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HUMAN RIGHTS IN PRACTICE Global Issues Unit Lesson 2.

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1 HUMAN RIGHTS IN PRACTICE Global Issues Unit Lesson 2

2 Objectives  Review major international hr law.  Evaluate the role various organizations play in promoting and protecting human rights.  Identify opinion of US HR policy.

3 Warm Up  What are the 3 HR laws that make up the International “Bill of Rights”?  What other groups are protected under international law?  UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights  ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights  ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights  Conventions against  Torture  Refugees  Racial Discrimination  Women  Children

4 Think-Pair-Share  Is it really reasonable to try to give the same rights to everyone in the world? Why/why not?

5 Debating Human Rights Law  Sets govt responsibilities  Improve quality of life  Establishes ideal to strive for  All talk – no reality  Imposition Western ideals  Many accept, few implement  Major nations don’t ratify (binding)  HRC is hypocritical and ineffective PROSCONS

6 Making Rights a Reality How can they protect/promote hr?Limits or shortcomings? National Govts Guidelines for domestic laws; guide econ & social policy within nation Sovereignty issues; can interpret & even limit laws; hard to put into practice; limited resources in poor countries; tool of foreign policy The UN Internatl Cts NGOs

7 Making Rights a Reality How can they protect/promote hr?Limits or shortcomings? National Govts The UNHRC sets standards; monitors & investigates conditions (sanction/intervene); special agencies for hr issues & aid Slow to work; fails to achieve goals; can’t enforce resolutions Internatl Cts NGOs

8 Making Rights a Reality How can they protect/promote hr?Limits or shortcomings? National Govts The UN Internatl Cts Strengthen enforcement: ICJ/World Ct – tries countries ICC – tries individuals R-I-C-U refuse to join ICC; unbalanced prosecution; disrupt efforts in conflict areas NGOs

9 Making Rights a Reality How can they protect/promote hr?Limits or shortcomings? National Govts The UN Internatl Cts NGOsLobby govts; educate ppl; support victims; take legal action Authority; involvement w/local populations; funding

10 HR Groups  Identify a human rights related NGO.  Private, non-profit orgs with specific public policy interest.  Human Rights Watch  Amnesty Internatl  Oxfam Internatl  American Red Cross  International Red Crescent  Dr’s Without Borders  Polaris Project

11 Globalization & Human Rights  Economic Challenges  Migrant workers  MNC’s vs. Govts  Indigenous rights  Environmental Challenges  Environmental equity  Resource scarcity  Water  “Practices of individuals & governments influence living standards and human rights conditions of other people around the world.”  Competing Visions of Human Rights –

12 Paradox (Contradiction) of US HR Policy  World leader for HR, but places own interests above HR agreements & standards  Examples Supported govts that abuse rights for poly/econ/security reasons Protects its own sovereignty while intruding on others Slow to ratify Child/Women…no support ICC US Abuses – Discrimination in ct system, use of capital punishment, enhanced interrogation & treatment terror POWs (lack health care was internatl concern until recently- now US concern!)

13 Video-  Human Rights Video

14 Activity – 1 = Strongly Support 2 = Support 3 = Neutral/ No Opinion 4 = Oppose 5 = Strongly Oppose  Human rights are not universal. The US should respect other cultures’ interpretations of human rights.  Human rights can only be addressed through international cooperation.  The US should improve its own track record on human rights.  Promoting human rights should be the US’ most important foreign policy.  The US should promote economic, social, and cultural rights as actively as it supports civil & political rights.  The US has a moral obligation to try to stop injustices around the globe.  Human rights violations abroad will eventually affect US interests and security.

15 Closure  In your own life and experiences, do you or people you know have the rights and protections contained in the UDHR?

16 Homework

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