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February 8, 3:30 p.m. 112 Speech & Hearing Science Bldg.

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Presentation on theme: "February 8, 3:30 p.m. 112 Speech & Hearing Science Bldg."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 8, 3:30 p.m. 112 Speech & Hearing Science Bldg

2 Brenda Clevenger Evans ( Jeff Buck ( Council on Teacher Education 505 East Green Street, Suite 203 Above Cold Stone and PNC Bank

3 Get Illinois certification when you graduate!  Saves you from potentially having to take additional course should the program or ISBE requirements change  Provides permanent record of certification  Other states may not certify you

4 Citizens  Student Portal- left side under “Administrative/ School Service Personnel Certification Application Instructions” Non Citizens  Complete ISBE 73-03D form “Application For School Service Personnel or Administrative Certificate”  Turn in to Council on Teacher Education

5 Entitlement Request Form Name  Must use name that appears on Banner  Name changes?  Change Name in Banner  Contact us Mailing address  Most permanent address

6 Date of Birth  Must have in order to process Month/Year Program Completion  This should be the month/year you will be completing ALL necessary requirements for certification. Degree  Put type of degree you are earning (must have master’s)

7 Email address. Important!!!!  Can use any email account  Check regularly  Keep account from filling up and having e-mail bounce  This is where we will notify you to go online to complete certification process Cell Phone  # where we can reach you w/questions

8 Application:   Student Portal  Administrative/School Service Personnel Certification Application Instructions Type of Certificate  School Service Personnel Program  Speech Language Pathologist (non-teaching) Verification of Experience Form  IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE

9 Read small print Print, sign, and date form Turn application in to Patty Unsigned applications will be returned Keep copy for yourself

10 When to Turn in Form And What To Do After Do not wait until you have passed tests Turn in application Citizens Go to Create Educator Certification System (ECS) account (Step 2 on instruction form) Stop! Go no further (for now) Technical Problems? Contact ISBE. Not us.

11 Final audit is based on SPSHS evaluation provided by Patty.  If we try to contact you, please respond  Make sure courses listed match transcripts  Non-UI courses must have transcripts attached  Nothing can be done until we have this document

12 Requirements Needed Prior to Recommendation for Certification Appropriate test scores Letter of Recommendation from Patty Satisfactory completion of internship Portfolio Review

13 When All Requirements Have Been Met Citizens  We will notify you by e-mail that your entitlement has been processed and you can go online to complete the process (roughly 3-4 weeks after graduation) (Step 3 on instructions) Next Step 4  Apply for certificate  Register certificate online: PRINT COPY OF REGISTRATION  School districts can verify your certification as soon as we clear you  Certificate will arrive from ISBE ~week later  May want to wait until July 1 st to claim

14 Non Citizens – Signed & sealed application will be mailed back to you with instructions and Notice of Intent form – You’ll need to turn in documents and apply w/ROE Present to ROE proof of legal immigration status Pay fees

15 Testing Required tests: limit of 5x per test Basic Skills (reading, writing, grammar, mathematics) Speech Language Pathologist: Nonteaching (154) Can take both tests on same day Make sure SSN is correct Make sure scores are sent to UIUC (052) Keep your scores forever!

16 Certification Miscellaneous Standard certificate Valid 5 fiscal years Fiscal year is July 1 –June 30. May wish to claim cert in July Certification in other States Based on completion of approved program and certification in Illinois May have form for COTE to fill out – Send to us!

17 Web Resources Contact information for other states on our website under “Resources” Probably not too soon to begin applying Other relevant websites Educator Certification System (ECS) Illinois Certification Testing System (ICTS) Praxis/CBEST (for other states) Illinois Education Job Bank

18 Contact Information Brenda Clevenger Evans Jeff Buck Council on Teacher Education 505 E. Green Street, Suite 202 Champaign, IL 61820 Above Cold Stone and Nat’l City Bank When E-mailing Include UIN Pick either me or Jeff (not both) No appointments by email. Call 333-7195 to schedule. Urgent matters? Don’t use email unless we contacted you via that route.

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