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Spring Web Flow
Introduction Spring Web Flow is a subproject of the popular Spring Framework
Introduction Spring Web Flow allows to build high-level, reusable, self-contained controller modules called flows that are runnable in any environment
Flows A flow defines a user dialog that responds to user events to drive the execution of application code to complete a business goal Flows are defined declaratively using a rich domain-specific language, like XML (XSD)
Spring Web Flow motivation
Motivation [part1 - flow definition]
Traditionally, defining the UI flow in a web application has been a less than intuitive process Frameworks like Spring Web MVC force to cut the UI flow into individual controllers and views Disadvantage: the overall UI flow is not at all clear from looking at the controller definitions
Motivation [part1 - flow definition]
The Spring Web MVC offers a slightly higher level of functionality - form controllers that implement a predefined work flow: SimpleFormController AbstractWizardFormController However, these are still hard coded examples of a more general work flow concept Spring Web Flow
Spring Web Flow solution
Allows to represent the UI flow in a web application in a clear and simple way The UI flow is clearly visible by looking at the web flow definition (XML file) Web Flows can be designed to be self-contained modular design and reuse Consistent web flow definition technique you're not forced into using specialized controllers for very particular situations
Motivation [part2 - navigation]
Typical web application have a mix of navigation requirements Free navigations Controlled flows Each case bring their own design challenges
Free navigation A set of pages connected by links Examples
Accessing a link renders a public resource Examples Kursa lekciju saraksts: Otrais praktiskais darbs: Users can access resources directly Can bookmark or send to a friend
Controlled flows A user task that spans more than one request
The task is the public resource Examples Registration E-shop ordering Accessing the task URL starts a new “task execution” Local to the current user’s session Intermediate steps of an execution are not bookmarked
Effect on design Free navigation A controlled flow is more complex
Stateless When invoked: Does work Selects a view to render All in one request A controlled flow is more complex Stateful Guides the user through a task with a linear progression Renders a view to solicit task input as required
Motivation [part3 - scopes]
Three different Servlet scopes that dictate the visibility and location of objects and attributes that are associated with request processing: Request Session Application
Request scope Has the smallest lifetime
Is unique to each request from a browser Will be discarded when the view is returned to the browser Typically contains data sent from the browser browser headings request parameters
Session scope Starts as soon as each unique browser accesses the server Ends if the server hasn’t received a request within a specified timeout or if explicitly destroyed This scope allows objects to live across requests Typically contains e.g. information about the current user user details authentication
Application scope Lives for the duration of the web application deployment Contains shared application components and configuration elements
The problem with scopes
Many use cases do not fit into the Servlet scopes Use case span more than one page but do not require the longevity of the session The Servlet specification is missing the concept of a conversational scope to support the execution of use cases that span multiple pages
Use cases and scopes
Session scope? Why not store everything in the session and manually perform cleanups when the conversation ends? Server affinity Greatly increased memory footprint per user Name space clashes No vocabulary for process modelling
Spring solution Spring Web Flow treats conversational scope as a first-level citizen The core artefact within Spring Web Flow is the flow (or conversation) Conversations can execute in parallel without intruding on each other When the conversation has finished, all allocated resources are automatically cleaned up
Spring Web Flow characteristics
Spring Web Flow characteristics
Implementation agnostic Abstracted away from the Servlet specification Nothing web-specific about a flow definition Developer is not presented with an HttpServletRequest or an HttpServletResponse
Spring best practices Develop against interfaces plug in the most appropriate implementation Favor integration with established technologies Allow reusability from within other established web frameworks Integrates with Struts, JSF and Portlet MVC Facilitate test-driven development
Spring Web Flow characteristics
Low adoption overhead SWF is self-contained little impact when introducing it on existing projects Spring Web Flow is another Controller tool in the MVC toolbox A major design goal of Spring Web Flow was to do one thing and do it well
Spring Web Flow architectural overview
Integration options Spring Web Flow is very self-contained
the entry points to other frameworks are consistent
Inside the SWF System A central FlowExecutionManager façade is responsible for launching executions of flows on behalf of clients Flow executions = new user conversations with the server Each conversation is given its own local data structure, called flow scope
Where is flow scope stored?
Flow scope is stored in a repository A number of repository implementations to support different usage scenarios: SimpleFlowExecutionRepository ContinuationFlowExecutionRepository ClientContinuationFlowExecutionRepository
Building Blocks With Spring Web Flow, the primary challenge for developers is the design and implementation of a flow definition Web flow is composed of a set of states Each state has one or more transitions that are used to move to another state A transition is triggered by an event
Flows A flow defines a conversation, or dialogue, between users and the server
States The steps of a flow are called states.
Five core types of states: Action state Executes application code, typically delegating to a business service in the middle tier View state Renders a view allowing the user to participate in the flow by entering data or viewing a message
States Subflow state Decision state End state
Spawns another flow as a subflow Decision state Evaluates a condition to drive a transition to a new state End state Terminates a flow
Transitions All states (except end states) are transtionable and maintain a set of one or more transitions that define “allowed paths” to other states A transition is triggered on the occurrence of an event
Events Nothing more than “something that happens” within a state
An event is treated as a state outcome that captures the logical result of a state’s execution From the previous slide: The “submit” event communicates that a submit button was pressed as the outcome of a view state The “yes” event communicates that a “true” result was returned when evaluating a condition as the outcome of a decision state
Deterministic finite automata
Sample Application
Sample Application - Phonebook
Allows to locate an employee of the company using some search criteria Once the right person is found, it is possible to consult detailed information (phone, colleagues)
Sources and deployed sample
Sources: \spring-webflow-1.0.5\projects\spring-webflow-samples\phonebook Deployed sample:
Phonebook domain objects
Person - A simple JavaBean containing person details SearchCriteria - A query object representing a search in the phonebook SearchCriteriaValidator - A validator to validate a SearchCriteria object Phonebook - Main business facade interface public List<Person> search(SearchCriteria criteria); public Person getPerson(Long id); The StubPhonebook implementation of the Phonebook interface just hard-codes some dummy data
Spring Web MVC Setup Need to configure /WEB-INF/web.xml
ContextLoaderListener - initializes the Spring Framework when web application is loaded by the servlet engine DispatcherServlet - handles all requests matching the URL pattern *.htm
<context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> classpath:org/springframework/webflow/samples/phonebook/stub/services-config.xml </param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener </listener-class> </listener> The root application context will be loaded from the services-config.xml classpath resource
services-config.xml The root web application context, defined in services-config.xml configures business facade: the phonebook bean <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" <bean id="phonebook" class="org.springframework.webflow. samples.phonebook.stub.StubPhonebook"/> </beans>
DispatcherServlet <servlet>
<servlet-name>phonebook</servlet-name> <servlet-class> org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet </servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value> /WEB-INF/phonebook-servlet-config.xml /WEB-INF/phonebook-webflow-config.xml </param-value> </init-param> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <url-pattern>*.htm</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
ViewResolver <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet. view.InternalResourceViewResolver"> <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/> <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/> </bean> </beans>
Spring Web MVC is configured! Next let’s integrate Spring Web Flow!
The Web Flow Controller
The component that does integration is: org.springframework.webflow.executor.mvc. FlowController This controller will handle all things Web Flow on behalf of the application Configure in phonebook-servlet-config.xml: <bean name="/phonebook.htm" class= "org.springframework.webflow.executor.mvc.FlowController"> <property name="flowExecutor" ref="flowExecutor"/> </bean>
Flow executor All flow execution management responsibilities will be delegated to flow executor phonebook-webflow-config.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans ... > <flow:executor id="flowExecutor" registry-ref="flowRegistry"/> <flow:registry id="flowRegistry"> <flow:location path="/WEB-INF/flows/**-flow.xml"/> </flow:registry> </beans>
Flow registry The flow registry will load flows from XML files found in the /WEB-INF/flows/ directory that have the -flow.xml suffix The search flow defined in search-flow.xml will be assigned the id search-flow The detail flow defined in detail-flow.xml will receive the id detail-flow
Request parameters Web Flow controller is invoked by the dispatcher servlet to handle a request It examines the following request parameters to determine what to do: _flowId _flowExecutionKey _eventId
_flowId Id of a flow for which a new execution should be launched
Possible values in a sample application are search-flow and detail-flow If "_flowExecutionKey" parameter is not present, the flow controller launches a new flow execution The new execution will be assigned a unique key <a href="phonebook.htm?_flowId=search-flow">Phonebook</a>
_flowExecutionKey The unique id of an ongoing flow execution
When present in a request, the flow controller will restore the ongoing flow execution and resume it The flow execution key is available in the request outcome model using the name "flowExecutionKey” <input type="hidden" name="_flowExecutionKey“ value="${flowExecutionKey}"/>
_eventId The event that will be triggered in the current state of the flow Is required when accessing an ongoing flow execution Not used when launching a new flow execution <input type="submit" class="button" name="_eventId_search" value="Search"/>
infrastructure is in place!
Now all the infrastructure is in place! Let's look at Web Flows and what they can do for us!
Web Flow schema Technically, a Web Flow is nothing more than an XML file representation of the UI flow Schema reference to indicate that an XML file contains a Web Flow definition: <flow xmlns=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation=" spring-webflow-1.0.xsd">
Web Flow states The Web Flow schema defines that a flow is composed of a set of states Each state will have a unique id in the flow Supported state types: start-state action-state view-state decision-state subflow-state end-state
Event signaling The way a state signals events depends on the state type View state Event is based on user input submitted to the controller using the "_eventId" request parameter Action state The executed actions signal events Subflow state Event is based on the outcome of the subflow they spawned
Search Flow (initial version)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <flow xmlns=...> <start-state idref="enterCriteria"/> <view-state id="enterCriteria" view="searchCriteria"> <transition on="search" to="displayResults"/> </view-state> <view-state id="displayResults" view="searchResults"> <transition on="newSearch" to="enterCriteria"/> <transition on="select" to="...detail module..."/> </flow> Note: flow does not define an end state!
Detail Flow (initial version)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <flow xmlns=...> <start-state idref="displayDetails" /> <view-state id="displayDetails" view="details"> <transition on="back" to="finish" /> <transition on="select" to="...detail module..." /> </view-state> <end-state id="finish" /> </flow> In this case there is an end state since we need to end this flow and return to the calling flow when going back
Views Web Flow definitions reference three views:
"searchCriteria“ /WEB-INF/jsp/searchCriteria.jsp "searchResults" /WEB-INF/jsp/searchResults.jsp "details“ /WEB-INF/jsp/details.jsp Implementing SWF views is similar to any other Spring Web MVC application The point of interest is linking back to the flow controller and signaling an event
searchCriteria.jsp <form:form commandName="searchCriteria" method="post"> <table> <tr><td>Search Criteria</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><hr/></td></tr> <spring:hasBindErrors name="searchCriteria"> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div class="error">Please provide valid search criteria</div> </td></tr> </spring:hasBindErrors> <tr><td>First Name</td><td><form:input path="firstName" /></td></tr> <tr><td>Last Name</td><td><form:input path="lastName" /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><hr/></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" class="buttonBar"> <input type="hidden" name="_flowExecutionKey" value="${flowExecutionKey}"/> <input type="submit" class="button" name="_eventId_search" value="Search"/> </table> </form:form>
Views (continued) The "searchResults" view and the "details" view are very similar Example from the "details" view that uses an anchor to submit the "select" event in the detail-flow <a href="phonebook.htm? _flowExecutionKey=${flowExecutionKey}& _eventId=select& id=${}"> ${colleague.firstName} ${colleague.lastName}<br/> </a>
Actions So far Web Flows just navigate between pages
To do some actual processing in a Web Flow, we need actions Typical form processing: Pre-render logic: prepare form before display (load) Submit or postback logic: actions than need to be executed on submit (bind, validate) “Backing form object” object that will be edited in the form
Action interface An action is a Java class implementing the org.springframework.webflow.execution.Action interface public interface Action { public Event execute(RequestContext context) throws Exception; } Out-of-the-box action with HTML form handling functionality: org.springframework.webflow.action.FormAction
Action Execution Points
Action can be executed at the following points within the flow life cycle: On flow start On flow end On state enter On state exit Before transition
FormAction Functionality is similar to the Spring BaseCommandController Methods: setupForm() prepare the Spring form handling machinery to properly display the form bindAndValidate() bind incoming request parameters to the form backing object and validate them
Adding actions to enterCriteria state
<flow ...> .... <view-state id="enterCriteria" view="searchCriteria"> <render-actions> <action bean="formAction" method="setupForm"/> </render-actions> <transition on="search" to="displayResults"> <action bean="formAction" method="bindAndValidate"/> </transition> </view-state> ... <import resource="search-flow-beans.xml"/> </flow> Need to configure “formAction” bean in search-flow-beans.xml
formAction bean configuration
<beans xmlns=...> <bean id="formAction" class="org.springframework.webflow.action.FormAction"> <property name="formObjectClass" value="org.springframework. webflow.samples.phonebook.SearchCriteria"/> <property name="validator"> <bean class="org.springframework.webflow.samples. phonebook.SearchCriteriaValidator"/> </property> </bean> </beans> By default the form action will: store the form backing object in flow scope assign it a name based on the class name: "searchCriteria"
Next need to invoke service
Form backing object is configured! Next need to invoke service to perform the search!
Invoking service method
Spring Web Flow allows to directly call methods on any Spring managed bean from inside a Web Flow <view-state id="displayResults" view="searchResults"> <render-actions> <bean-action bean="phonebook" method="search"> <method-arguments> <argument expression="flowScope.searchCriteria"/> </method-arguments> <method-result name="results"/> </bean-action> </render-actions> <transition on="newSearch" to="enterCriteria"/> <transition on="select" to="...detail module..."/> </view-state>
Subflows While the subflow is active, execution of the parent flow session is suspended and the subflow handles all requests When the subflow reaches an end state, execution continues in the parent flow The event signalled to continue the parent flow is the id of the end state that was reached in the subflow
Sample application subflows
There are two modules: search module and a detail module Search flow will use the detail flow as a subflow to show person details Detail flow will also use itself as a subflow to show colleague details Detail flow is packaged as a reusable web application module can be reused easily
Subflow definition in search flow
<flow xmlns=...> ... <view-state id="displayResults" view="searchResults"> <transition on="select" to="browseDetails"/> </view-state> <subflow-state id="browseDetails" flow="detail-flow"> <attribute-mapper> <input-mapper> <mapping source="" target="id" from="string" to="long"/> </input-mapper> </attribute-mapper> <transition on="finish" to="displayResults"/> </subflow-state> </flow>
Detail flow definition
<flow xmlns=...> <input-mapper> <input-attribute name="id"/> </input-mapper> ... <view-state id="displayDetails" view="details"> <transition on="select" to="browseColleagueDetails" /> </view-state> <subflow-state id="browseColleagueDetails" flow="detail-flow"> <attribute-mapper><input-mapper> <mapping source="" target="id" from="string" to="long" /> </input-mapper></attribute-mapper> <transition on="finish" to="displayDetails" /> </subflow-state> </flow>
Attribute mapper Map model data from a parent flow to a subflow and back again Mapping data to the subflow happens before the subflow session is started Mapping data back is done when the subflow completes and the parent flow session resumes
Sample application COMPLETED!
Unit testing the flow execution
Spring Web Flow provides flow unit testing support classes This support includes Convenient base classes for implementing flow execution tests AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests Mock implementations of core Web Flow constructs such as the RequestContext to support unit testing flow artifacts such as Actions in isolation
Example: flow unit test
public class SearchFlowExecutionTests extends AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests { @Override protected FlowDefinitionResource getFlowDefinitionResource() { return createFlowDefinitionResource( "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/flows/search-flow.xml"); } public void testStartFlow() { ApplicationView view = applicationView(startFlow()); assertCurrentStateEquals("enterCriteria"); assertViewNameEquals("searchCriteria", view); assertModelAttributeNotNull("searchCriteria", view); ...
Spring IDE Web Flow Visualizer
The Spring IDE Web Flow support allows developers to edit XML-based flow definitions graphically Phonebook flow visualized with the Spring IDE Web Flow editor:
Spring IDE Web Flow Visualizer
Auto-complete for state identifiers
Spring IDE Web Flow Visualizer
Auto-complete for beans in web and application service layers
Conclusion Spring Web Flows important benefits:
capture the UI flow in a clear and easily readable way provide a consistent manner to model navigation throughout a web application handle all navigational control, making sure applications works correctly even when the user uses back/refresh allow to package a part of a web application as a self-contained, reusable module offer sophisticated state management, providing several new scopes for conversation related data
References Spring Web Flow Home
Spring Web Flow - A Practical Introduction Book “Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow” Spring IDE Web Flow Visualizer
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