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Visual Essay Now that you are thoroughly acquainted with the Modes of Discourse: choose a general topic and compose a visual essay demonstrating how that.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Essay Now that you are thoroughly acquainted with the Modes of Discourse: choose a general topic and compose a visual essay demonstrating how that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Essay Now that you are thoroughly acquainted with the Modes of Discourse: choose a general topic and compose a visual essay demonstrating how that topic would be discussed using each of the modes of discourse. Examples of topics: Producing an album, making a movie, moving to another state, your first car, your dream job, gang violence, raising horses, Calculus

2 Visual Essay There will be seven parts to your essay: –narration & description –process analysis –comparison & contrast –division & classification –definition –cause & effect –persuasion & argument It is a major grade. Each part will consist of a picture, a label, and a caption. Essay must be done in PowerPoint. –Picture: PowerPoint slide –Caption: Box at bottom of slide Essay must include a cover sheet and a works cited. Rubric must be the last slide. Sample essay follows.

3 Pregnancy: A Visual Essay Jane Doe Mrs. Chapman English III AP – # Period 1 February 2010

4 Fig. 1: Pie Chart: Where Mothers are Giving Birth: Poll Results This pie chart illustrates the different locations in which mothers choose to give birth. It classifies the locations of birth and subdivides mothers into those classifications.

5 Fig. 2: Contrasting images The two pictures above provide an image of a normal placenta as contrasted against a detached placenta in placenta previa.

6 Figure 3: Diagram of a fetus This photo has be turned into a diagram to define the various parts of a fetus, and what they look like, at approximately five months into a pregnancy.

7 Fig. 4: Stages of pregnancy: The composite image above provides a visual narrative of the physical changes a woman undergoes during pregnancy.

8 Fig. 5: Maternal Age This line graph shows the effect of a potential mother’s age on her fertility, illustrating that increasing age causes a decrease in natural ability to become pregnant.

9 Fig. 6: The New Dad’s Survival Guide This book cover is attempting to persuade the buyer that 1) this is the best book for guys (“Man to Man Advice”), 2) this book will answer your questions (“Babies tamed”), and 3) this book will be funny (man in helmet holding baby).

10 Decide on Criteria Ex: unusual, family name, historical Consult websites and books for names that fit criteria Compare list with spouse’s list Eliminate names you dislike or that would cause family strife Choose name that suits you or the baby. Avoid consulting too many friends/family. Fig. 7: Naming a Baby This flow chart illustrates one set of steps in the process of choosing a name for your child.

11 Works Cited “Different Stages of Pregnant Woman.” All Voices: Pregnancy Blog. Web. 26 Jan 2010.. "Eads Ultrasound." Eads Home Ministries. Web. 26 Jan 2010.. “Effect of Maternal Age on Fertility.” Think Fertility. Web. 26 Jan 2010.. “New Dad’s Survival Guide, The.” New Dad’s Survival Guide. Web. 26 Jan 2010.. "Placenta Previa." Pregnancy Complications-Nursing Crib. Web. 26 Jan 2010.. "Where Mothers are Giving Birth: Poll Results." Breastfeeding 1-2-3. Web. 26 Jan 2010..

12 Rubric – Major Grade CriteriaPoints PossiblePoints Earned Title page10 Each mode is represented with picture, label, and caption narration & description10 process analysis10 comparison & contrast10 division & classification10 definition10 cause & effect10 persuasion & argument10 Works Cited page20 Total:100

13 Formatting Your Essay (aka: How to make it look like mine.) Slide Layout: –Format  Slide Layout –In Slide Layout box, choose Text Layout that has box at top and nothing else on page. –Move Text box to bottom of slide. –Paste or create your image in blank space above the slide. Text formatting: –In text box: Font: Arial Size: 14 Alignment: Left Figure Title: Bold and Italicized Words that indicate mode of discourse: Bold Works Cited: –In alphabetical order by title Rubric: –Copy and paste my slide into your PowerPoint

14 Turning it in: Due Mon. Feb 1 st MUST be printed out, in color. NO EXCEPTIONS! It is a major grade! Printing instructions: 1.File  Page Setup  Orientation  Slides and Notes, Handouts & Outlines should both be set as “Landscape” 2.File  Print: 1.Print Range: All 2.Print What: Handouts 3.Handouts: Slides per page: 6; Orientation: Horizontal 4.Color/Grayscale: Color

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