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POMI2020: Network Substrate Software-defined Networks, and OpenFlow NSF Site Visit, June 2010 Nick McKeown Sachin Katti Monica Lam Ramesh Johari Guru Parulkar.

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Presentation on theme: "POMI2020: Network Substrate Software-defined Networks, and OpenFlow NSF Site Visit, June 2010 Nick McKeown Sachin Katti Monica Lam Ramesh Johari Guru Parulkar."— Presentation transcript:

1 POMI2020: Network Substrate Software-defined Networks, and OpenFlow NSF Site Visit, June 2010 Nick McKeown Sachin Katti Monica Lam Ramesh Johari Guru Parulkar Stanford University POMI 2020

2 POMI Research Agenda Applications Data & Computing Substrate PrPl, Junction and Concierge Radio technology Economics Cinder: Energy aware, secure OS Secure mobile browser UI HW Platform Network Substrate Software Defined Network & OpenFlow Handheld Infrastructure

3 Outline We set out to address two “barriers to innovation” in the network… Barrier 3: There is abundant capacity available, but it is closed and unavailable Barrier 4: The network infrastructure is closed and will remain ossified 3

4 What do we mean when we say the network is “closed and ossified”? 4

5 Million of lines of source code 5400 RFCsBarrier to entry Billions of gates BloatedPower Hungry Many complex functions baked into the infrastructure OSPF, BGP, multicast, differentiated services, Traffic Engineering, NAT, firewalls, MPLS, redundant layers, … An industry with a “mainframe-mentality”, reluctant to change The Ossified Network Specialized Packet Forwarding Hardware Operating System Operating System Feature Routing, management, mobility management, access control, VPNs, … 5

6 Glacial process of innovation made worse by captive standards process Deployment IdeaStandardize Wait 10 years 1.Driven by vendors 2.Owners/operators largely locked out 3.Lowest common denominator features 4.Glacial innovation Unlikely to change without external help 6

7 Example where change is needed Cellular industry – Recently made transition to IP – Billions of mobile users – Need to securely extract payments and hold users accountable – IP is dreadful at both, yet hard to change 7

8 Telco Operators e.g. AT&T, DT, NTT, … Global IP traffic will grow 5x by 2013 End-customer monthly bill remains unchanged Therefore, CAPEX and OPEX need to be reduced 5x by 2013 But in practice, reduces by <20% per year Q: How can operators reduce cost? Q: How can they differentiate their service? 8

9 The SDN Approach* Separate control from the datapath – i.e. separate policy from mechanism Datapath: Define minimal network instruction set – A set of “plumbling primitives” – A vendor-agnostic interface: OpenFlow Control: Define a network-wide OS – An API that others can develop on * With Scott Shenker, Martin Casado and many others 9

10 Specialized Packet Forwarding Hardware Feature Specialized Packet Forwarding Hardware Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Operating System Network OS Feature Restructured Network 10

11 Feature Network OS 1. Open interface to hardware 3. Well-defined open API 2. At least one Network OS probably many. Open- and closed-source The “Software-defined Network” OpenFlow 11 Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware

12 OpenFlow Basics Narrow, vendor-agnostic interface to control switches, routers, APs, basestations. 12

13 Network OS Step 1: Separate Control from Datapath 13 OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch

14 Step 2: Cache flow decisions in datapath “If header = x, send to port 4” “If header = ?, send to me” “If header = y, overwrite header with z, send to ports 5,6” 14 OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch Flow Table Flow Table

15 Plumbing Primitives 1.Match arbitrary bits in headers: – Match on any header; or new header – Allows any flow granularity 2.Actions: – Forward to port(s), drop, send to controller – Overwrite header with mask, push or pop – Forward at specific bit-rate 15 Header Data Match: 1000x01xx0101001x

16 Feature Network OS 1. Open interface to hardware 3. Well-defined open API 2. At least one Network OS probably many. Open- and closed-source The “Software-defined Network” OpenFlow 16 Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware

17 Network Operating System 1 Open interface to hardware Virtualization or “Slicing” Layer (FlowVisor) Network Operating System 2 Network Operating System 3 Network Operating System 4 Feature Many operating systems, or many versions Open interface to hardware Isolated “slices” Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Feature

18 Our Strategy Barrier: The network infrastructure is closed and will remain ossified Strategy: The Software Defined Network – Add OpenFlow to switches, routers, WiFi APs, basestations, … deploy in our network – Use SDN for our own research – Study how to apply to different types of network – Enable others to do research in their network – (Work with GENI community to deploy widely) 18

19 Some research examples 19

20 Ethane, a precursor to OpenFlow Centralized, reactive, per-flow control Controller Host A Host B Flow Switch [Ethane, Sigcomm ‘07] Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware Simple Packet Forwarding Hardware

21 FlowVisor Creates Virtual Networks OpenFlow Protocol FlowVisor OpenPipes Demo OpenFlow Wireless Demo OpenFlow Protocol PlugNServe Load-balancer OpenPipes Policy Multiple, isolated slices in the same physical network OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch [Sigcomm 2009 – Best Demo] [Paper in submission]

22 Demo Infrastructure with Slicing

23 OpenPipes Partition hardware designs across a network 23 [Sigcomm 2009 – 2 nd Best Demo] [Paper in submission]

24 Load-balancing as Network Primitive 24 OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch Internet OpenFlow Switch [Sigcomm 2009 Demo] [Paper in preparation] Goal: Minimize http response time over campus network Approach: Route over path to jointly minimize Network OS Load- Balancer “Pick path & server”

25 Intercontinental VM Migration Moved a VM from Stanford to Japan without changing its IP. VM hosted a video game server with active network connections. [Sigcomm 2008– Best Demo]

26 Feature NOX Converging Packet and Circuit Networks IP Router IP Router TDM Switch TDM Switch WDM Switch WDM Switch WDM Switch WDM Switch IP Router IP Router Goal: Common control plane for “Layer 3” and “Layer 1” networks Approach: Add OpenFlow to all switches; use common network OS OpenFlow Protocol OpenFlow Protocol [Supercomputing 2009 Demo] [OFC 2010]

27 ElasticTree Goal: Reduce energy in data center networks Approach: 1.Reroute traffic 2.Shut off links and switches to reduce power [NSDI 2010] Network OS DC Manager DC Manager “Pick paths”

28 ElasticTree Goal: Reduce energy in data center networks Approach: 1.Reroute traffic 2.Shut off links and switches to reduce power [NSDI 2010]XX X X X Network OS DC Manager DC Manager “Pick paths”

29 Network OS Making a Network Application Friendly Junction Phone2Phone Apps “Create a chat room” “Send to all participants” “Encrypt data” “Min. bandwidth is 6Mbps” “Create a multicast group” “Encrypt a flow” “Calculate multicast routing” “Assign flow rate” OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch [SIGCOMM’10 APSys Workshop] [SIGCOMM’10 MobiHeld Workshop]

30 Will SDN happen? 30

31 We now believe SDN will happen It is starting in big data centers – Driven by cost and control – Unable to cope with virtualization, multi-tenancy… – We are trying to “steer” them in same direction Growing interest by ISPs, cellular operators (GENI: Deploying on college campuses) 31

32 Example: New Data Center Cost 200,000 servers Fanout of 20 a 10,000 switches $5k vendor switch a $50M $1k commodity switch a $10M Savings in 10 data centers = $400M Control 1.More flexible control 2.Quickly improve and innovate 3.Enables “cloud networking” We believe large data centers will use SDN.

33 POMI Progress OpenFlow added to many devices – Switches, routers, APs, basestations, transport switches, chips Many research experiments have validated the approach Deployments happening on college campuses 33

34 Self Assessment + Good progress on basic architecture + “Slicing” very promising + Research experiments validate the approach - The networking industry is very entrenched - To break down the barrier, it takes a lot of engineering. + More deployments than we expected - Difficult to scale to meet interest/demand 34

35 Outline We set out to address two “barriers to innovation” in the network… Barrier: There is abundant capacity available, but it is closed and unavailable Barrier: The network infrastructure is closed and will remain ossified 35

36 What does it take to….. 36 Open the wireless infrastructure so users can choose any free spectrum, any network, or many networks, any time?

37 37 AT&T 3G Sprint WiMAX Any network….

38 38 AT&T 3G Sprint WiMAX Many networks….

39 What does it take to give users choice? 39

40 Technology and contracting Contracts are limited or enabled by technology This has a first order impact on network economics [ Example: BGP and interdomain routing ] 1.What technology is needed to enable a new form of contract? 2.Are there countervailing economic forces that might prevent efficient use of new technology?

41 Application: Learning to share Can wireless providers learn to share? Technologies such as OpenFlow Wireless and radio virtualization enable users to make choices. Will providers let them? Central requirement is complementarity: Profit-maximizing providers must find collective action in their own best interest. Examples: Geographical complementarity (roaming). Overcoming high fixed costs (tower sharing).

42 How do we give users choice? 42

43 Wish List 1.Instantaneous contracts with any physical network, independent of its owner or radio technology 2.A network-independent way to choose a network, and to control mobility 43

44 Design Choice 1.Establish my own instantaneous contracts and control the network (hard), or 1.Delegate to an entity in the infrastructure – A service provider – My own agent Conceptually the same; we start by delegating 44

45 Requirement Technical – Radio-independent control layer – A method for a service provider to control my flows on my behalf Business – An incentive for infrastructure owners to open access to service providers 45

46 Network OS “Slicing” Layer Network OS Feature Billing, Mobility New Service Billing, Mobility New Service “AT&T” New Service “Vodafone” Billing, Mobility New Service Billing, Mobility New Service Feature OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow AP OpenFlow BS

47 Consequences Radio-independent control layer – Service provider controls user flows – Easy handover between physical networks – Can use several networks simultaneously – Service innovation by service providers A method to share the physical infrastructure – Isolation between service providers – Short-term or long-term lease of rights-of-way 47

48 48 Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios Network Layer: Wireline Network Service Layer: Authentication, Billing, Mobility Management, Routing, … AT&T

49 Separating the service from the network 49 Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios Network Layer: Wireline Network Service Layer: Authentication, Billing, Mobility Management, Routing, … Separation/Virtualization

50 Service provider controls a slice across physical networks 50 Separation/Virtualization Service Network Service Network Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios “AT&T”

51 Progress so far Created OpenFlow wireless network – WiFi and WiMAX – Sliced by bandwidth, flowspace, and SSID Experiments in mobility management – Projects Class – Lossless handover – Predictive handover – Vertical handover (With GENI, plan to deploy in other campuses) 51

52 Next Steps Control across physical network owners – With Clearwire: Vertical handoff between our WiMAX network and theirs – With Google: OpenWiFi project to share WiFi access – Outsourcing management of home networks – On GENI: Separation of control from network nationwide (WiFi and WiMAX). 52

53 Network OS “Slicing” Layer Network OS Application Specific Control Application Specific Control My Application Specific Service User Application A natural next step Billing, Mobility New Service Billing, Mobility New Service “AT&T” “Vodafone” Billing, Mobility New Service Billing, Mobility New Service OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow WiFi AP

54 Examples 1.Junction General communication broker 2.Application specific quality control In-network replication 54

55 Demonstration 55 Network OS My Application Specific Service “Give me high quality” Video server Loss! “Loss!” OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow Switch OpenFlow AP OpenFlow AP OpenFlow BS

56 Can we virtualize the radio and spectrum? 56

57 Step 1: Separating service from network 57 Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios Network Layer: Wireline Network Service Layer: Authentication, Billing, Mobility Management, Routing, … Separation/Virtualization

58 58 Step 1: Open the wireless infrastructure so users can choose any network, or many networks, any time? What about the network operator? Can we open the wireless infrastructure so operators can choose any radio, any available spectrum, any time?

59 Step 2: Separating network from radio 59 Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios Network Layer: Wireline Network Service Layer: Authentication, Billing, Mobility Management, Routing, … Separation/Virtualization

60 60 AT&T 3G Sprint WiMAX Why separate network from radio?

61 61 AT&T 3G Sprint WiMAX Why separate network from radio?

62 Trends Currently, ~10 wireless devices per person Future, expect 1000 devices per person  a trillion devices coming online Most of them will be battery operated and expected to last a long time Current WiFi+Cellular infrastructure won’t scale 62

63 How to meet this demand? Provide high throughput connectivity anytime, anywhere while keeping battery consumption constant/low Current networks operate close to the Shannon limit  Change how networks are architected Increase density : Bring the infrastructure and client closer Increase spectrum : Adaptively exploit unused spectrum

64 Who will pay for this infrastructure/spectrum? Revenue is not keeping pace with traffic growth  Operators unlikely to invest in expensive infrastructure To scale, the same physical infrastructure and spectrum has to be shared among multiple networks Our approach: Separate networks from physical infrastructure/spectrum via virtualization

65 Step 2: Separating network from radio 65 Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios Radio Network: Spectrum, Radios Network Layer: Wireline Network Separation/Virtualization AT&T VerizonSprint WiMax BS 2.6-2.8GHz LTE BS 1.8-1.9GHz LTE BS 700-900Mhz Software Radio New Virtual Network Network operators use any BS with spectrum that’s available (assuming the BS works in that range)

66 Spectrum Virtualization Spectrum resources can be used along 3 dimensions – Frequency – Space – Time Spectrum Slice Abstraction – Sets of non-contiguous frequencies as a virtual spectral block (VSB) – OFDM to stitch together non-contiguous bands

67 Infrastructure Virtualization Different networks need to co-exist on the same physical hardware – Guarantee power, spectrum and timing isolation Two approaches – Virtualizing within the same technology (e.g. LTE BS) Scheduling flows to provide QOS, and spectrum virtualization to share spectrum – Virtualizing hardware to support heterogeneous wireless technologies (e.g. LTE and WiMax on the same BS) Designing higher level computing units (FFT, message passing decoders etc) that can be stitched to create different wireless PHYs

68 Self Assessment + Progress being made towards our “big vision” + Surprised how easy experiments are to create + Expanded the vision to virtualize infrastructure & spectrum -Hard to work with cellular providers -Hard to deploy widely: Spectrum, engineering -A lot of work left to reach our “big vision” 68

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