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Map of Laos Lao Educational System Primary School (5 Years length); Secondary School (High School) for 7 Years, and; University Levels which last from.

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2 Map of Laos

3 Lao Educational System Primary School (5 Years length); Secondary School (High School) for 7 Years, and; University Levels which last from 4 to 6 year courses depending upon specialties. All Lao citizens start their schooling at the age of 6 of which primary and secondary schools are compulsory.

4 Tertiary Education in Laos  National University of Laos located in Vientiane Capital;  Souphanouvong University located in Luang Prabang (Northern Part of Laos),  Champasack University located in the Southern of Laos, and  Savannakhet University located in the Central Part of Laos  Health Sciences University located in Vientiane Capital


6 Dongdok Campus

7 High Educational Institutions run by different Ministries NUOL Background 5 Campuses 1 School of Talented and Ethnic Students 11 Faculties 1 School of Talented and Ethnic Students 11 Faculties 7 Centers Dongdok Campus is the head quarter 1996 Central Library History

8 Vice President Graduate Office Academic Affairs Office Personnel Affairs Office General & Plan. Affairs Office Facility & Property Office Student Affairs Office International Relations Office (II) (I) (III) University Council Academic Board Admin. Board Organization Structure President Finance & Budget Office Vice President Housing & Services Office (IV) Research Office

9 F. of Engineering. F. of Sciences. F. of Economics & Management. F. of Agriculture. F. of Forestry. F. of Letters. F. of Social Sciences. F. of Education. F. of Law & Admin. Quota Students Entrance Examination 4-5Years 2 – 5Yrs Undergraduate Program Academic System M.A/PhD F. of Architecture. F. of Environmental Sciences.


11 Undergraduate Program Graduate Program High Diploma Program Faculties 11 Faculties F. of Education F. of Forestry F of Agriculture F of Engineering All Except Faculty of Environmental Sciences Faculties Except FOES 4-5Yrs 2-5Yrs Bridging NUOL Academic System

12 Higher Diploma Programs Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Education H.Dip. in Civil Engineering H.Dip. in AgricultureH.Dip. in ForestryH.Dip. in Physical Education H.Dip. in Refrigeration Engineering H.Dip. In Husbandry and Fishery H.Dip. in Industrial Engineering H.Dip. in Electrical Engineering H.Dip. in Telecommunication H.Dip. in Electronics H.Dip. in Road-Bridge H.Dip. in Irrigation

13 Undergraduate Programs Faculty of SciencesFaculty of ForestryFaculty of Economics & Business Management MathematicsForest ManagementGeneral Economics PhysicsWood Technology and Forest Economics Development Economics ChemistryWatershed Management and Land Use Planning International Economics BiologyEco-TourismPublic Economics Computer ScienceCommunity Forestry and Rural Development General Management Finance and Banking Marketing Accounting

14 Undergraduate Program (Faculty of Education) Education in MathematicsEducation in PhysicsEducation in Lao Language and Literature Education in ChemistryEducation in Biology Education in English LanguageEducation in French LanguageEducation in Geography Education in HistoryEducation in Political SciencesEducation in Educational Management Education in Psychology

15 Undergraduate Program ( Faculty of Engineering) Civil EngineeringEnvironmental Engineering Mining Engineering Mechanical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringIndustrial Engineering Hydro Power Electrical Engineering ElectronicsTelecommunication Information TechnologyComputer EngineeringWater Resources Road-Bridge Engineering IrrigationVocational Education

16 Undergraduate Programs Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Law and Public Administration Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Environmental Sciences ArchitectureLawAgriculture Urban PlanningAdministrationHusbandry and Fishery Environmental Management Building ArchitectureInternational Relation Rural Economics and Agricultural Production Environmental Sciences Economic Law

17 Undergraduate Program (Faculty of Letters) Lao Language and Literature English Language Japanese Language Vietnamese Language Korean Language Lao language and Mass Media French Language Chinese Language German Language Russian Language Applied Foreign Language

18 Undergraduate Program (Faculty of Social Sciences) Geography and Geographic Information System History and Anthropology Political Science Hotel Management Tourism Sociology and Social Development

19 Graduate Programs Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Economics & Business Management Faculty of Education M Sc in Mathematics M. in Infrastructure in Civil Engineering M Sc in Integrated Forest Resources Management Ph. D. In Business Administration M. in Educational Administration M Sc in BiologyM. in Electrical Engineering -M. in Business Administration -M. in Finance -M. in Marketing M. in Curriculum and Instruction M Sc in Applied Physics M. in Environmental Engineering and Management -M. in Development and Planning Economics -M. In International Economics Specialist Program in Software Engineering -M. in Monetary and Public Economics -M. in Accounting IT Specialist in Networking M. in Development and Planning Economics

20 Graduate Programs Faculty of Letters Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Law and Public Administration Laos– Japan Human Resource Development Institute Graduate Office MA in TEFLM. in Urban Design M. in Laws M. in Business Administration M. in International Financial Management MA in Lao Language M. in Urban Environmental Planning M. in International Development Studies MA in Lao Literature PhD in Management Science

21 Graduate Programs Faculty of Agriculture -M Sc in Sustainable Agricultural Resources Management Faculty of Social Sciences -MA in Social Development -MA in Cultural Resources Management

22 Academic Staff

23 Staff Qualifications

24 Academic Title

25 Student Statistics

26 NUOL Participation Description in the EMECW (BTG) Conducts the orientations for the interested applicants Assists in the application process of interested participants Assists with the outgoing mobility participants Assists with the incoming mobility participants Select the applications for the incoming applicants Report the progress of the program to the president of the National University of Laos Liaise with the University of Trento and the concerned organizations

27 International Incoming /OutgoingMobility One international incoming staff from Turkey has successfully completed his one month staff exchange program Two international incoming students (one from Austria and the other one from Spain) have been enrolled in the Master Program in IDS Six staff from NUOL have already gone to the respected university in EU countries for their Master and PhD degree Another one from NGO has also gone to the respected university in Spain for her PhD degree

28 Difficulties Encountered NUOL has a very limited numbers of International Master and PhD programs which are conducted in English Some existing Master and PhD programs are the joint programs with the universities of the neighboring countries NUOL does not have full autonomy in decision making on the related matters NUOL does not have a very precise guidelines for the exchange program NUOL has a very limited resources and facilities to support and facilitate the cooperation program Our working system is not autonomous, it takes time to make decision and proceed, and it is hard to meet the deadline and requirement NUOL has no existing precise guidelines for the credit transfer, credit recognition and the recognition of the diploma


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