skill. n n Is it true??

12 Activity Five Production Specification n A computer allows a graphic image to be displayed with a product description and a specification of make-up in one facility. –E.g Cotton knit, 24 gauge, single jersey with size L and XL. n As the manufacturing facility is normally spanned across the global, product specification is needed to link with others production system.

13 Activity Six Marker Making n n This is the greatest CAD application in garment industry. n n A computer enables pattern pieces to be placed on to a fabric lay. n n It is cut and optimized to reduce fabric wastages. n n Important issues are ease of use, cheap maintenance, speed and connectivity


15 Investment in CAD (1) n The world of product design is often seen as being artistic, emotive, unpredictable and uncontrollable. n This view can be due to historical and traditional behaviour patterns. n The introduction of CAD technology needs to consider the costs of product design while maintaining an atmosphere of creativity and innovation. n Key issues on CAD investment are:1) Education; 2) Cost and 3) Payback

16 Investment in CAD (2) Hard Benefits n Speed –Offering the customer a change in print design or pattern construction in minutes rather than days n Accuracy n Productivity –Provides a tool to increase productivity by 100% n Communication –For quick response and eliminate of repeated work n Information –Thread calcualtion

17 Investment in CAD (3) Soft Benefits n Quality design service n Informed sales service –Keep customers (both retailer and fabric suppliers) informed of any changes in design requirement n Quality product design n CAD design elements are included in production process. n Manufacturing flexibility

18 Color ManagementProduct Description with Picture Print design, colour separation and half tone

19 Examples Quick Response by CAD system n Clothing manufactures need to respond directly to final customer and use this information to drive business. n The CAD technology in the garment process can be linked with other processes in the whole textile and apparel supply chain. n The CAD technology can be used for design (illustration), patterning (cutting and grading) and production cost (piece rate and time rate of each garment) and links to fabric suppliers and retailers. n Any changes from the market (says colour or size change) can be reflected back to CAD system directly

20 Questions n What are the “real world” of CAD system in garment industry? n What activities of CAD systems can be used in garment business ? n How to justify CAD investment in garment industry? n How can CAD system be applied to textile and apparel supply chain to achieve the quick response target?

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