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Published byAmbrose Murphy Modified over 9 years ago
Musculoskeletal Diseases and Disorders: Shoulder Girdle Complex
PTP 521 Musculoskeletal Diseases and Disorders Spring/Summer 2012
Objectives By the end of this presentation, students will be able to:
Identify common bone presentation on radiographs Identify common positions for radiographic shoulder studies Differentiate between an MRI, CT, and US of the Shoulder Discuss common fractures of the clavicle, scapula, and humerus Discuss necessary information to obtain on a surgical history to assist in clinical decisions for patients with post operative shoulder conditions
Epidemiological Data According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Nearly 1.5 million Americans went to ER for shoulder injury in 2006
Anatomy Review Joints of the shoulder Girdle Acromioclavicular
Sternoclavicular Scapulothoracic Glenohumeral
AcromioClavicular Joint
AP view Alignment: distal clavicle aligns with the acromian Joint should be less than 6 mm wide Bone density: check distal end for any fractures or osteophytes Cartilage and Soft Tissue: not evaluated with this view Greater than 6 then a possible sprain. Look for trabecular lines for OA
Radiographic Imaging: AP View
Anteroposterior positioning View position of humerus in relation to the glenoid cavity Clavicle to the acromion
Three views: Internal Rotation External Rotation Neutral
What anatomy do you see on the internal differently from external and neutral? What parts of the scapula overlap the humeral head. It helps to know the position of the arm when you review shoulder radiographs. You really have to keep the shoulder Anatomy in mind. These are all normal (no pathology) views. overview
Anterior Posterior View of GH joint
Search Strategy A: alignment B: bone density C: cartilage space S: soft tissue
Radiographs: Anterior Posterior External Rotation View
Humerus is in external rotation View position of humerus in relation to the glenoid cavity Clavicle to the acromion Exposes the greater tuberosity more than the lesser tuberosity
Alignment: Relationship of the humeral head to the glenoid Is there an overlap by more than 7-8 mm between the superior portion of the humeral head and the inferior surface of the acromian? Rotator cuff tear: < 7 mm may indicate a subluxation of the humeral head through rotator cuff muscles into the acromian overview
Bone Density Look for consistent trabecular lines
Consistent cancellous patterns in both the humeral head and the glenoid Are there areas of increased or decreased density? Snow cap indicating avascular necrosis
Cartilage Normal cartilage: Soft Tissue:
May want to assess lung as well as the soft tissue that might be seen around the glenoid and humeral head
Scapular Y view Position of the humerus in relation to the glenoid, acromian and coracoid process True lateral view of the scapula
Lateral View or Transcapular View
Alignment: position of the humeral head within the Y Humeral head should be within the notch
ALSO Called: Anterior Oblique: Scapular Lateral (Y) view
So, many names, same view This is important when determining shoulder dislocations. Look for the humeral head to be outside the notch, posterior to or anterior to the Y when the shoulder is dislocated
“eye” sign The “eye” sign is just posterior to the glenoid.
If this eye is not present, the anterior glenoid edge will be obliqued by the superior or inferior glenoid edge - which may mask severe defects that only a properly aligned axillary view will reveal. If the "eye" is not seen on the axillary view, this shot should be redone. This view may also show decreased joint space, fractures, osteophytes, dislocations, Hill Sachs and reverse Hill Sachs Lesions.
Axial Shoulder Difficult view as it requires the patient to be in abduction. Patient sitting, arm in abduction, film cassette below joint. X-ray beam directed from superior to inferior at an angle of 5-10 dg toward the elbow. image.asp?Image= jpg&Film=6102&Features=1
Variations of the Axillary View:
Lawrence View Arm abducted to 90 dg Patient supine Beam directed inferior to superior with angulation medial and superior through the axilla West Point View Arm abducted to 90 dg Patient prone Film against the superior aspect of the shoulder Beam directed inferior to superior angled toward the axilla ~ 25 dg in frontal plane and ~ 25 dg posterior to joint.
West Point View Similar to an Axillary view, patient is prone instead of supine Determine glenoid fractures
CT Scans MRI have virtually replaced them
Will still see them taken to have a reformatted view of a shoulder fracture Also common to use CT scan to determine if a patient will have a total shoulder or Reverse total shoulder surgery
CT Scan of the Shoulder CT scan of a normal shoulder.
For surgeons to consider replacement surgery, the glenoid bone should be at least 2 cm in depth
Dysplasia of the shoulder
Posterior aspect of the glenoid did not develop well
Lesions of the glenoid fossa
Bankart Lesion Erosion of the glenoid
Arthroscopic Positioning
MRI of the Shoulder through the posterior portal
MRI Images Coronal Oblique Infraspinatus muscle and tendon
fat suppressed T2 wt images and proton density weighted images Coronal Oblique Infraspinatus muscle and tendon Supraspinatus muscle and tendon Acromioclavicular joint Acromion Glenohumeral joint Subacromial/subdeltoid bursa Labrum – superior and inferior portions
MRI Images soft tissue around the shoulder joint Deltoid Tendon
Sagittal View T1-weighted view. 1. Coracobrachialis muscle
2. Subscapularis muscle and tendon. 3. Humeral head. 4. Coracoid process 5. Deltoid muscle (Anterior part). 6. Coracoacromial ligament. 7. Acromion. 8. Supraspinatus tendon. 9. Infraspinatus tendon. 10. Deltoid muscle (Posterior part).
Rotator Interval Triangular space
Triangular space coracoid process coming between the subscapularis and supraspinatus muscles and tendons. Floor of the rotator cuff interval is the cartilage of the humeral head Roof of the rotator cuff interval is the rotator interval capsule, which links the subscapularis and supraspinatus tendons and is composed of two layers: the CHL on the bursal side and the fasciculus obliquus on the articular side. Fig. 1. —Drawing, according to Gohlke et al. of rotator cuff interval in sagittal plane, with superior capsular complex (in green), bridging subscapularis tendon (SSC), superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL), and long portion of biceps tendon (LPB) and passing beneath deep fibers of supraspinatus (SSP). (Courtesy of F. Gohlke, Wuerzburg, Germany)
Axial View Axial T2-weighted FATSAT view. (mid shoulder)
1. Deltoid muscle (Anterior part). 2. Biceps tendon, long head. 3. Coracobrachialis muscle. 4. Subscapularis muscle and tendon. 5. Glenoid. 6. Humeral head. 7. Infraspinatus muscle. 8. Deltoid muscle.
Shoulder Pain:
Fractures of the shoulder girdle complex
Clavicle: 75% occur in children under 13 Proximal fracture Rare, differentiate from epiphyseal injuries Middle Third fracture- Most common, 80% Usually displaced upward by pull of the sternocleidomastoid muscle Distal fracture Displaced downward by the weight of the arm.
MOI: Fall on the lateral aspect of the shoulder
Fall on outstretched arm (FOOSH)
To support the weight of the arm. Figure of eight
RX: Arm sling For the first 1-2 weeks To support the weight of the arm. Figure of eight Figure of eight bandage, intent is to reduce the motion at the fracture site. Worn for a period of at least 6 weeks (adults) or 4 weeks (child). Can use the arm as wanted & symptoms allow.
Scapular Fractures 1% of all fractures
High energy: fall or direct blow Associated Injuries Ipsilateral rib fractures Pulmonary trauma Clavicular fractures Brachial plexus injuries Subclavian artery injuries Classified according to location
Scapula: Type I: fractures of scapular body 2
Type II: fractures of apophyseal regions including acromion and coracoid process 3,4 Type III: fracture of superolateral angle including glenoid neck and fossa 1 RX: generally minimal treatment. Surgery only in most drastic, displaced fractures. Donatelli RA, 1987
Scapular Fractures requiring surgery
Acromion or scapular spine fractures with a doward tilting of the lateral fragment and subacromial narrowing Coracoid fractures that extend into the glenoid fossa Glenoid rim and intra-articular glenoid fractures associated with glenohumeral instability
Rx of Scapular Fractures
Sling 7-10 days Progressive regimen of pendulum and gentle ROM exercises Progressive AROM and strengthening exercises
Humeral Head Fractures
Fracture Dislocations
Proximal: A. Greater Tuberosity More commonly seen in older individuals. B. Lesser Tuberosity Rare, usually avulsion fractures C. Neck of the Humerus Common fractures, transverse, comminuted, impacted D. Shaft of the Humerus MOI: significant force applied directly or indirectly to shoulder region Rx: depends upon the type of fracture, age of the patient
Fractures Associated with Shoulder Dislocations
Hill-Sachs lesion: depression fracture of the posterior/lateral humeral head. Area of soft cancellous bone which is compressed against the glenoid rim. Occurs in 77% of traumatic anterior dislocations
Bankart Lesion Defined as a detachment of the labrum from the glenoid rim occur in 87% of the traumatic dislocations the most common reason for recurrent instabilities
Quality of the Tissue Specifics of the Case:
Good tissue quality: heal faster, less functional issues Poor tissue quality: will the repair hold, takes longer to heal, more functional deficits after surgery Specifics of the Case: Did it involve the Biceps Tendon or not? Removal of any bone? Other?
Rotator Cuff Dysfunction Resulting in Impingement
Key pathophysiological factors Primary or secondary impingement Tensile overload Macrotraumatic tendon failure Posterior or undersurface impingement Key Muscles and Force Couples Deltoid Rotator cuff force couple Deltoid force: Rotator Cuff force: Trapezius and Serratus anterior Anterior posterior rotator cuff force couple Concavity-compression mechanism
Rotator Cuff Impingement
Primary Compressive Disease: Primary Impingement Compression of rotator cuff tendons between the humeral head and the overlying anterior third of the acromion, coracoacromial ligament, coracoid or AC joint Subacromial space Normals: 6mm-14mm Patients with shoulder pain: 7mm-13mm
Neer Classification Stage I: characterized by edema, inflammation, hemorrhage in the subacromial space. Swelling is responsible for the impingement Risk Factors: age 25 or less SX: dull ache in the shoulder after activity, pain may interfere with ADL’s
Signs: painful arc in abduction - between 60 and 120 dg, pain free
PROM, resisted tests are strong but painful for abduction Palpation: tender over the greater tuberosity and the anterior edge of the acromian Special tests: + Neer impingement test, + Kennedy and Hawkins test. This stage is easy to reverse if the person rests from aggravating activities and changes some work or play postures, strengthens weak muscles
Stage II: Characterized by aggravation of the subacromial contents creating a thickness in the bursae and fibrosis of the tendons. Risk Factors: 25 to 40 years of age SX and Signs: similar but increased in intensity from Stage I Impairments: more limitation in the PROM and with Hawkins and Kennedy test there is a catching sensation with the return from an elevated position. More difficult to reverse than Stage I
Stage III: More complicated: Risk Factor: 40 years of age or greater
get a partial or full thickness tendon tear, changes in the bony configuration of the humeral head and acromion, osteophytes Risk Factor: 40 years of age or greater SX: increase in intensity of symptoms, interferes with daily activities Signs: AROM more limited than PROM, resisted tests show weakness in abduction and external rotation
X-Rays: cystic changes in the greater tuberosity, underside of the acromian or at the AC joint
RX: surgery if conservative treatment doesn’t work. Repair of the torn muscles would occur with all of the surgical options. Surgical Options: 1. coracoacromial ligament resection 2. anterior acromioplasty 3. distal clavicle resection (Mumford procedure) 4. AC joint inferior osteophyte resection
Mechanical Impingement:
Abnormal shape of the acromion. 3 types of acromion, flat, curved and hooked. There is a close association with a hooked acromion (70%) with full thickness rotator cuff tears; 80% association with impingement syndrome
Secondary Compressive Disease
Due to underlying instability of the GH joint Anterior instability – overhead athletes, throwing athletes Increase in anterior translation, biceps tendon and rotator cuff become impinged Continual loss of GH stability Leads to rotator cuff tears
Tensile Overload Tendinosis injuries Degenerative process
Repetitive intrinsic tension overload Occurs during deceleration and follow through High load placed on posterior rotator cuff muscles Pathological changes of angiofibroblastic hyperplasia – early tendon stages, progresses to tears Tendinosis injuries Degenerative process
Macro traumatic Tendon Failure
Single traumatic event or a previous traumatic event Forces are greater than the tendon can handle Normal tendons don’t tear 30% damaged to produce a substantial reduction in strength Full thickness tears Bony avulsions May have had repeated microtraumatic insults and degeneration over time Failure over one heavy load
Posterior impingement
Undersurface In 90 dg of abduction and 90 dg of Ext rotation Supraspinatus tendon and infraspinatus tendon rotate posteriorly and get pinched between the humeral head and the posterior-superior glenoid rim
Add anterior translation of the humeral head causes mechanical fraying on undersurface of the rotator cuff tendons Halbrecht et al studied baseball pitchers with MRI of shoulder Paley et al studied 41 professional throwing athletes – all had this problem
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