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’ Apostrophes Simplified. Uses of the Apostrophe 1.To show possession. 2.To show that a letter is missing. 3.To show, in some cases, that a word is plural.

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Presentation on theme: "’ Apostrophes Simplified. Uses of the Apostrophe 1.To show possession. 2.To show that a letter is missing. 3.To show, in some cases, that a word is plural."— Presentation transcript:

1 ’ Apostrophes Simplified

2 Uses of the Apostrophe 1.To show possession. 2.To show that a letter is missing. 3.To show, in some cases, that a word is plural.


4 Showing Possession When it is clear that a word is possessive, then an apostrophe is required, as in the following sentences: This is Maria’s room. David went to a boys’ school. The women’s department is on the second floor.

5 Showing Possession The placement of the apostrophe is cause for much confusion. However, the principle is simple. Let us use the phrase “The boys room” as an example. Clearly, the room belongs to either one boy, or to two boys. Since there are no context clues, it is impossible to know precisely which. An apostrophe will clarify the meaning. If the room belongs to one boy, then the apostrophe goes after the singular word boy. If the room is shared by two or more boys, the apostrophe goes after the plural word boys. The boy’s room.-Belongs to just one boy. The boys’ room.-Belongs to at least two boys. As you can see, it is now clear how many boys own the room.

6 Showing Possession The general principle is this: Words that take an apostrophe do so after the singular or after the plural form of the word, as the case may be.

7 I went to a boys school. ’ I stole the boys hat. ’ Brief Review: He stole the childrens hearts. ’

8 The One Ziz Rule Plural words that end in an “s” or a “z” sound will drop the additional “s” in certain circumstances. I call this “the one ziz rule.” A word that ends “ziz-ziz” just sounds stupid. Jesus’ sandals, NOTJesus’s sandals. Moses’ loin cloth NOTMoses’s loin cloth. St. James’s Palace NOTSt. James’ Palace.

9 Quick Quiz 1.The childrens department is upstairs. 2.My daughter attended a girls conference in New York. 3.The [one] dogs kennel is outside. 4.The Students Union is on the east side of campus. 5.My uncle is recuperating at the Veterans Hospital in Indianapolis. 6.Have you noticed Jennifers acne? 7.My grandmother attended the Worlds Fair in 1932. 8.The teams winning streak was short-lived. 9.My mother attends the Peoples Church. 10.The [two] girls room is at the end of the hall.

10 Quick Quiz—Answer Key 1.The children’s department is upstairs. 2.My daughter attended a girls’ conference in New York. 3.The [one] dog’s kennel is outside. 4.The Students’ Union is on the east side of campus. 5.My uncle is recuperating at the Veterans’ Hospital in Indianapolis. 6.Have you noticed Jennifer’s acne? 7.My grandmother attended the World’s Fair in 1932. 8.The team’s winning streak was short-lived. 9.My mother attends the People’s Church. 10.The [two] girls’ room is at the end of the hall.

11 2. Showing Missing Letters

12 Showing Missing Letters An apostrophe indicates that letters are missing from a contraction, as follows: it’s-it is-“i” is missing from is didn’t-did not -“o” is missing from not could’ve-could have-“ha” is missing won’t-will not-God only knows can’t-cannot-“no” is missing e’en-even-“v” is missing and so on.

13 3. Showing Plurals

14 Showing Plurals Apostrophes also show that words (usually numbers of one sort or another) are plural, although this usage is falling out of fashion. It is still seen from time to time but is now considered unnecessary and in MLA Format should be omitted. During the 1960’s, I lived in Ontario.

15 Uses of the Apostrophe You now know all you need to about the uses of the apostrophe. Remember, it shows (a) possession, (b) omission in contractions, and (c) certain types of plural. The following rule of thumb is a good one where the apostrophe is concerned: “If in doubt, leave it out.”

16 Painting by David Shevlino PowerPoint Presentation by Mark A. Spalding, BA, MEd, MA The End

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