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Win32 Programming Lesson 6: Everything you never wanted to know about strings.

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1 Win32 Programming Lesson 6: Everything you never wanted to know about strings

2 Before We Begin  Several of you probably had problems with character types in the last assignment, especially when reading the command line  Why? Because in Windows, strings aren’t always strings (if that makes sense)

3 Why?  Traditionally, a C string is a sequence of bytes, terminated by a NULL  Unfortunately, this only accommodates 256 different characters, and that’s too few for some languages (Kanji being the classic example)

4 DBCS  To fix this problem DBCS was created.  In a DBCS each character consists of 1 or 2 bytes  This means things like strlen don’t work correctly  Helper functions exist, but the solution is ugly  Enter UNICODE

5 WBCS  Wide Byte Character Set == Unicode  Consortium founded in 1988(!)  See for more information that you could ever want  All characters are 16 bits in length

6 Why bother?  Enables easy data exchange between languages  Create a single binary that supports all languages  Improves execution efficiency

7 History  Unicode really is much more of a Windows 2000 thing…  Support in 98 was lacking  However, looking to the future, we’ll ignore the old 16-bit application space  Windows CE is Unicode only

8 Writing Unicode Code…  It’s possible to write pure Unicode applications using several new functions in the RTL  However, you can write code which is *both* very easily using macros

9 Unicode types  typedef unsigned short wchar_t;  Declared in string.h  wchar_t szBuffer[100] allocates 100 characters but not 100 bytes  Breaks strcat, strcpy etc.  Equivalent functions with wcs replacing str e.g. wcscat

10 A Better Way  tchar.h  Introduces a series of macros which allows the program to use Unicode or not, depending on compilation options  Creates a new TYPE TCHAR which is equivalent to a char if _UNICODE is not defined, and a wchar_t if it is

11 Problems  Imagine this: TCHAR *szError = “Error”; wchar_t *szError = “Error”; TCHAR *szError = L“Error”; TCHAR *szError = _TEXT(“Error”);

12 Windows Unicode data  WCHAR: Unicode character  PWSTR: Pointer to a Unicode string  PWCSTR: Pointer to a constant Unicode string

13 Windows API Revisited  CreateWindowEx doesn’t exist…  Really, is CreateWindowExA and CreateWindowExW  One is ASCII, the other is Unicode  Switched in WinUser.h depending on the definition of UNICODE

14 Unicode Gotchas  Use type BYTE and PBYTE to define bytes  Use generic type TCHAR etc.  Use the TEXT macro  Beware string arithmetic… don’t think about sizeof(szBuffer) as the number of characters you can hold! Similarly, think about malloc

15 Windows functions  Use lstrcat, lstrcmp, lstrcmpi, lstrcpy and lstrlen instead of wcs/str counterparts  Some use the Windows function CompareString  Useful for fancy language comparisons  There are a whole host of these functions (like CharLower and CharLowerBuff…)

16 Type Conversion  Of course, sometimes you have to convert from ASCII to Unicode in a program  Use MultiByteToWideChar to make Wide characters  Use WideCharToMultiByte to make regular characters

17 Your pwn DLLs  You can write your DLLs to provide both ASCII and Unicode support  For example, imagine a routine which reverses a string… BOOL StringReverseW(PWSTR pWideCharStr)  Instead of writing a completely separate function for StringReverseA… it should convert to WCS and then call StringReverseW and then convert back

18 Prototype  BOOL StringReverseW(PWSTR pWideCharStr); BOOL StringReverseA(PSTR pMultibyteStr); #ifdef UNICODE #define StringReverse StringReverseW #else #define StringReverse StringReverseA #endif

19 Not-too-difficult Assignment  Sort n words from the command line in ascending alphabetic order (unless the –d flag is set, in which case descending), and have your program compile and run easily with MBCS or UNICODE set

20 Next Class  Simple Kernel Objects…

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