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Michelangelo 1475-1564 Born in Caprese near Arezzo, today Caprese Michelangelo 1488 apprenticed to Domenico del Ghirlandaio for 3 years 1489-1490 continued.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelangelo 1475-1564 Born in Caprese near Arezzo, today Caprese Michelangelo 1488 apprenticed to Domenico del Ghirlandaio for 3 years 1489-1490 continued."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelangelo 1475-1564 Born in Caprese near Arezzo, today Caprese Michelangelo 1488 apprenticed to Domenico del Ghirlandaio for 3 years 1489-1490 continued his studies in the Medici garden museum, near San Marco Became friend of Lorenzo de Medici

2 1492 - 1505 8th April 1492 death of Lorenzo, Michelangelo returns home Later was asked by Lorenzos elder son, Piero, to live in Casa de Medici and work for him 1494 left for Venice and Bologna Piero was expelled from Florence

3 1495 went back to Florence 1496 – 1501 Rome under the patronage of Cardinal Riario 1497 – went to Carrara for the first time to quarry marble for the Pieta 1501- returned to Florence now a Republic Piccolomini commissions statues for altar of Sienas cathedral Commissioned by Pope Julius II, 12 statues of Apostles for S.M. del Fiore

4 1505 – 1520 1505-8 Summoned to Rome by Julius II and commissioned to build his tomb. Julius then commissioned him to paint the vault of the Sistine Chapel (unveiled 1512) 1512 – The Medici return to Florence 1513 – Leo X (second son of Lorenzo) becomes pope Contract from Pope for facade of San Lorenzo and again for Julius II tomb 1520 Plans for the Medici Chapels/ New Sacristy

5 1521 - 1530 Leo X dies in 1521 and is succeeded by Clement VII, Giulianos son, in 1523 M works on Medici tombs, New sacristy, Laurentian library 1527-29 –Sack of Rome by Imperial troops Medici expelled from Florence Nove della Militizia governor of the fortificationsMichelangelo elected to the Nove della Militizia and governor of the fortifications 1530 – capitulation of Republic. M pardoned by Pope Clement VII1530 – capitulation of Republic. M pardoned by Pope Clement VII

6 Masterpieces of this period DavidDavid (symbol of young Florentine Republic) Tondo DoniTondo Doni, now in the Uffizi Battle of CascinaCartoon for the Battle of Cascina in competition with Leonardo in the salone de Cinquecento, Palazzo Vecchio (Never found) slaves4 Florentine slaves New Sacristy, Laurentian LibraryNew Sacristy, Laurentian Library with staircase

7 1534-1564 1534 – went to live in Rome for good 1535 appointed chief sculptor, painter and architect of Pope Paul III, protagonist of the Counter-reformation Last Judgement1536 - 1541 painted Last Judgement Rondanini PietàWorked as chief architect of St. Peters and on the Rondanini Pietà Died in 1564

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