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How-to create relevant content that generates leads Jeff Gordon Director of Marketing emedia.

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Presentation on theme: "How-to create relevant content that generates leads Jeff Gordon Director of Marketing emedia."— Presentation transcript:

1 How-to create relevant content that generates leads Jeff Gordon Director of Marketing emedia

2 Setting the stage The principles of formulating an effective content marketing strategy for lead generation Provide an overview of the topics that have been trending during 2013 What collateral works best in different sectors

3 Lead generation & content How do we attract new customers today?

4 No-one would click on this ad. SELL TO ME! But driving leads isn’t easy

5 And even if they do… We can’t just assume this will do the trick.

6 Content is your carrot Lead generation is give and take: We want to know more about the prospect. They want something of value. So give it.

7 What is content? Information + Delivery

8 Information for lead generation Information has 5 main functions within B2B marketing: Educate and inform your audience Prove capability and status in your field Differentiate from your competitors Provide evidence you’ll fix problems Create confidence in your solution

9 Map your buying cycle Map your buying cycle and identify prospects’ positions in it. Target prospects within each zone… plan content production to fulfil stage-specific information needs. Identify need - Realisation Find solutions - Awareness Experience/Repurchase Evaluate solution - Consideration Force them to act - Decision Force them to act - Decision Purchase

10 Best content for lead generation Sells the problem (or opportunity) Proves you know what you’re talking about Shows their problem can be fixed (by you) Displays that you’re credible and different Demonstrates that you’re easy to deal with Secure credibility & acceptance Purchase Force them to act - Decision Force them to act - Decision Identify need - Realisation Find solutions - Awareness Evaluate solution - Consideration

11 What content is working in your sector?

12 Who are emedia? A leading global provider of business lead generation services. Strong subscriber engagement to deliver effective, asset- backed lead generation and awareness. 500,000+ business leads for customers each year in the UK. A division of Reed Business Information, one of Europe’s largest B2B publishers. Operating since 1999, providing advertising, content & lead generation services. Range of tailored services to provide turn-key lead generation. Reach 800,000+ UK professionals via permission-based subscriptions.

13 Information in your sector Within every sector there are nuances. People want their information in different formats, delivered on certain topics and at different times. We’re going to look at 4 areas to give you some insights into the trends that we’ve been seeing since the beginning of 2013. IT Marketing HR Business Finance Business Finance

14 IT Amongst IT professionals, the top areas of interest have been: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) & Mobile Device Management (MDM) Big Data Cloud IT Top performing assets 9 top reasons for making the move to mobile How is BYOD coping with Cyber Attacks? Report Make BYOD simple & secure - Best Practice Guide Secure your big data in 4 steps How Cloud & Mobile ruined your security plan How Tape & Cloud can work in harmony

15 Marketing Marketers have been increasingly looking at: Social Media Lead Generation Content Marketing Marketing Top performing assets The Magnificent 7 Social Media best practices 8 ways to grow your social eco- system The trends set to shape B2B content marketing in 2013 Essential marketing with Google Analytics & Google Adwords Lead generation with webinars and whitepapers The big potential of Big Data: key marketing trends

16 Finance During 2013 in the Finance sector, they’ve been reading: HMRC changes Field Service Solutions Sage Business Finance Business Finance Top performing assets Business Intelligence: Good performance indicators The 8 Attributes of Successful FDs The 7 Secrets of KPIs How Sage 200 helps with sales and marketing How To Help Clients Prepare For Auto Enrolment Preventing the Black Hole of lost data

17 HR HR workers have been interested in: Mobile recruitment & the use of social media Performance Management Payroll HR Top performing assets How to make Social Media & Mobile Recruitment work for you Sourcing talent on the move? Top Mobile Recruitment trends The 5 faces your managers see during performance appraisals Attracting, developing & retaining leaders Free employers guide to Bank Holidays & Payment in Lieu of Notice

18 Similar themes? So have you picked up any themes in there? Even though these are completely separate sectors, with very little cross-over in readership, we can pick up patterns: Multi-sector, broad issues (Zeitgeist) Sector-specific issues Measuring & improving what you’ve got

19 Content and collateral

20 Delivery method What collateral types work best for lead generation in your sector? Answer: The one that displays the information in the most engaging, logical manner and at the right time.

21 Asset types that fit your funnel Realisation identify need Awareness seek solutions Consideration evaluate solutions Decision Purchase Case studies Testimonials Press releases Product comparisons Price matrixes How-to guides Whitepapers Webinars & Video Product guides Demonstrations Infographics Articles & newsletters Market guides Blogs

22 It’s not a science How-to/Best Practice Guides - 2 approaches: Full-length piece that details what your saying with evidence Provide a summary piece that show’s top-level insights Data - Graphical is always better. Stats in text should only be bulleted in a summary. Highlight key findings with small infographics Advice - blogs and talking head video are the best way to spread your latest golden nuggets Product guides - online presentation tools are a great resource to warm ahead of a more detailed product spec

23 Planning and producing your assets There are 3 common hurdles to creating great assets: ‘I haven’t got the time.’ ‘I don’t have the resources.’ ‘My website already has enough content.’ Generate ideas, involving those outside your silo Create a structured wireframe plan Amend, share internally and develop Use a trusted writer/producer (internal or external) Use creative design to present the information interestingly To get over them, take a logical path to developing your assets:

24 Future challenges What are the future challenges to content marketing? Getting it seen/heard Personalisation Nurturing

25 Summary Key takeaways: Lead Generation is the top goal for Content Marketing Map your buying cycle before you produce content Information lends itself to certain collateral types Asset titles are key - be relevant and on-trend 3 main information themes for lead generation Asset types needs to match your buying cycle

26 Come and see us If you’ve any further question, come and see us in the exhibition area and we’ll try to help! We’re on stand 10. Contact us after the event: 0207 098 2200

27 accelerated lead generation emedia is a division of Reed Business Information Limited, part of the Reed Elsevier Group plc. Reed Business Information Limited is a company registered in England & Wales. Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey. SM2 5AS. Company Number: 151537 VAT Number: GB 235 7235 65 Contact: +44 (0)207 098 2200 30 Farringdon Street London EC4A 4HH

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