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Subtraction. Matching objects to numbers (less than 20) and then removing objects from the group.

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Presentation on theme: "Subtraction. Matching objects to numbers (less than 20) and then removing objects from the group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subtraction

2 Matching objects to numbers (less than 20) and then removing objects from the group.

3 Counting back using bead strings, number lines and 100 squares.

4 Using a number line to carry out 2- digit subtractions by partitioning the second number (smaller number).

5 Find the difference between two numbers by counting up from the smaller to the larger.

6 Decomposition by partitioning the numbers and setting out the subtraction vertically.

7 Decomposition using exchanging

8 Standard written methods for vertical subtraction using larger numbers and decimals.

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