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TAMIS Transforming Ammunition Management Information Brief

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1 TAMIS Transforming Ammunition Management Information Brief
UNCLASSIFIED Transforming Ammunition Management Total Munition Management Information System TAMIS Information Brief Headquarters Department of the Army G-3/7-TRA Munitions Management Office Bob Torche UNCLASSIFIED

2 Agenda TAMIS Description and CONOPS TAMIS System organization
UNCLASSIFIED Agenda TAMIS Description and CONOPS TAMIS System organization TAMIS Statistics Training Ammunition Management Combat Load & Sustainment Load Requirements Calculating Other Munitions Requirements Ammunition Forecasting TAMIS Ammunition Reports Monitoring Performance Way Ahead UNCLASSIFIED

3 What it Does: Total Ammunition Management Information System
HQDA system for developing, prioritizing and managing training, combat and test munitions requirements. TAMIS is a real time, fully web based unclassified Mission Essential enterprise application. Manages training, operational and test ammunition authorizations Calculates training ammunition requirements Calculates Combat and Sustainment Load requirements Prepares training, operational load and test ammunition forecasts Enables the preparation, validation & routing of electronic requests for munitions Collects ammunition expenditures & prepares a variety of munitions reports Supports munitions deployment planning and execution Calculates Stockage Objectives Provides multi-service capabilities for managing munitions Provides munitions data to a variety of systems Implements the electronic version of DA PAM , eSTRAC What it Does:

4 Ammunition Requirements and Authorizations
Combat Training UNCLASSIFIED

5 UNCLASSIFIED TAMIS CONOPS ….Customized view for each individual user TAMIS links TAADS force structure data with STRAC training strategies, new equipment training (NET) plans, and operational & test requirements to generate and manage total Army annual munitions requirements. Requirements are prioritized by HQDA and munitions authorizations are electronically passed to individual Army Commands, Direct Reporting Units and Reserve Forces. Individual units and organizations calculate requirements for training, test and known operational missions and forecast them in TAMIS. Users request and schedule pickup on-line, using their CAC to electronically process and validate each e581 request. UNCLASSIFIED

6 TAMIS System Organization
UNCLASSIFIED 1/26 IN Bde HHC, 1/26 IN Bde 1/34 IN Bn HHC, 1/34 IN Bn 2/27 IN Bn HHC, 2/27 IN Bn A Co, 2/27 IN Bn 2/1 AR Bn HHC, 2/1 AR Bn A Co, 2/1 AR Bn B Co, 2/27 IN Bn A Co, 1/34 IN Bn B Co, 1/34 IN Bn C Co, 1/34 IN Bn B Co, 2/1 AR Bn C Co, 2/1 AR Bn TAMIS System Organization The TAMIS Hierarchy is a tree structure with decentralized management of the nodes (accounts) and node relationships. UNCLASSIFIED

7 TAMIS Statistics 84,951 Log-on—Average Monthly
UNCLASSIFIED TAMIS Statistics Over 7000 users Active Army Army Reserve National Guard Marine Corps Navy 84,951 Log-on—Average Monthly 494K Page Views per day; 720K Hits per day 675K Average Monthly Transactions, surge to 1mil 55K Munitions Reports Generated per month 1-9 Mbits/sec Bandwidth Rqmt—Surge to 13 Mbits+/sec 500 Help Desk calls per month—89% Avge First Contact Resolution 1238 Individuals Trained in the last 12 Months UNCLASSIFIED

8 Calculating Training Ammunition Requirements
UNCLASSIFIED Calculating Training Ammunition Requirements Using most current authorization documents, units validate weapons density and personnel—generate requirements from eSTRAC. Units transmit requirements to higher headquarters for validation. Requirements forwarded to DA for validation and sourcing. DA G3 validated requirements posted in TAMIS. As changes occur and are approved, updates are reflected in TAMIS. Notes: All requirements data is generated at the lowest possible UIC level. (Weapon) x (Weapon Strategy or Weapon Standard) x (Iterations) = Total Rounds Per Event x (Number of Soldiers/Battery/Platoons/Sections/Teams) = total munitions for Standard or total for Strategy For some munitions the Total Per Event is multiplied by Battalion or per Company to render the total requirement. UNCLASSIFIED

9 Managing and Publishing DA PAM 350-38 (eSTRAC)
In coordination with Army Publishing Directorate TAMIS manages the DA PAM update and annual publication ATSC assembles approved STRAC changes from Army committees and forwards to DA for review and inclusion in annual STRAC updates Entire manual and all training strategies are managed on-line All Army users with CAC and AKO account may view DA PAM located at the TAMIS home page UNCLASSIFIED

10 Calculating Combat Load and Sustainment Load
DA G3 establishes Army standard factors for combat load calculation. Units modify calculation based on mission and weapons density to produce a Sustainment Load. Commands validate Combat Load and Sustainment Load calculations. Units auto-generate and store CL/SL e581 in TAMIS. Units recall or remake e581 & electronically submit to ASP. Combat Load (CL): The CL munitions requirements for a unit are calculated based on Combat Load factors approved by HQDA. Using each unit’s MTOE and the CL factors, TAMIS computes requirements for each weapon system and soldier assigned to the unit. Each unit’s CL authorization equals its approved requirements. Not all units will have a Combat Load. (For instance Combat Loads are not computed for all TDA organizations). UNCLASSIFIED

11 Calculating Other Munitions Requirements
UNCLASSIFIED Calculating Other Munitions Requirements POI (Programs of Instruction): Requirements for POI munitions are calculated in TAMIS based on TRADOC approved Programs of instruction. Information concerning POIs that use munitions is stored in TAMIS, and requirements calculations are based on the number of classes, rounds per student, weapons systems used, and instructor requirements. Operational Load (OPLOAD): Based on reasonable and relevant plans, installation missions and events. Units calculate and submit OPLOAD munitions requirements using TAMIS. OPLOAD requirements were previously authorized under CTA , Field and Garrison Furnishings and Equipment listings and are now contained in DA Pam Operational Project (OPROJ): A unit’s OPROJ munitions requirements are generated using the Sustainment Load editor, Operational Ammunition Scenario builder, or other method. Approved authorizations are recorded in the unit’s Operational project account. Calculations are generally based on a factor of the combat load multiplies by the weapon, system or soldier. Test requirements are based on validated and approved test plans. All Army test requirements are submitted annually to the Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC). ATEC consolidates Army wide test requirements and submits them to HQDA G-3/5/7 Munitions Management Office via TAMIS. HQDA reviews test requirements and issues Authorizations at the TA4C meeting. New Equipment Training (NET): Requirements are based on Total Army Fielding System munitions requirements or other Army Materiel Command (AMC) fielding documents. Army Program Offices or other organizations that field new equipment or munitions submit NET requirements to AMC munitions manger. Army wide NET requirements are submitted to HQDA G-3/5/7 Munitions Management Office via TAMIS. HQDA reviews NET requirements and issues authorizations at the TA4C meeting. UNCLASSIFIED

12 Ammunition Forecasting
UNCLASSIFIED Ammunition Forecasting Commands subauthorize munitions to subordinates. Units plan training & forecast required munitions. Forecasts are locked-in three months in advance. JMC queries forecast & compares to SAAS O/H balance and ASP due- in file. Pushes difference-CAM. Units may change forecast within the lock-out period---reduce or cross level. Units require an authorization for a valid forecast. Forecasts not supported by an Authorization are invalid until the unit receives an Authorization or turns in unused munitions. Combat Load and Sustainment Load munitions are not ordinarily forecasted. OCONUS forecasting is slightly different in that the lockout period varies by command. UNCLASSIFIED

13 Monitoring Performance and Expenditures
UNCLASSIFIED Monitoring Performance and Expenditures Analytical tools assist munitions managers effectively manage authorizations TAMIS reports—Capability available to all TAMIS users to view results. Dundas—Viewed at login to TAMIS. Provides a quick snapshot of organization’s munitions status and alerts based on login level. Microsoft Business Intelligence—Selected users have access to enhanced reports and analytical tools; Capability to schedule automatic delivery of specialized reports: daily, monthly or weekly. UNCLASSIFIED

14 TAMIS Interfacing Standard Army Ammunition System (SAAS-MOD)
UNCLASSIFIED Standard Army Ammunition System (SAAS-MOD) National Level Ammunition Capability (NLAC) Logistics Modernization Program (LMP)….ongoing Global Combat Support System (GCSS-A)….ongoing Battle Command System (BCS3) Enterprise Management Decision Support (EMDS) Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCOE) Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Tool Army Range and Training Land Program Requirements System Training Development Capability (TDC) Division Training Management System (DTMS) Installation Fixed Base (IFB) application (when determined) UNCLASSIFIED

15 TAMIS Advisory Group (TAG)
The TAG has advisory authority for steering the direction of TAMIS functionality, general operating guidelines, and prioritizing requirements. The TAG operates under the control of the HQDA DCS, G37/TRA. TAG Charter: Represents an agreement among TAG members on how the group will introduce, review, validate and prioritize TAMIS engineering changes and system priorities outlined in the TAMIS Acquisition Strategy. Defines individual roles, responsibilities, and operating rules. It also establishes procedures for managing, tracking, and implementing TAMIS engineering changes and priorities. The TAG meets semi-annually or as necessary, usually in conjunction with an already scheduled munitions work group, council of colonels or munitions meeting.

16 FY 13 TAMIS Way Ahead Achieve Recertification and Accreditation; “AAA” rating on VeraCode Enable Munitions Management with Exception Data (carry-over from FY 11) Requirements Modifications Establish New Munitions sub-Account—for non-Army Managed items in Test community (carry over from FY 12) Expand CAD/PAD management Fully Implement eSTRAC and CL management in TAMIS Deploy a full suite of electronic signature solutions that meet the needs of any signing process Enable Forecasting by Event and w/exception data (carry-over from FY 10) Update Adaptive Planning capability (carry-over from FY 11) Develop/release e581 turn-in process (carry-over from FY 10) Develop/release ASP Stockage Objective formulary and report (carry-over from FY 11) Add POM planning capability to TAMIS—Enable viewing 6 years of requirements Key Architecture Modifications Evaluate Business Intelligence Server offload— reporting warehouse (carry-over from FY 11) Update TAMIS Architecture IAW DoDAAF 2.0 External Interfaces Agreements--Monitor and enhance as necessary Transition to Army Organization Server for TAADS data.

17 Backup Training – Slide 18 TAMIS Web Response Times – Slide 19
Forecast and e581 Request Process – Slide 20 UNCLASSIFIED

18 TAMIS Training Schedule Training on-line Delivered via AKO/DKO
UNCLASSIFIED Schedule Training on-line Delivered via AKO/DKO Collaboration Army Distance Learning Facilities TAMIS on-line training videos accessible from the TAMIS home page UNCLASSIFIED

19 TAMIS Web Response Time

20 Ammunition Forecast and Request Process
UNCLASSIFIED Ammunition Forecast and Request Process 1 Submit Electronic Forecast Electronic Forecast V Ship 2 TAMIS Approves TAMIS Validates Ammo Supply Point Electronic Request Request Issues Authenticated & Signed with CAC Card Authenticated & Signed with CAC Card 3 Electronic Confirmation Electronic Confirmation & Status Throughout Process UNCLASSIFIED

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