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AMS304: Introduction to the ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) Framework Scott Hanselman Eilon Lipton Microsoft Microsoft

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Presentation on theme: "AMS304: Introduction to the ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) Framework Scott Hanselman Eilon Lipton Microsoft Microsoft"— Presentation transcript:

1 AMS304: Introduction to the ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC) Framework Scott Hanselman Eilon Lipton Microsoft Microsoft


3 Goodness Maintain Clean Separation of Concerns ● Easy Testing ● Red/Green TDD ● Highly maintainable applications by default Extensible and Pluggable ● Support replacing any component of the system

4 Goodness Enable clean URLs and HTML ● SEO and REST friendly URL structures Great integration within ASP.NET ● Support both static and dynamic languages

5 What’s the Point? This is not Web Forms 4.0 ● It’s about alternatives. Car vs. Motorcycle. Simple or as complex as you like ● Extend it, add IOC. Or not. If the shoe pinches, don’t wear it. Fundamental ● Part of System.Web and isn’t going anywhere. Plays Well With Others ● Feel free to use NHibernate for Models, Brail for Views and Whatever for Controllers. Be Happy.

6 MVC Model ControllerView

7 A Little More Detail Model Controller View Browser requests /Products/ Route is determined Controller is activated Method on Controller is invoke Controller does some stuff Renders View, passing in custom ViewData URLs are rendered, pointing to other Controllers

8 Even More Detail – Request Flow You can futz at each step in the process Request URL Routing Route Route Handler Http Handler Controller View Factory View Response

9 Demo – Hello MVC World Don’t fall asleep, it’ll be worth it.


11 Basic Controller Handling Scenarios, Goals and Design ● URLs route to controller “actions”, not pages – mark actions in Controller. ● Controller executes logic, chooses view. [ControllerAction] public void ShowPost(int id) { Post p = PostRepository.GetPostById(id); if (p != null) { RenderView("showpost", p); } else { RenderView("nosuchpost", id); }

12 Basic Views Scenarios, Goals and Design: ● Are for rendering/output. Pre-defined and extensible rendering helpers ● Can use.ASPX,.ASCX,.MASTER, etc. ● Can replace with other view technologies: Template engines (NVelocity, Brail, …). Output formats (images, RSS, JSON, …). Mock out for testing. ● Controller sets data on the View Loosely typed or strongly typed data

13 URL Routing – Pretty URIs Developers adds Routes to a global RouteTable Mapping creates a RouteData - a bag of key/values protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { RouteTable.Routes.Add(new Route { Url = "Blog/bydate/[year]/[month]/[day]", Defaults = new { controller="blog", action="showposts" }, Validation = new { year=@"\d{1,4}", month= @"\d{1,2}", day = @"\d{1,2}"} }); RouteTable.Routes.Add(new Route { Url = "[controller]/[action]/[id]", RouteHandler = typeof(MvcRouteHandler) }); }

14 Demo – Routing The route less travelled…


16 Interfaces and TDD Mockable Intrinsics ● IHttpContext, IHttpResponse, IHttpRequest Extensibility ● IController ● IControllerFactory ● IRouteHandler ● IView ● IViewFactory

17 Testing Controller Actions No requirement to mock out full ASP.NET runtime. [TestMethod] public void ShowPostsDisplayPostView() { TestPostRepository repository = new TestPostRepository(); TestViewFactory viewFactory = new TestViewFactory(); BlogController controller = new BlogController(…); controller.ShowPost(2); Assert.AreEqual("showpost", viewFactory.LastRequestedView); Assert.IsTrue(repository.GetPostByIdWasCalled); Assert.AreEqual(2, repository.LastRequestedPostId); }

18 Controller Factory Scenarios, Goals and Design: ● Hook creation of controller instance Dependency Injection. Object Interception. public interface IControllerFactory { IController CreateController(IHttpContext context, RouteData routeData, Type controllerType); } protected void Application_Start(object s, EventArgs e) { ControllerBuilder.Current.SetDefaultControllerFactory( typeof(MyControllerFactory)); }

19 View Factory Scenarios, Goals and Design: ● Mock out views for testing ● Replace ASPX with other technologies public interface IViewFactory { IView CreateView(IHttpContext context, RouteData routeData, string viewName, string layoutName, object viewData); } Inside controller class: ViewFactory = new XmlViewFactory(...); RenderView("foo", myData);

20 Demo – TDD Wasn’t this demo technically supposed to be first?

21 Demo – Dynamic Data Controls Not DDE. Scared you, didn’t I?

22 Demo – ImageGen It’s your thing. Do what you wanna do.

23 Demo – Ruby View Engine & Python Controller It’s a kinder, gentler Microsoft. No seriously. Hug?

24 Demo – XML-RPC SOAP is for dorks.

25 Conclusion This is not Web Forms 4.0 ● It’s about alternatives. Car vs. Motorcycle. Simple or as complex as you like ● Extend it, add IOC. Or not. If the shoe pinches, don’t wear it. Fundamental ● Part of System.Web and isn’t going anywhere. Plays Well With Others ● Feel free to use NHibernate for Models, Brail for Views and VB for Controllers. Be Happy.

26 Your Feedback is Important Please fill out a session evaluation form and either put them in the basket near the exit or drop them off at the conference registration desk. Thank you!

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