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Welcome to Kindergarten Family Start 2014-2015. Introductions Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Williams Ms. Reiman.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Family Start 2014-2015. Introductions Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Williams Ms. Reiman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Family Start 2014-2015

2 Introductions Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Williams Ms. Reiman

3 Procedures Absences –Call the nurse each day your child is absent (763) 549-2363 –District Policy states that your child needs to stay home 24 hours if they have any of the following symptoms: Fever Vomiting Diarrhea – Daily Medication/Chronic Condition – needs to be discussed with the nurse.

4 Emergency Cards/School Closing Forms Please fill out and return any forms to your teacher as soon as possible, thank you!

5 Language Line If English is not your first language you can call Garden City at (763) 561-9768 and give your name and the language you need an interpreter for.

6 Transportation Drop off time: 9:15 (if your student is not eating breakfast) Pick up time: 4:00 We need a note in writing or a phone call prior to 3:30 with any changes or we will send your child home the way they usually would go. It is best for your child to leave school the same way each day; bus, walk, parent pick-up beginning the first day of school!

7 Meals Breakfast – free daily to all students before school only. If your student arrives late, they will not get breakfast! Lunch –Free/reduced lunch forms available in the office –Lunch balance notes will be sent home in Wednesday Envelopes –Students may eat hot lunch – from school or bring a lunch from home

8 Birthdays We celebrate your child’s birthday throughout the day with song, a special vest, a gift from the teacher. School policy states no food for birthday treats please (due to food allergies). You are welcome to send a non-food item.

9 Report Cards Report cards are sent home three times a year. In December and March, please sign the envelope, keep the report card and return the empty envelope to school. In June you will receive your child’s report card to keep.

10 Wednesday Envelope This is how district, school, community, and classroom information is communicated with you each week on Wednesdays. Please look through the papers, empty the envelope and return it the next day.

11 Media/Book Care Students may check out one book at a time once a week. That may change as the year progresses, however.

12 Typical Day Kindergarten doesn’t look like it used to! Supplies Needed: –Hard plastic school box, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, scissors, spiral notebook and a box of tissue. –We will send home notes when your child runs low on supplies.

13 Additional Notes Music/Phy Ed. Schedule –Students have music or phy ed. daily –Students must have tennis shoes for phy ed. They can wear them each day or leave a pair in their locker come winter.

14 Parent Responsibilities Check your child’s backpack every day and remove all their papers. Come to Conferences: –Fall: October 14, 20, and 22, 2014 –Winter: February 3, 5 and 11, 2015 (There are both morning and afternoon times on some days)

15 Appropriate Clothing Students go outside everyday for recess! In Winter, students will need: –Boots –Snowpants –Hat –Waterproof, warm gloves/mittens –Warm Winter Jacket

16 Sleep Sleep is necessary for brain function! Most Kindergarten students need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep every night. Please help your student be ready to do their best work every day!

17 Skills for your child to Practice and master at Home Zip zippers on coats and pants Button buttons Tie shoes by themselves! Write their name

18 Homework There is no assigned school homework in Kindergarten at Garden City. –Read to and with your child. –Tell stories with your child –Ask your child to re-tell or “read” books to you that they bring home. –Encourage your child to write at whatever level they are at. (draw, scribble, etc)

19 Behavior Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) B – be respectful blue L – learn responsibly slips U – use self control E – everyone achieves This is a school-wide initiative to help students build self control for success.

20 Mrs.Thompson – Mrs. Williams – Ms. Reiman– Mr. Branch – Ms. Josie Johnson – » Garden City - (763) 561-9768

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