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Spain’s Empire in the Americas

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1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
S E C T I O N 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas HOME KEY IDEA Throughout the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish conquered Central and portions of North America. OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT

2 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
S E C T I O N 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas HOME OVERVIEW MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW Throughout the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish conquered Central and portions of North America. Spanish language, religion, and architecture continue to influence the Americas. TERMS & NAMES • conquistador • New Spain • encomienda • Juan Ponce de León • Hernándo Cortés • mestizo • Popé • New Mexico ASSESSMENT

3 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
S E C T I O N 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas HOME ASSESSMENT 1. Look at the graphic to help organize your thoughts. List four events related to the fact that Spain established a profitable empire in the Americas. Spain established a profitable empire in the Americas. Spaniards established the encomienda system. Cortés conquers the Aztec. Spain took gold and silver from Mexico. Many natives died from disease. continued . . .

4 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
S E C T I O N 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas HOME ASSESSMENT 2. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? “The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, which led to the creation of Mexico, was neither a triumph nor a defeat.” Think About: • the actions of the conquistadors • the effects of disease on the native peoples • the encomienda system • the mestizo population in Mexico today ANSWER Agree: Mexico today has a large mestizo population, reflecting mixed Spanish and native heritage. Disagree: As a result of the conquest, native people were depleted by disease and subjugated under a harsh labor system. They had little choice but to submit to Spanish influence. continued . . .

5 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
S E C T I O N 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas HOME ASSESSMENT 3. State three main ideas about the Spaniards’ exploration and settlement north of Mexico and their interaction with Native Americans there. ANSWER Early Spanish explorers failed to find much gold north of Mexico, so settlement was limited to far-flung missions and defensive outposts. Spanish missionaries provided Native Americans with material goods, education, and protection but sometimes abused them and suppressed their culture. Some Native Americans converted to Christianity, but others resisted violently. continued . . .

6 Spain’s Empire in the Americas
S E C T I O N 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas HOME ASSESSMENT 4. What can you infer from the fact that approximately 17,000 Native Americans from all over New Mexico took part in Popé’s rebellion? ANSWER The Native Americans were well organized. The Spanish priests had alienated a large number of Native Americans during the previous decades. End of Section 1

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