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Formula 1 Introductions Jean Ghadiri Oakton Community College Fall 2008.

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1 Formula 1 Introductions Jean Ghadiri Oakton Community College Fall 2008

2 Formula 1 Racing on Youtube  Renault Formula 1 Racer:  eItfCY eItfCY  Formula 1 Racer vs F-14 Fighter Jet  wxPw1Q&feature=related wxPw1Q&feature=related  Real Formula 1 Racing  B1Rg00

3 Writing a High-powered Introduction. Use these parts: 1. Key word 2. Hook 3. Delivery Strategy 4. Connector 5. Thesis Statement

4 Step 1: Choose keywords.  The keywords must be in the prompt, your title, and your thesis statement.  They should be nouns or a noun phrase that represents the topic of your essay.  Other word forms and synonyms are an advantage.

5 Choosing Keywords Example Prompt: Should men and women live together in co-ed college dormitories?  Highlight the important words.  Choose two or three that are crucial to the argument.  Make a noun phrase with your keywords. You will repeat it in other forms many times as you write your essay.

6 Step 2: Use the keywords to write a thesis statement.  Your thesis is your opinion.  It must answer the prompt.  It should include your keywords. Possible thesis: 1. Men and women should live together in co-ed dorms. 2. Men and women should not live together in co-ed dorms.

7 Step 3: Use the keywords to write a “hook” sentence.  The purpose of the “hook” is to get the reader’s attention.  The “hook” sentence should be interesting, provocative, or controversial.  You can also use a startling fact, a question, or a quotation as a “hook.”

8 Sample hooks: Example Prompt: Should men and women live together in co-ed college dormitories?  My high school dream was to live in a co-ed college dorm.  Finding out I was assigned to a co-ed dorm my freshman year of college was mind- blowing.  When I walked into my co-ed college dorm, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Do co-ed dorms promote pre-marital sex?

9 Step 4: Follow the “hook” with a delivery strategy. Choose a tactic to “deliver” your thesis to the reader.  An incident or brief story  A description  A brief history  An opposite point of view  An analogy  Background information

10 Background Information Some books call this strategy “general to specific.” You can ease your reader into your topic by providing a background for it. My high school dream was to live in a co-ed college dorm. A dorm provides an important backdrop for the college experience. Not only do students eat, sleep and study there, but they also form important social relationships. The social framework established in the dorm can support the student’s social life in many important ways.

11 Stories appeal to a reader’s curiosity. It could be something that happened to you, something you’ve heard about, or something you read about in a newspaper or magazine. Finding out I was assigned to a co-ed dorm my freshman year of college was mind-blowing. When I opened the letter with my room assignment, I couldn’t believe it. I called my brother and all of my friends and told them about my golden opportunity. There were going to be girls living on my floor! My imagination ran wild.

12 A Brief Description When I walked into my co-ed college dorm, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were girls everywhere. I walked up the stairs, following a curvy dark- haired beauty in a denim skirt. In the hall, I passed a tall leggy blonde in tight jeans and a red sweater vest. In the room next to mine, there were two cute friendly brunettes who asked me if I needed any help. I was surrounded by girls.

13 An Opposite Point of View Do co-ed dorms promote pre- marital sex? Some people believe they do. They think that the temptation of seeing the opposite sex in the next room every day is too much for young people to bear. They worry that their son or daughter may become too intimate with their dorm mates, and that this intimacy will lead to promiscuity.

14 Step 5: Add a Connector  The connector should lead smoothly from the delivery strategy to the thesis statement.  It can be a sentence, a phrase, a clause, or a question.

15 Step 6: Add your Thesis Statement End your introduction with your thesis statement.  You must take a clear stand on the issue.  Be sure to state your opinion directly.  Be sure to answer the prompt.

16 Complete Introduction: Background Information My high school dream was to live in a co-ed college dorm. A dorm provides an important backdrop for the college experience. Not only do students eat, sleep and study there, but they also form important social relationships. The social framework established in the dorm can support the student’s college life in many important ways. There are several reasons why men and should live together in co-ed college dorms.

17 Complete Introduction: Story or Brief Incident Finding out I was assigned to a co-ed dorm my freshman year of college was mind- blowing. When I opened the letter with my room assignment, I couldn’t believe it. I called my brother and all of my friends and told them about my golden opportunity. There were going to be girls living on my floor! My imagination ran wild. Did the experience live up to my expectations? There are several reasons why I believe men and women should live in co-ed dorms.

18 Complete Introduction: A Brief Description When I walked into my co-ed college dorm, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were girls everywhere. I walked up the stairs, following a curvy dark-haired beauty in a denim skirt. In the hall, I passed a tall leggy blonde in tight jeans and a red sweater vest. In the room next to mine, there were two cute friendly brunettes who asked me if I needed any help. I was surrounded by girls. Little did I know how distracting this environment could be. Men and women should not live together in co-ed dorms.

19 Complete Introduction: An Opposite Point of View Do co-ed dorms promote pre-marital sex? Some people believe they do. They think that the temptation of seeing the opposite sex in the next room every day is too much for young people to bear. They worry that their son or daughter may become too intimate with their dorm mates, and that this intimacy will lead to promiscuity. Although I understand their concern, I believe that men and women should live together in co-ed dorms.

20 Together, these parts make a formula one introduction. 1. Key word 2. Hook 3. Delivery Strategy 4. Connector 5. Thesis Statement

21 For more information:   say/intro.html say/intro.html  e-introduction-essay.html e-introduction-essay.html  ts/introductions.html ts/introductions.html

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