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Science 8 – Mix & Flow of Matter October 14, 2014.

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1 Science 8 – Mix & Flow of Matter October 14, 2014

2 So far….. -Fluids – anything that ___________ and comes to rest with a ___________ surface. -WHMIS symbols – recognize them and more importantly know what to do to keep yourself safe when you see one -Classification of Matter into: Mixtures and Pure Substances and then more classification of mixtures into heterogeneous and homogeneous and pure substances into elements and compounds. -The ones that are hardest to tell apart are: _______________________ from _______________________. - _____________________ have definite properties that don’t change unless the substance is not pure. Ex. Water boils at exactly 100°C at sea level and it freezes at 0°C or it is NOT pure water – it has something else in it. -Solubility – If something dissolves in water it is _________________ in water. If I wanted to dissolve a pill in water for a child to drink the fastest way to do it would be to: (3 ways)__________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

3 -Solutions can be described as: -___________ ____________ - more solute can be dissolved in the solvent -_______________________ - the maximum amount of solute is dissolved at a specific temperature -_______________________ - an extra amount is dissolved in the solvent by manipulating conditions such as pressure or temperature – Ex. Carbon dioxide in pop – it is dissolved or forced in under pressure -Particle Theory of Matter – there are _______ points that are part of this model and it explains how substances in our world behave: -Ex. Why air works in bike tires _________________________________ -Why some substances are able to be dissolved in water or other solvents and some can’t ___________________________ -Why hot molasses will flow faster than cold molasses ______________________________________ -Flow Rate of fluids – refers to how fast they flow. Units can be ___________ or ___________. -The higher the flow rate of a fluid the __________________ its viscosity. -Viscosity is a fluids _____________________ to flow. -The higher the temperature of a fluid the _________________ the flow rate and _________________ the viscosity.

4 New Outcomes: 1)Describe examples in which materials are prepared as fluids in order to facilitate transport, processing or use. As you watch the videos complete the chart below: Video – TitleWhat I Learned About Oil ProcessingWhat is the bias of the video? Promotion of Tar Sands, Discouraging Tar Sand Development or neither.

5 Can you think of any other examples where fluids are manipulated for processing or human use??? -Ex. Tooth mold for retainers, braces VISCOSITY Most oils on the shelves today are "Multigrades", which simply means that the oil falls into 2 viscosity grades (i.e. 10w-40 etc) Multigrades were first developed some 50 years ago to avoid the old routine of using a thinner oil in winter and a thicker oil in summer. In a 10w-40 for example the 10w bit (W = winter, not weight or watt or anything else for that matter) simply means that the oil must have a certain maximum viscosity/flow at low temperature. The lower the "W" number the better the oil's cold temperature/cold start performance. The 40 in a 10w-40 simply means that the oil must fall within certain viscosity limits at 100°C. This is a fixed limit and all oils that end in 40 must achieve these limits. Once again the lower the number, the thinner the oil: a 30 oil is thinner than a 40 oil at 100°C etc. Your handbook will specify whether a 30, 40 or 50 etc is required.

6 LiquidVolumeMass (remember to subtract cylinder) Water50.0 mL Alcohol50.0 mL Vegetable Oil50.0 mL

7 Assignment: Read topic 5 in textbook – pages 50 – 58 Once you are done reading this topic you can do the Find Out Activity on page 58 – What is the Density of a Pencil? Complete the activity and show calculations below: Answer question 1 – (What did you find out) and do the extension and show work below for your object. Complete question 4 on page 58 – Copy and complete the chart below.

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