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Jason Horning, ENP NDACo 6/3/2015 Next Generation 9-1-1 Update.

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Presentation on theme: "Jason Horning, ENP NDACo 6/3/2015 Next Generation 9-1-1 Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jason Horning, ENP NDACo 6/3/2015 Next Generation 9-1-1 Update

2 Review of the NG9-1-1 Program Objective To achieve Baseline Next Generation 9-1-1 Status Emergency Services IP network GIS Data to support validation and call delivery Publication of authoritative validation databases and location information servers Geospatially controlled call delivery Ability to control routing based on PSAP policy Ability to interconnect with other NG9-1-1 systems & interwork with E9-1-1 systems Support for system monitoring/logging/discrepency reporting to troubleshoot operation

3 The ESInet

4 Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) ESInet has been deployed for 15 of the 22 PSAPs Fully Deployed PSAPs (All calls delivered via ESInet) Williams/Williston Pembina Walsh Traill Richland Valley City Stutsman Bismarck / Burleigh Morton Mercer / Oliver McLean

5 Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) Partially Deployed (All wireless calls delivered via ESInet but some wireline trunks still bypass ESInet) Mountrail Lake Region State Radio Ward

6 Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) Remaining PSAPs to be connected to ESInet Stark RRRDC (Fargo) Grand Forks Bottineau/Renville Pierce Rolette Cavalier

7 ESInet Deployment Status Map

8 How does the 9-1-1 System CURRENTLY work? Telco Legacy SR Caller LSRG/LNG IPSR CenturyLink Network PSAP ALI Database Terms SR – Selective Router LSR - Legacy Selective Router LSRG – Legacy Selective Router Gateway LNG – Legacy Network Router IPSR – IP Selective Router PSAP CAMA SIP SS7/CAMA

9 Where are we at in the Transition? Call Flow Transition

10 GIS Data to Support Validation and Call Delivery

11 GIS Data to support Validation and Call Delivery Have begun migration towards GIS-based 9-1-1 database maintenance First Step – Create a common GIS Database Second Step – Create a common MSAG Third Step – Implement a common ALI Database Last Step – Implement NG9-1-1 Functional Elements

12 GIS Data to support Validation and Call Delivery First Step – Create a common GIS Database The Seamless Basemap Project, complete in October of 2015 Second Step – Create a common statewide MSAG Unenhanced/Local vs. Intrado ALI Database MSAG development prioritized for Counties with unenhanced status Enhanced counties with local ALI databases Counties with GIS data availability from seamless basemap project Third Step – Implement a common ALI Database Done in sequence with common MSAG development

13 MSAG Phase One (outlined in BLACK)

14 MSAG Phase Two (outlined in BLACK)

15 MSAG Phase Three (outlined in BLACK)

16 GIS Data to support Validation and Call Delivery More details on MSAG activity to come in next presentation!!

17 Geospatially Controlled Call Delivery

18 Geospatially-Controlled Call Delivery Will start with Text-to-9-1-1 Point in Polygon analysis Based on Cell Sector Centroid and PSAP boundary Will become more geospatially controlled in the future. Need GIS to be complete statewide first Need 9-1-1 Service Provider to set up ECRF/LVF Need Carriers to use ECRF/LVF for validation and call routing.

19 Text-to-911 Coverage and Text-Capable PSAPs Note: All areas of ND will have text to 911 service except for Sioux. Sioux will be covered when SD deploys it’s text-to-911 service.

20 Text-to-911 Call Routing 101 Call would route to RRRDC

21 Text-to-911 Call Routing 101 Call would route to Bismarck / Burleigh Combined Communications Center

22 Ability to Interconnect with E9-1-1 and other NG9-1-1 networks

23 Ability to Interconnect (NG9-1-1 & E9-1-1) Calls still transfer between PSAPs on the ESInet and PSAPs that are not. Testing underway between ND / MN for call transfers along the state boundary. Common ESInet vendor makes this relatively easy Developing a template for other PSAPs to use 9-1-1 Program Office created an “Interstate Playbook” working group to help create methodology for other states re: state to state transfers ND, MN, SD, IA Will provide guidance for how to Interconnect between states With a common NG9-1-1 System Service Provider Without a common NG9-1-1 System Service Provider Interim IP-based E9-1-1 methods and NG9-1-1 methods

24 Support for System Monitoring

25 Support for System Monitoring / Logging/ Discrepancy Reporting CenturyLink Control Center For network connections from Legacy Selective Router through the ESInet to the PSAP Circuit Management & Testing Repair Tickets Network Performance Intrado ClearView Monthly TN Census, ALI retrieval, ANI failure reports System performance, No record found, SOI reports Anything reports relating to calls and ALI

26 Questions?

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