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SIP Routing Proxy Integrated Routing solution. General functionality  The Routing Proxy is based on Session Initial Protocol(SIP) and is acting as a.

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Presentation on theme: "SIP Routing Proxy Integrated Routing solution. General functionality  The Routing Proxy is based on Session Initial Protocol(SIP) and is acting as a."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIP Routing Proxy Integrated Routing solution

2 General functionality  The Routing Proxy is based on Session Initial Protocol(SIP) and is acting as a SIP redirect server.  A redirect server is a user agent server that generates 3xx responses to requests it receives, directing the client to contact an alternate set of URIs.  Routing Proxy is generating SIP 302 responses, with multiple URI’s as routing choices.  Routing Proxy works together with all NGN switches supporting SIP 302 messages.  Based on customer requests Routing Proxy is able to send all SIP 3xx messages.  Prefix based Routing

3 General Call Flow

4 Routing Proxy Call Flow  Customers are identified on the Routing Proxy by an internal Customer Prefix which is send from the NGN Swich(SBC) to the Routing Proxy.  Routing Proxy replies based on the Routing table the supplier Prefixes where the NGN Switch(SBC) can make the static routing decision.

5 Practical Example

6 Operation and Maintenance  Fully maintainable through Captura Switch Export.  Backdoor maintainance through Web Gui.  Routing simulation over Web Gui.  Automatic Routing updates controlled by cronjobs.  Capable to handle all Captura Routing structures, like Special Routings, Wholesale, Premium etc.  Ability to control Peak / Offpeak / Weekend Routing.  Redundant Server architecture to provide the highest operational availability.  Database replication to redundant Routing Proxy.

7 Hardware / Operating System  Standard Intel based Servers, Quad core processors.  Working on each Server which complies with the necessary Hardware requirements.  Linux Operating System / Redhat  MySql databases, Apache and PHP for Web Gui applications.

8 Thank you for your interest.

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